View Full Version : My new house (soon anyways)

Mr. Clean
11-Apr-2012, 08:29 AM

$105k / 1500 sq ft / 3-Bed 2-Bath 2-Car Garage

We are suppose to close on the house on 4th of May. Loan paperwork still isn't finished but this is one of the many things I've been so busy with lately. The deal we were working on in November fell through because the lender was being a bit of a duche but in the end everything worked out great. This new house is in a much better area (better schools and neighborhood) and I like it on a whole new level than the other.

Other things would include: Driving back and forth to Arkansas for Holidays (Christmas, B-Day, Easter), a funeral (Father-in-law passed away from Heart Failure), Skyrim (logged in just a little over 100 hrs), spending time with the family, and work (Finally got hired on full-time with a $3 raise to boot!)

Hopefully things will slow down a bit in the near future and I can get on here to bullshit with you all more often. :clown:

11-Apr-2012, 01:10 PM
Basement? Doesn't look like it has one, but I'm jealous of american houses which have all that extra space in the shape of a huge basement!

11-Apr-2012, 01:51 PM
Congrats, Mr. Clean! I seem to recall you mentioning the possibility a while ago, glad it worked out (assuming I recall correctly).

11-Apr-2012, 02:54 PM
I live on Long Island....and you cant get a 5x5 shack in NEw York for $105k....congratulations!

Mr. Clean
11-Apr-2012, 05:21 PM
No basement, could have a attic if I lay boards up there...probably will to make more room for storage.

11-Apr-2012, 06:50 PM
105k!!! What the hell. That wouldn't buy you a studio flat where I live. Jesus.

Mr. Clean
11-Apr-2012, 07:20 PM
The other house I mentioned was $82,000. It was 3-bed / 1 1/2- Bath / 1-car garage. Houses are even cheaper in Arkansas ;)

Here's a Lake Front property in the area I grew up in. $166,500 3-bed 2-bath....It's more of a retirement community due to the lack of decent paying jobs. One of the reasons I'm not living there. Plus it would leave my wife with a mininum wage Wal Mart job or almost an hour and 1/2 commute one way to the nearest large area.


12-Apr-2012, 04:41 PM
Congrats, Mr. Clean! That's a nice looking home right there.

Glad you're having better luck than my wife and I. We have been looking for a vacation place out in West Virginia and have had a HELL of a time settling on anything. We've put in 4 different contracts on four different homes and have been shot down every single time (one of them - get this - we bid $8000 over the asking price because the place was exactly what we were looking for and was worth every penny - we were the highest bidder and STILL did not get the contract! WHAT THE F*CK?! Someone wanna explain that one to me?!). Granted, these were foreclosures, but I thought Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae were created to help people get INTO homes?

That's not the case anymore.

It's sad when we both make excellent money, have pretty much perfect credit and no debt, and I can't seem to get one of these bozos to sell me a sub-$100k foreclosure. WTF?! I bet if I went out and bought a $300k house in Maryland (where I live now) they'd have no problem sinking me that far into debt, but heaven forbid I buy a cheap vacation property out in the mountains that's easily affordable... we can't have that! I'm convinced Fannie & Freddie don't want to sell their houses so they can cry to the government for more bail out money year after year... *urge to kill, rising*

but I digress...

Either way, congrats, it should serve you well. Great deal on that place, too! :D

13-Apr-2012, 02:11 AM
i know its not a carbon copy......but this house reminds me of the house from the strangers........gives me the creeps

13-Apr-2012, 10:33 AM
When was it built?

16-Apr-2012, 10:44 AM
Stone walls, sweet! Now all you need is steel plates with firing slits over all the windows. Oh wait, that's probably just decorative stone veneer, huh? Won't provide much ballistic protection against raiders but still some good against zombies I guess, as well as some fire retardant effect. Now, how would your wife feel about tanglefoot wire across the front yard?

You're gonna have to post some more pics and plans if you want us to really help zombie-proof the place, though.


