View Full Version : Guns and Zombies...help?

30-Mar-2012, 07:43 PM
I run a gun website; I also happen to be a huge Zombie fan.

I need a bit of input from the forum if anyone is willing:

I need to know what sucks, what doesn't; what needs to be added for the zombie section of my website.

If the post is in the section it involves zombies, even if it doesn't seem like it.

I would love to hear comments on making it a better user experience for other zombie fans...

my email is info@netgunsmith.com

The website is www.netgunsmith.com

The zombie specific category is at: http://www.netgunsmith.com/category/zombies/

Please, any constructive criticism helps. Hope you enjoy it.

31-Mar-2012, 07:36 PM
The zombie section of the site doesn't appear to have anything to do with zombies. It has politics, product recalls, interviews etc.

What you should do is have articles that specifically apply to zombie killing or zombie apocalypse preperations. You know stuff like "Is a 12 ga really the best house gun for when the dead walk?" or "Bigger isn't better during the Zombpocalypse". Have some fictional (or maybe not so fictional) Burt Gummer type who is a "zombie consultant" write the articles as if he is giving prep advice or actually in the apocalypse. IMO don't make him some ex-military delta navy seal ranger swat type as that cliche has been done to death. Just make him a normal 9-5 job Joe that has had to adapt from the situation and share with the reader what he has learned.

IMO the blog single style type of sites are fine if the column doesn't go on for more than 2 screens, past that it becomes articles become lost to the reader if they decide to come back later and new articles have been stacked on it. Adding a listing of links of the topic titles in a seperate column to the right makes it easier to find out what is new and find old articles of interest.

That's my 2 cents.

31-Mar-2012, 09:34 PM
maybe add a section on the the gun laws of different states. like which ones you are allowed to carry concealed handguns on your person if you get a permit. the state i live in (ohio) has some of the most gun friendly laws in the country. i have a concealed carry permit (no, i usually do NOT carry a gun on my person - i mostly have it for when i go target shooting i can simply carry the gun on my person without jumping through any hoops), so it is perfectly legal for me to carry a handgun around not only on my person but also concealed in my car, particularly in the center console right where you can get to it easy. other states aren't so accepting of our natural right to defend ourselves and responsibly carry guns.

i only throw this out there because in a state like ohio, people would have an advantage because they could already be armed in public and wouldn't need to be searching for a weapon to use.

01-Apr-2012, 05:44 AM
Firstly, thank you for taking the time. Your advice is something that will help sculpt the section in the future.

I have already started some of the changes to make it more zombie specific.

As for the posts seemingly having nothing to do with zombies, there is a definite mention of Zombies in each of the posts currently in the section, OR the posts showcase an item or idea that is distinctly Zombie related.

That said, very specific zombie articles and information will be more commonplace in the future.

As for the specific ideas for articles, I will be putting something together this week and I'll update this post when I add to the website to reflect a major change to the section.

You have both been immensely helpful. Thanks you. I'd love to have you back again on the website in a few days when I revamp the section.

Christopher Jon
01-Apr-2012, 12:00 PM
A 9mm sidearm and this...


01-Apr-2012, 12:45 PM
A 9mm sidearm and this...


i feel stupid for asking this, esp. considering where i work (but give me a break i'm in the Winery Bureau), but i thought shotguns for civilian use were limited to 4 shells if they were pump action/automatic.

check that- i've found that answer already. like i said, i'm having a "duh" moment.

Christopher Jon
01-Apr-2012, 03:56 PM
like i said, i'm having a "duh" moment.
that is the story of my life.

btw, what are the regulations for civilians and shotguns?

01-Apr-2012, 04:29 PM
that is the story of my life.

btw, what are the regulations for civilians and shotguns?

there aren't any anymore since the expiration of the assault weapons ban. the efforts to renew it on the federal level have been met with futility. there are several powerful, key states (like ohio and texas) that are dead set against any vote ever reaching the floor of the senate again. it is mostly the pussy ass states in the northeast (like mass, CT, NJ, and NY) that want this renewed or repassed. it has been defeated several times once by an 8-90 vote in the senate.

for some reason i had a 4 round limit stuck in my head and now i know why: that's how many shells my semi-auto shotgun holds.

then again, i work in the winery bureau and deal with looking at frikking reports of what is in wine and dealing with asshat winery owners that don't want to pony up their excise taxes. like i said, i may wander over into the firearms section tomorrow and ask a few questions. at least i don't have to deal with the smuggling that goes on in the tobacco industry, which is immense and damn near unbelievable sometimes.

01-Apr-2012, 05:05 PM
that is the story of my life.

btw, what are the regulations for civilians and shotguns?

There ARE some regulations at the federal level, but other than that, there are very few areas/states/municipalities that enforce specific regulation on shotguns (Chicago, D.C., NYC, and a few others are good examples).

In the article on the zombie page listed above there is a Shotgun article which touches on some of the regulation for Shotguns specifically including a minimum 18" barrel from chamber opening to muzzle end; 26" minimum Overall length.

Additionally there is an article about the Benelli USA made M4 shotgun (an AWESOME zombie gun) somewhere in the archives at my site; it talks about the legalities regarding imported parts or imported weapons, which could impose a 5 shot magazine restriction on shotguns, amongst other restrictions.

Most importantly: the state and local laws are incredibly convoluted and vary widely from state to state, so you would need to make sure in your area that you are within compliance. For instance in some states you can hunt with 4 rounds, whereas other states require you to hunt with a block in your magazine which only allows 2 or 3 shells.