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View Full Version : Falling Skies season 2 sneak peak

05-Apr-2012, 11:38 PM

well. it certainly looks like all the 'its boring and needs more action' complaints were took to heart by the producers no?

i thought the first season was a good premise but a awfully dull execution. hopefully it will pick up and maybe make it over the 2 season cancellation hump most genre tv suffers from.

10-Apr-2012, 04:32 AM
I would totally agree with you on the desire to see this series go beyond a 2nd season. I also have heard a lot of the complaints from similar viewers about how the show was a lot of drawn out drama with very little action. Honestly, that didn't really bother me very much. I tried to remind myself about the atmosphere of the show, being that the few survivors left after the aliens initial onslaught really had no real way of taking the aliens on in stand up battle.

Considering the most powerful weapon that they had at their disposal was a .50 cal mounted technical, I didn't find it all that unbelievable that they spent most of the first season hiding away. It was also pointed out in the first few minutes of the first episode that the only thing they had that could take out the aliens' fighting mechs were rocket launchers or very heavy demolitions, but in doing saw brought the full wrath of the invaders airforce down on top of them in no time.

It wasn't until the last episode that the human resistance finally figured out a way to bring down one the alien's mechs with small arms fire, and it was also the first known time that they had ever brought down one of their fighters. So now that they've got a little more know how on effectively hitting the aliens back, I can picture that the second season will have (hopefully) a lot more extraterrestrial bug stomping.

We'll find out in June.

10-Apr-2012, 08:23 AM
I might give this a go to see if its improved but I wasnt impressed with the first season, lots of big poignant speeches and dialogue which seemed totally unrealistic, and lots of all American chest beating, and a load of typical Spielberg sickeningly sweet family values type nonsense in the mix too. I'm all for drama such as in Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead, but not when it seems forced and far removed from the type of conversations and reactions that real people have like in Falling Skies

10-Apr-2012, 10:45 AM
I thought I heard this series was cancelled after the first season?

I've been meaning to watch it, but just haven't been able to force myself to do so...

10-Apr-2012, 12:14 PM
Teaser is awesome. Good sharing.

10-Apr-2012, 03:30 PM
Looking forward to it.

11-Apr-2012, 03:01 PM
I have always liked the show....but it is nice to see that the action is improving!