Anyways, congrats on the new place! Wish we could afford to buy again here.

Mr. Clean
17-May-2012, 08:43 AM
Well, we got the house. We move in on Friday. So far we've replaced the carpet(old carpet had animal piss stains EVERYWHERE and appeared to have never been vacuumed...EVER), refinished the cabinets, cleaned every square inch of the place, and repainted all of the rooms(along with filling in the massive ammout of nail and screw holes in the walls).

We did find a few minor problems apon getting the keys. The kitchen stove was nasty as hell. The stove has a self cleaning mode but don't think it's mean for cleaning boiled over holiday dinners. Which is exactly what it looked like they had done the past 3 years. :rockbrow:

Also, when ripping out the carpet, I noticed several of the tact strips in the master bedroom had pretty much rotted into nothingness. So anyways, we go to Home Depot and buy carpet....A guy comes out and takes the measurements. I ask him if they replace the tact strips when they install the carpet and he said "oh yeah...you bet they will"....Well, before he leaves, he calls me into the master bedroom and tells me why the tact strips rotted away. He said the shower pan was probably damaged and caused moisture to leak out of the bathroom into bedroom and closet many many times. Soooo yeah...I now have to rebuild the master bathroom(The wife loves this idea by the way :duh:)

We still plan on replacing the kitchen sink and redoing the laminate countertops. I would really like to just change out the countertops to granite but that's pretty expensive and makes me sick thinkings about it. :barf:

Oh and the next door neighbors have this dog who really doesn't like me much. Should generate some interesting stories to share over the next few months. Like the following....

The first time I see this dog (Copper)....he escapes out of their back yard and was running round our little circle pissing on everyone's trash cans. I had to get something out of our Jeep so I go outside and about the time I get to the Jeep...the dog spots me and come running over to me. Well, I'm thinking to myself....either he is going to be really friendly and want some chin scratching action or he's gonna try and eat me. Sure enough, he walks up to me and shows me every single tooth in his mouth. Inside I wanted to scream like a little girl and jump on the hood of the Jeep but I didn't. I just kept yelling at him to stop it. Well the little shit kept inching his way closer to me....getting more nasty by the second and it sorta pissed me off so I took a huge step forward...slamming my foot on the ground and screamed quit you dumb shit and and he retreated. Sooo Mr. Clean 1....Copper 0 :D

We're still really happy we bought the house so all is well. I'll post pictures when I get a chance.

When was it built?

Stone walls, sweet! Now all you need is steel plates with firing slits over all the windows. Oh wait, that's probably just decorative stone veneer, huh? Won't provide much ballistic protection against raiders but still some good against zombies I guess, as well as some fire retardant effect. Now, how would your wife feel about tanglefoot wire across the front yard?

You're gonna have to post some more pics and plans if you want us to really help zombie-proof the place, though.


Anyways, congrats on the new place! Wish we could afford to buy again here.

I do have to replace the windows at some point. It has the old "storm" windows in it. :D

17-May-2012, 08:47 PM
Very cool, Mr. Clean - glad everything worked out! :D

We head to settlement on June 1st for our place, and I'm chomping at the bit. We're out of underwriting and there were no issues, so now we just have to wait 'till the 1st of June to get the keys.

I'm sure we'll find a few things here and there that the inspectors for the FHA didn't find (he wasn't that good if you ask me, he didn't notice a few things I did like an electrical junction box downstairs who's light fixture wasn't screwed in and was just hanging out, and he didn't notice the place didn't have gutters - or didn't care! :lol:), but that's ok, we'll deal with it as it comes along.

So when are you having all of us over for a housewarming party?! :lol: :D

18-May-2012, 01:23 AM
So when are you having all of us over for a housewarming party?! :lol: :D
Yeah, what up? I'm down for a night of debauchery. Ok, maybe not that, but definitely some serious hootin' and a hollerin'...
A real hootenanny.