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View Full Version : Casa de mi Padre.

23-Mar-2012, 11:48 PM
I had been wondering why its opening weekend it wasn't being shown on many screens, none of which were near here. I saw today it was playing at one here now, so we packed up some kids and saw it.
I now understand why.
I will say I personally enjoyed it. I was also semi baked.
Being in the style of the overly dramatic telenovella, I thought my Salvadorean wife might dig it.
She was not entertained, and mentioned wanting to cry a few times.
All the white people came out grumbling about how lame it was.
It's definitely a one time viewing experience.
Be forewarned: you will probably be groaning into your hands as much, if not more than, as you'd be laughing.
Turn your brain off, and your funny bone up.

23-Mar-2012, 11:51 PM
No way in hell will I pay to see this. Farrell's shtick has run it's course and now he's looking to other languages to be funny? Reminds me of Jack Black and Nacho Libre. Even trying to fake other languages, you're still not funny. Now go away.

24-Mar-2012, 12:13 AM
Now go away.
And don't come back until Stepbrothers 2 is in the can...
I dunno, but I liked him in Everything Must Go. My personal least favorite movie of his is Talladega Nights. I totally do not get that movie.