View Full Version : NotLD and DotD Miniatures Games at Origins May 30-June 2

Wrong Number
25-Apr-2012, 01:28 PM
Anyone interested in playing my Night of the Living Dead game or Dawn of the Dead miniatures game, here is a chance. I will be running them at Origins in Columbus, Ohio May 30th, 31st, June 1st and June 2nd. There are lots of pictures posted in other threads of these game, but here are a couple for reference.


25-Apr-2012, 10:43 PM
Please post more pictures. This looks really cool. Are the house designs based on the design from my website (notld68.com)?

Wrong Number
26-Apr-2012, 12:59 PM
Axilish, I have threads on both of these games with more pictures (just search for threads I have started). I wish we had known about your website before we made the game. My husband spent hours re-watching the movie and mapping the house. We got it pretty much right with the main floor, but because you don't see the entire second floor we just did the section you see in the movie and did a best guess. If I ever get motivated I may remake the house to fix it and at the same time slightly increase the scale because it's crowded with the minis in there.