View Full Version : I never asked this transhumanism poll

18-Apr-2012, 08:36 AM
Okay, yet another thread discussion based on a conversation i had with freinds. This time on the topic of transhumanism and what that may become in the decades to come.

In particular the debate was cybernetic augmentation, i.e: lose an arm and get a mechanical one, possibly one that does things no normal arm could do, or replacement eyes that can also see thermal imaging camera style or whatever.
Genetic Manipulation i.e: alter your body on a genetic level to regrow a lost arm, or at a greater extreme grow gills or extra arms or something.

We argued the values of either, and the dangers, but i wont go into that as its a long discussion that makes the thread kinda moot, instead i want to see your opinions on it.

So. cybernetics or genetics, which do you think is better, which is the most dangerous and which do you think will be science fact first?


18-Apr-2012, 01:52 PM
I'd say genetics is by far more dangerous than cybernetics, just due to the potential for super diseases and unintended consequences with heavy reciprocal effects.

That said, cybernetics and genetics are both emerging sciences with more than just a foot in the real world. For my money, I think you'll see some (more) really heavy quality of life changes coming from cybernetics in the next 20 years and genetics is more of a slow burn, but has much more potential (for good & ill).

That said, neither of these topics are in my wheelhouse from a knowledge standpoint, so I'm interested in what others have to say on the topic.

19-Apr-2012, 10:27 PM
I am all for whatever brings on real life zombies. I could even overlook any running or raptor sounds they might make.

19-Apr-2012, 11:45 PM
i think a combination of both. prosthetics have come so far just in the last 15 years or so that losing a leg is no longer the completely debilitating condition that it used to be. I see people at the VA all the time with the latest in these devices and they all say that the psychological part of losing a limb is much harder than getting accustomed to using a prosthesis. these people not only can walk but can run, play basketball, hell, do gymnastics if they wanted to. so, i think that the future is wide open as far as artificial limbs goes.

i am also all for genetics that would allow people to re-grow limbs or even organs. no more need to get on waiting lists for transplants. your own cells could be used to grow a new heart or liver or whatever and there would be no chance of your body rejecting it, because it is made from your own DNA.

I am all for any medical, genetic, cybernetic research that improves the quality of life for people suffering from disease. the whole "letting nature take its course" argument fails with me because if people really believed that kind of borderline nonsense then we'd have to get rid of antibiotics, benzos, painkillers, etc. and our lives would be far more miserable.

i think that to answer your question about which will happen first is hard because both fields are making such rapid advances that who knows what is right around the corner and when the next "alexander fleming" moment will happen in medical research.

the rapid advance in computer tech and their incorporation into prosthetic devices (and other medical apps) makes it hard to predict when or if there will be some kind of "six million dollar man" moment.

21-Apr-2012, 12:08 PM
I voted Cyborg, cause it's the one most likely to allow me to breath fire.

Rancid Carcass
21-Apr-2012, 02:59 PM
I am all for whatever brings on real life zombies. I could even overlook any running or raptor sounds they might make.

Of course, if we're all running round with metal limbs it's gonna take a lot of the fun out of it - unless the zombies are armed with ratchets, spanners and G-clamps... :D