View Full Version : Iron Man 3 (film)

10-Apr-2012, 10:12 AM
Ben Kingsley to be villain?


10-Apr-2012, 10:38 AM
Interesting possible villain choice.

I'm much more excited for this third installment than I was for the previous two. As we all know, Shane Black is an excellent writer for action and comedy but his directorial debut, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was a fantastic film, imo. One of my favorites, actually.

I really hope Marvel trusts in Downey's choice and allows Black to make the film that he intends to make. This could really be a big break for him.

10-Apr-2012, 03:30 PM
Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by the first two ones?

10-Apr-2012, 04:03 PM
I really enjoyed the first film (although 2008 was the year of The Dark Knight for me, personally), and was super excited for the second movie (kick arse trailer, replete with AC/DC on the soundtrack) ... and then the second film was lame ... rather hoping IM3 (with Shane Black, ho-yeah!) can bring things back to snuff. KKBB was a kick arse flick, so hopefully he can bring his skill to IM3. :)

10-Apr-2012, 04:25 PM
Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by the first two ones?

Dunno, I thought the 1st film was about as good as could be done for an Iron Man film and was a great Summer flick. The follow up was pretty good, as well and met my expectations.

10-Apr-2012, 05:34 PM
Am I the only one who wasn't blown away by the first two ones?

I mentioned that in my earlier post. The first two were okay for your usual summber blockbuster movies, but they never really left me with a lasting impression. That being said, I actually enjoyed the second film more than the first.

10-Apr-2012, 06:12 PM
I actually enjoyed the second film more than the first.

Interesting. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else claim that (not that I've been tracking opinions on the matter). I had hoped things would come together for the second one, but as it turned out it was passable, but not really memorable, for me. If it wasn't for Robert Downey Jr. I don't think they could have pulled the films off to any degree, he just fits.

10-Apr-2012, 06:56 PM
Interesting. I don't think I've ever heard anyone else claim that (not that I've been tracking opinions on the matter). I had hoped things would come together for the second one, but as it turned out it was passable, but not really memorable, for me. If it wasn't for Robert Downey Jr. I don't think they could have pulled the films off to any degree, he just fits.

Downey is definitely the selling point of these films. He has an undeniable chemistry....well...with himself. :lol:

I think I prefer the second film because it didn't take itself too seriously and embraced the fact that it was nothing more than a summer romp. It's just wall-to-wall laughs and adventure. The first film, while a decent film, seems like they thought it was more important than it actually was. At certain times it tries to get too serious and it just doesn't seem to work for me.

20-Apr-2012, 10:18 PM
...and Guy Pearce?


23-Oct-2012, 12:42 PM


23-Oct-2012, 12:49 PM
Looks a bit darker in tone than I expected. Still very excited to see what Shane Black can do with the franchise. I'm looking forward to this installment more than any other in the Marvel Universe.

23-Oct-2012, 06:08 PM
Looks very interesting indeed - pretty epic. Like Bassman, I'm looking forward to what Shane Black's going to deliver (Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was excellent). Interesting that they're going for a darker, more epic feel to the trailer as well - gone is the hard rock bravado of Iron Man 2's kick arse trailer replete with AC/DC (shame the movie wasn't equally as kick arse, mind).

23-Oct-2012, 06:12 PM
Looks good.

Against all my expectations, I enjoyed the first two, with No1 being especially good. So, I'll be looking forward to this one.

23-Oct-2012, 06:32 PM
Looks good.

Against all my expectations, I enjoyed the first two, with No1 being especially good. So, I'll be looking forward to this one.

Boomarked for later inclusion in the hpotd hall of fame! :D

Should be interesting how things come together for the third film. If I'm on target with my thinking some of the elements their borrowing from different story arcs could work very well together.

23-Oct-2012, 09:23 PM
Looks good.

Against all my expectations, I enjoyed the first two, with No1 being especially good. So, I'll be looking forward to this one.

Boomarked for later inclusion in the hpotd hall of fame! :D







24-Oct-2012, 03:19 AM
the 3rd one's the charm i'm hoping. if robert downey jr. reverts back to coke then this film will be explosive!

