View Full Version : Looking for Co-writers on ebook project

14-Apr-2012, 11:29 PM
Hello. My name is Steven Gardner. I have published two ebooks, Deadrise & Deadrise 2: Deadwar.

It is not a typical romero type setting with only shamblers. It is also a cross genre setting with elements of science fiction and the super natural mixed in. In plotting out this world I realized there is far more to tell about it than I could ever accomplish myself.

I am looking for coauthors to help me expand the Deadrise world setting. To flesh it out. My two books, and the forthcoming Deadrise 3 focus on a select group of people in a very tiny part of the world. But its a great big world.

If you are a romero purist or hate cross genre mish/mash, then this is obviously not the project for you.

But if that don't matter to you so much, and you want to write some over the top, B-movie splatterpulp, get published on the kindle, nook and other ereaders and make some $$$, then I invite you to inquire further.

Contact me at stevegardner70@gmail.com. In the subject line put: Writing Project.

Serious inquiries only please.

Steven Gardner