View Full Version : "Squatter" Builds Secret Treehouse Yards from Multi-million $ Homes

24-Apr-2012, 04:10 PM
I am fascinated by tiny living and alternative living space ideas, and I came across this (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2133977/Carpenter-builds-incredible-egg-shaped-treehouse-hidden-view-Crown-land-just-yards-multi-million-homes.html) online today.

The builder even has his own site (http://thehemloft.com/).


It took months to find the right tree to build on, and when he did the spot was on public land looking down on a row of multi-million dollar homes.

But that didn't stop Joel Allen - he just built this incredible egg-shaped treehouse in Canada anyway, without telling anyone.

The computer technician-turned-carpenter started off by creating a scale model of his design to test its strength and durability, before beginning the months-long quest to find the perfect tree.

Without the money to buy property, he decided to do it on Crown land in the forests of Whistler.

'Finding that perfect spot on Crown land wasn't so easy,' he said. 'I had an informal checklist of requirements, the most important ones being that it within a reasonable distance to a road, yet out of sight and out of earshot of human traffic.

'The other requirement was hard to qualify, but was of prime importance: the shape of the egg would need to suit the environment and be proportionate to the tree. I couldn't explain exactly what that was but I figured I would know it when I saw it.'

Mr Allen found it in a patch of old growth near a development of multi-million dollar homes, then began secretly constructing it. The process took years, thousands of dollars, and many free items found on Craigslist.

Finally, he created the HemLoft.

Asked by a friend why he did it, Mr Allen said: 'I found myself grasping for some sort of rationalisation that would make me seem less crazy.

'She said "no, why did you really build it?" For the first time in my life, I was forced to face the truth about it. I said "I guess… I just wanted to build something cool".'

'Since the treehouse was built on crown land, I don't technically own it, and so its fate is uncertain.

For three years I kept the HemLoft secret, but now that I'm finished, I've found myself wanting to share it…Coming out of the bush about the HemLoft is fun, however it poses a few problems; if people know about it, they might try to find it. And if the wrong people find it, they may make me take it down.

'It took a lot of work to build it, and I'd rather not take it down, just yet. So I've been thinking of ways to expose the HemLoft, while somehow making it legal.

'To the best of my knowledge, Squatting on Whistler Mountain, beneath some of Western Canada's most luxurious mega-homes would not be looked

24-Apr-2012, 04:54 PM

24-Apr-2012, 06:14 PM
When my kid asks for a treehouse....I'm using this guy's plans. :p

24-Apr-2012, 06:26 PM
When my kid asks for a treehouse....I'm using this guy's plans. :p

Man, when was the last time I saw someone building a treehouse? I don't even know.

24-Apr-2012, 06:28 PM
Reminds me a lot of what these guys are doing:

Tiny Houses (http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/)

No idea how anyone can live in a space that small, but if they can, more power to 'em.

24-Apr-2012, 06:39 PM
Reminds me a lot of what these guys are doing:

Tiny Houses (http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com/)

Yeah, Lou, Tumbleweed got me started in my whole fascination with small living, and even though I looked at some of their larger stuff for a future home, I just couldn't go that small.

Though I'll buy one of their larger bungalows in a heartbeat if I ever get the chance to have a vacation place on a lake in the Adirondacks (or similar). Just so long as it's large enough and not one of their models on wheels...arriving to your cabin at the lake only to find out out someone drove away with your cabin would be a shitty way to start your long weekend :)

24-Apr-2012, 06:42 PM
I've actually been eyeing up that Tumbleweed site - some of the designs are pretty neat.

My wife and I just found out that a contract we put on a cabin/house out in West Virginia was accepted (about goddamn time! More on that year of 'fun' searching in another thread) - the place is 955 square feet - I guess that doesn't really qualify as "tiny" does it?



24-Apr-2012, 07:02 PM
My wife and I just found out that a contract we put on a cabin/house out in West Virginia was accepted (about goddamn time! More on that year of 'fun' searching in another thread)

Congrats, glad it finally moved along for you guys!

the place is 955 square feet - I guess that doesn't really qualify as "tiny" does it?
Nah, but it's close to some of their larger freestanding 'small' homes and a good size that allows some actual options for a 2nd property, I'd imagine.

B-53, which has a 3 bedroom option measuring up to 884 Sq. Ft.

24-Apr-2012, 07:17 PM
Congrats, glad it finally moved along for you guys!

Thanks, aces - I'm going to start another topic about our "adventures in home buying" in the next day or so. It's going to be a looooong one, so be prepared for some reading. It's an interesting story though, because it shows how piss-poor of an organization that both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae really are. "Designed to help people buy houses" my ass! Those programs are a joke, just like our government... but I digress.

Nah, but it's close to some of their larger freestanding 'small' homes and a good size that allows some actual options for a 2nd property, I'd imagine.

B-53, which has a 3 bedroom option measuring up to 884 Sq. Ft.

That's a pretty nice looking "tiny" house - love their 'larger' houses, but when I look at them I feel like I'm kinda defeating the whole idea of a "tiny house" :lol:

They have some really nice designs though - at least on the larger end. Some of those "trailer houses" just seem waaaay too small. Hell, I have a bedroom that is twice the size of some of those 'tiny houses'! :lol:

24-Apr-2012, 07:32 PM
Thanks, aces - I'm going to start another topic about our "adventures in home buying" in the next day or so. It's going to be a looooong one, so be prepared for some reading.

As someone who is yet to own a home, but hoping to be able to pull it off in the not too distant future, I'm always interested in this sort of stuff.

Some of those "trailer houses" just seem waaaay too small. Hell, I have a bedroom that is twice the size of some of those 'tiny houses'! :lol: I know what you mean! Still, I'm fascinated by their economy, probably exactly due to my inability to live so spartan a lifestyle.

24-Apr-2012, 11:31 PM
I'm 23 and I can never imagine living in a spacious house. Also, this reminds me of another guy...


24-Apr-2012, 11:44 PM
Yeah, Lou, Tumbleweed got me started in my whole fascination with small living, and even though I looked at some of their larger stuff for a future home, I just couldn't go that small.

Though I'll buy one of their larger bungalows in a heartbeat if I ever get the chance to have a vacation place on a lake in the Adirondacks (or similar). Just so long as it's large enough and not one of their models on wheels...arriving to your cabin at the lake only to find out out someone drove away with your cabin would be a shitty way to start your long weekend :)
I had an idea to combine tiny houses with urban homesteading. This would reduce the carbon footprint dramatically, and cut cost down to a bare minimum.

Rancid Carcass
25-Apr-2012, 01:04 AM

Those bloody Ewoks get everywhere!

26-Apr-2012, 05:00 PM
As someone who is yet to own a home, but hoping to be able to pull it off in the not too distant future, I'm always interested in this sort of stuff.

Well Aces, welcome to hell: Lou's Adventures in Real Estate Hell (http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?20173-Lou-s-Adventures-in-Real-Estate-Hell-(aka-why-Freddie-Mac-amp-Fannie-Mae-suck-ass)&p=283285#post283285)