24-Oct-2012, 11:55 AM
@ Aces and Moon

OK OK......I'm lying. I thought they were both shite and I hate the 3rd one already!

I was just trying to get on the HPOTD Happy bus.


24-Oct-2012, 05:47 PM
@ Aces and Moon

OK OK......I'm lying. I thought they were both shite and I hate the 3rd one already!

I was just trying to get on the HPOTD Happy bus.




24-Oct-2012, 06:11 PM

04-Feb-2013, 10:44 AM

23-Apr-2013, 09:23 AM
Early review from AICN is very +ve!


I’m really loving what Marvel Studios are doing with the film versions of their source material, and if you can stick around, make sure you catch the post-credit scene, it doesn’t disappoint.

Iron Man 3 is up there as an almost perfect superhero film. This one will get multiple viewings for sure.


26-Apr-2013, 10:59 AM
Very +ve review from Cinemablend - http://www.cinemablend.com/reviews/Iron-Man-3-6380.html

Iron Man 3 is the rare sequel that feels like it’s grown out of a perfect understanding of what worked and what didn’t in the previous films. It embraces the universe it lives in without exploiting it or letting it weigh down the story, and offers its hero a personal, dangerous challenge without ever losing its popcorn charm. Beyond the pressures of being the follow-up to The Avengers, the movie is the first film in Marvel’s Phase Two plans and has the responsibility of setting the pace for what’s to come. We can only hope that what they come up with going forward is even half as incredible.

30-Apr-2013, 09:56 PM
Enjoyable and some nice dialogue and action, but for me it suffered from the same problem as The Avengers - People bouncing around super duper quickly, jumping super duper faster, swinging super duper perfectly, holding on super duper well, surviving falls super duper well over super duper distances, shooting super duper well and dodging super dooperly well, and ultimately, you just felt, no real worry... I think because all the action supposedly involving 'normal' human beings seemed too implausible.

There's also countless 'why' moments. Like him taking on the baddies hand to hand instead of just hovering 20ft away? And the baddies just seem too super dooper don't you think?

Iron Man 1 felt far more 'grounded' and is the best of the bunch for me...

Iron Man 1: 8.5/10
Iron Man 2: 7/10
Iron Man 3: 8/10

ps: Ben Kingsley stole the film :)

20-May-2013, 11:40 PM
Finally got a chance to sit down with this. I'm hesitant to say it after only one viewing, but I think this may be my favorite out of all the Marvel films. A few issues here and there, but I loved the perfect balance between drama, humor, and action. As the reviewer above mentions, it really feels like they learned from what did or did not work in the previous films.

So at this point I actually like the Iron Man trilogy in reverse order. 3,2,1.

21-May-2013, 08:40 AM
^ Did you not feel:-
- The suit, which was so cool and clever, is now utterly disposable. There's a bazillion of them, and every individual part of them can now somehow fly through the air? Hmmm...
- People are capable of rediculous feets. They can fall huge distances. They can make amazing shots, leap, jumps... These are human beings no?

It's the same problem I had with The Avengers, where the action all seems too comic book and disposable, and too unbelievable for me... It results in characters bouncing around so rediculously that you never have the slightest concern for them.

For me Iron Man 1 felt the most "grounded" so I believing (& cared more for) what I was seeing on the screen more than IM3.

I enjoyed IM3, but it was just a special effects fest for me... IM1 I found emotionally involving.

21-May-2013, 01:26 PM
^ Did you not feel:-
- The suit, which was so cool and clever, is now utterly disposable. There's a bazillion of them, and every individual part of them can now somehow fly through the air? Hmmm...

Nah, Stark was always going to make a bajillion suits, it's in his character and is exactly what he did in the comics. He's had a pretty sizable back catalog of them for ages.


I saw the movie two weeks ago and agree with Neil, in so far as the ranking. I really enjoyed the 1st one (which also includes one of my alltime fav storylines and baddies), and really enjoyed this last one. IM2 was definitely okay, but not much better than that, for my money.