View Full Version : Amazing footage of an Apache crash in Afghanistan

23-Mar-2012, 10:44 AM
..and no one died!



23-Mar-2012, 10:57 AM

Blimey, it's a gnarly near-miss, then a seemingly not-so-bad ground skim, but then you see it in the distance spinning all over the place in the air at a crazy angle. :stunned:

Saw a similar incident elsewhere online. I think it was for some documentary being filmed somewhere in Europe, and a chopper crashed on-camera ... can't remember exactly, but it was a video that found a bit of viral fame a couple of weeks back.

23-Mar-2012, 11:55 AM
When it hits the snow, I was confused why he didn't drop the power right off, but I've just noticed all the people in his way. He clearly throttled the thing right up to leap over them, resulting in the thing spinning through the air!

Brave stuff!

And did you notice the guy(s) having to leap out of the way when it hit the ground? (Look bottom right)


23-Mar-2012, 02:18 PM
Scary stuff! One of the worst I've seen is that Russian helicopter which is hovering over the Chernobyl reactor during the firefighting efforts, it clips a cable and just spins out of control. I'm assuming the crew was killed outright, but the poor sods would have been exposed to lethal levels of radiation even if they had survived it :eek:

23-Mar-2012, 02:43 PM
^^ I remember that!

23-Mar-2012, 04:25 PM
Quick, someone check up the pilot's ass for lucky horseshoes!!!

23-Mar-2012, 06:59 PM
^^ I remember that!
