View Full Version : Battlestar Galactica: Blood & Chrome (tv series)

21-Mar-2012, 10:26 AM


Blood And Chrome was originally mooted in 2010 as a series of webisodes a la The Resistance, The Face of the Enemy and the Razor Flashbacks, beforeSyFy opted to give it the full works. It's set between Caprica and BSG, in the tenth year of the first war with the Cylons, and focuses on a young William Adama (known to us currently as the craggy Edward James Olmos), just out of the Academy, getting his first commission in the Colonial fleet, aboard the brand new Galactica. The pilot sees him undertaking a top secret mission. The clip might suggest that it's on a Hoth-like ice planet...

Producer David Eick says that "Blood And Chrome will return us to the authentic, relentless depiction of combat and the agony and ecstasy of human-Cylon war, which was the hallmark of Battlestar Galactica's early seasons, while maintaining the themes of politics, social propaganda, and the timeless question: what does it mean to be human?"

BSG guru Ron Moore doesn't seem to be directly involved, but series regulars Eick, Michael Taylor, Bradley Thompson and David Weddle (who once wrote a very good book on Sam Peckinpah, don'tcha know) have all had a hand in the new story. Nico Cortez played Young Adama in the webisodes, but here the role has gone to Luke Pasqualino, from The Borgias and Skins.

21-Mar-2012, 12:52 PM
I might watch it if I'm bored one day in the future - but I have to ask, what's the point? We already know what happens. Unless the producers are going to pull a Quentin Tarantino and re-write history or set up some "parallel history" like the new Trek I don't really understand the purpose of this.

When BSG starts making new episodes or episodes set after the original series - then I'll be interested.


21-Mar-2012, 02:17 PM
Sure there's still plenty of room for stories in "what we already know" :)