View Full Version : Dead Trilogy cinema screening

13-Apr-2012, 01:45 PM
Tonight I shall be watching Night, Dawn & Day back to back at the Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square. Been looking forward to this for months as I've not seen any of them in the cinema before.

Not sure how I'll feel watching them with an audience as rarely watched them with a crowd either. Best thing about the PCC is it's pretty much the cinema of choice for fans of films as they show a lot of classics, so I can at least hope for proper cinema etiquette ;)

13-Apr-2012, 01:49 PM
So cool! The venue looks fantastic (http://www.princecharlescinema.com/html/gallery.php), too! "Braindead" is also in their coming soon section.

Have fun!

13-Apr-2012, 01:53 PM
Oh I'm sure I'll have fun, do love this cinema. As well as the regular Sound Of Music, Rocky Horror sing- a - longs they also create their own.
So far there have been
South Park The Movie/ Team America : Swear-a-longs
Little Shop Of Horrors: Sing-a-longs
Big Lebowski: Quote-a-longs

And the obligatory showings of The Room, of which they sold out tickets for an entire weeks worth of shows as they invited along the "stars" of the film

I'll quiet down now as I sound like an advert ;)

13-Apr-2012, 02:22 PM
This, and the South Park/Team America one, would be the shit.

14-Apr-2012, 09:40 PM
Please disregard all the above about the cinema, event was entirely ruined by a massive bunch of c*nts and poor staff. Grrr

14-Apr-2012, 10:13 PM
Please disregard all the above about the cinema, event was entirely ruined by a massive bunch of c*nts and poof staff. Grrr

Explain? :(

14-Apr-2012, 11:10 PM
Entire back 5 rows seemed to have been there to annoy. Laughed throughout Night completely ruining it, Dawn & Day were also laughed at throughout. Had constant commentary from people talking about everything and anything during the film. During Night there was an error and 5 min wait as a reel was changed over and half the audience got up then spent 10 mins walking back in after it restarted.
Masses of people on phones , either txting or talking or at some points even filming the screen! One person was evicted 20 mins before the end of Day as he was spitting at a girl in front of him!
Spoke to staff as we left and they didn't seem to care at all and simply shrugged us off.

Worst cinema experience I've ever had, great disappointment.

15-Apr-2012, 04:48 AM
It sounds like the rude and disruptive behavior openly exhibited and embraced by so many on the internet has crossed over into the real world. I really wonder if the next generation will be comprised of people with little to no social skills and can only mimic the actions of video game characters or psychopaths from reality shows.

I am glad that the Tron Legacy opening night screening that I went to was mostly attended by old school computer users who saw the original movie some 28 years prior when they were kids. If any of the cretins you described had tried to pull that crap at TL they would have been bounced out the building on their heads.

15-Apr-2012, 07:49 AM
Entire back 5 rows seemed to have been there to annoy. Laughed throughout Night completely ruining it, Dawn & Day were also laughed at throughout. Had constant commentary from people talking about everything and anything during the film. During Night there was an error and 5 min wait as a reel was changed over and half the audience got up then spent 10 mins walking back in after it restarted.
Masses of people on phones , either txting or talking or at some points even filming the screen! One person was evicted 20 mins before the end of Day as he was spitting at a girl in front of him!
Spoke to staff as we left and they didn't seem to care at all and simply shrugged us off.

Worst cinema experience I've ever had, great disappointment.

That sounds terrible, but unfortunately there's too many people around like this! ie: Keen to show off to their pals...

Only thing I can relate it to are:-
- Went to see The Exorcist twice with about a week at a cinema. First showing everyone one was quiet and it was a great experience. Second time, it was later in the evening and there was a high number of younger viewers keen to show off by laughing and shouting out. Waste of a viewing and of money!
- In a film and we had four girls behind us. They were talking a lot and then one of their phones rang. She answered it, and began to have a chat about the film and how bad it was, loudly... At this point I'd had enough and basically suggested what she could do with the phone! At least they shut up then! But the experience was ruined.

15-Apr-2012, 11:23 AM
I was originally going to post here to suggest that you post a thread about this kind of event as soon as you find out about it... but now I'm very glad I didn't. I would have f*cking kicked off massively!!!!

Such a shame you had the experience ruined by people like that. I swear to God these kind of people need a good kicking. Lack of parenting skills and a reliance on everyone else in the world to raise people's kids is part of the cause of this outrageous and selfish behaviour.

Land of the Dead had a row of people being told to shut the f*ck up, by my girlfriend...They did calm down though, as soon as she moaned at them.

Dawn04 was also ruined by a couple right next to me having a little chat in my ear...I politely told them I would slit their throats if they didn't shut up - and it worked. (actually I did politely ask them to keep it down, but in my head I was already burying his face into his severed neck).

Oh and Dawn04 was completely ruined by the turd that someone had wiped all over the screen - it vanished after 140 minutes though. But that can't be helped.

Superman Returns had some dappy f*cking bitch sitting with her boyfriend asking "who's that??" "who's he?" "what's that?" "what's that for?" "why is he doing that?"

I swear to God if you can't understand a f*cking simple plot, then f*ck off, the movie's clearly above your station. God know's what that idiot would have been like during Inception. "what's a dream?" "Why am I so unimaginative?" "why didn't the vaccuum properly suck all of my brain out of my mother when she tried to abort me?"

Personally, after 10 minutes of that shit during Night, I would have been out of my seat and straight into the manager's office demanding action. It's absolutely embarassing that they could allow that to happen in their cinema - and in my eyes, I'd like to see them sued for failing to control their audience. But that's just a flight of fancy and totally unrealistic - a shame though because it's the cinema's responsibility in part - and they just want to avoid the awkwardness of kicking people out of the place.

15-Apr-2012, 11:50 AM
It's sad to hear that these pricks ruined such a rare event. I've had similar problems in large theaters, but i've since avoided it by not seeing movies in the evening hours of the weekends. As for the local independent theater that plays older movies like these.....i've never had a problem. Sadly, they have yet to play Romero's trilogy but other classic films, including my favorite - Ghostbusters, have been tremendous experiences. I guess i've gotten lucky with that theater. I keep begging them to play the trilogy, too.:)

Sorry to hear the experience wasn't what you expected. I'm sure that was a huge disappointment.