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01-May-2012, 09:22 AM
Sounds like Khan is back!


02-May-2012, 12:25 AM
i am highly disappointed in both danny and moon over this omission of their sacred HPOTD duties, so i'll do it for them:


02-May-2012, 11:39 AM
Sounds good to me. As long as they maintain the quality of the first film, it should be awesome....

02-May-2012, 04:51 PM
Is this going to be a what if story?

02-May-2012, 05:33 PM
Is this going to be a what if story?

I guess it depends on how you look at this spin-off universe/timeline--they're all what if stories if you're heavily invested in the original series/continuity.

02-May-2012, 05:53 PM
i am highly disappointed in both danny and moon over this omission of their sacred HPOTD duties, so i'll do it for them:


haha, cock blocked. :lol: Were you going for this?



02-May-2012, 09:29 PM
haha, cock blocked. :lol: Were you going for this?

uh, yeah. i wonder who you bribed to have my pic taken down. :lol:

15-Nov-2012, 11:46 AM
As has become a bit of a tradition with films utilizing the IMAX format, the first nine minutes of "Star Trek Into Darkness" will be screened in IMAX theaters next month. Can't wait. :)

15-Nov-2012, 12:41 PM
As has become a bit of a tradition with films utilizing the IMAX format, the first nine minutes of "Star Trek Into Darkness" will be screened in IMAX theaters next month. Can't wait. :)

Fingers crossed!

05-Dec-2012, 11:59 AM
Trailer tomorrow! :hyper:

Also....new poster:


05-Dec-2012, 01:19 PM
Trailer tomorrow!? What the f*ck! How do you know? I need it badly!

05-Dec-2012, 01:44 PM
Wow! Thanks for the heads up, Bassman!

I'm ready!

05-Dec-2012, 03:52 PM
Trailer tomorrow!? What the f*ck! How do you know? I need it badly!

I've seen the announcement on several movie news sites.

05-Dec-2012, 06:18 PM
Also....new poster:


That building to the right looks like the Gherkin in London! Cut'n'paste?


06-Dec-2012, 07:22 AM

ooh... shiny...

06-Dec-2012, 12:02 PM
Japanese Version with a bit of more footage and a different score at the end. Very reminiscent of a certain scene from a certain previous entry of Star Trek. A hint or more of the usual Abrams misdirection?


07-Dec-2012, 03:43 PM
Well, they look damned good to me, but I haven't watched with any audio yet ... :shifty:

I'll check them out properly tonight, but I'm quite hopeful.

17-Dec-2012, 04:52 PM
Full length Teaser. This is what's playing in front of non-imax screening of The Hobbit.


17-Dec-2012, 05:13 PM
Full length Teaser. This is what's playing in front of non-imax screening of The Hobbit.

Yup, saw it this weekend in the non-3D showing and the trailer was quite epic on that big screen.

17-Dec-2012, 08:07 PM
bootleg of the 9 minute imax opening. With an annoying girl talking and laughing over it like a dumbass, but you get the idea.: http://video.yandex.ru/users/geogz/view/7#

18-Dec-2012, 07:57 AM
^^ http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xvyqr4_les-9-minutes-du-prologue-de-star-trek-into-darkness_shortfilms?start=10#.UNAvJayEx8F

03-Jan-2013, 11:50 PM
Kinda related, but definitely worth sharing....

When a friend posted that his Trekkie buddy was terminally ill and likely wouldn't live long enough to see the theatrical release of "Into Darkness", J.J. Abrams stepped up, contacted the guy, and set up a personal screening of an early cut. All within four days. I applaud Abrams for this. I respect the man's vision already, but this is just beyond words.


04-Jan-2013, 09:56 AM
^^ Nice!

04-Jan-2013, 10:48 AM
Kinda related, but definitely worth sharing....

When a friend posted that his Trekkie buddy was terminally ill and likely wouldn't live long enough to see the theatrical release of "Into Darkness", J.J. Abrams stepped up, contacted the guy, and set up a personal screening of an early cut. All within four days. I applaud Abrams for this. I respect the man's vision already, but this is just beyond words.


Wait a sec, why does this sound so familiar?

Wasn't that the plot of Fanboys? ( 2009 ) where some guys organize a roadtrip to crash Skywalker ranch to see an advance cut of Star Wars:The Phantom Menace, because their bud's dying of cancer?

If this is a true story, as the 80's band OMC would say "How Bizarre. "

Wayne Z

04-Jan-2013, 01:35 PM
Wait a sec, why does this sound so familiar?

Wasn't that the plot of Fanboys?
If this is a true story, as the 80's band OMC would say "How Bizarre. "

Wayne Z

It is, apparently, not very odd for dying people to make requests from authors for info about how their fav series will end, or to request advanced screenings from filmmakers for their fav franchise. I've definitely heard of similar real life instances happening before.

06-Jan-2013, 12:19 PM
Only a week or so after seeing "Star Trek Into Darkness", the fan has passed away.

Last night around 10:15pm, Dan Craft, who has been a member of Subway Cinema since 2004, passed away. His wife and brother were with him when he went, and he wasn't in any pain. He'd been a bit loopy for a few days as his liver failed and toxins built up in his blood, and on Thursday his wife asked him if he needed to go to the bathroom. "I'm going..." he proclaimed, "Into the future."

See you there, Dan.

Dan Craft: 1971 - 2013

We miss you.

Very sad to hear he passed, but it's also heartwarming to hear that he got his final wish. Much respect to Abrams for doing this. Just in time, at that.

22-Mar-2013, 12:15 PM
International Trailer


23-Apr-2013, 01:39 PM
Holy bad Scottish and Russian accents Batman!


23-Apr-2013, 07:21 PM
I couldn't tell you whether the accents are good or not, but I do remember Simon Pegg saying his wife is Scottish and Anton Yelchin actually being Russian. They have to have some basis for it...

23-Apr-2013, 08:09 PM
I couldn't tell you whether the accents are good or not, but I do remember Simon Pegg saying his wife is Scottish and Anton Yelchin actually being Russian. They have to have some basis for it...

IMHO, in that clip, they sound terrible.

25-Apr-2013, 03:59 PM
The accents seem better in this trailer?


To understand just how impressive this is... Watch this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edC4DzI1y0w

25-Apr-2013, 04:06 PM
Was that David Spade playing Spock in the "we'll fit" sequence? :lol:

25-Apr-2013, 09:36 PM
I'd rather watch that than Abrams crap! At least I enjoyed this one. :lol: I'll be glad when he goes & starts making Star Wars movies, which is what he's rather be doing anyway, & then maybe there'll be no more of this f'ing series. :mad: Some one called the 1st one "The best of the new "Star Wars" movies!" the other day. Well played sir, well played. ;)

03-May-2013, 10:31 AM
Empire likes it - 4/5 - http://www.empireonline.com/reviews/reviewcomplete.asp?FID=136708

Crave suggests see it in 2D - http://crave.cnet.co.uk/homecinema/star-trek-into-darkness-is-an-enjoyable-space-romp-but-avoid-the-3d-50011097/

AICN is not so impressed - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/62238

14-May-2013, 09:03 PM
Well, it's left me worried about Star Wars!

The film felt very flat and contrived... I happened to watch "The Wrath of Khan" a few weeks ago on TV, and I have to say it felt a far more solid production than this affair.

Yes it was extremely pretty, but take the flashy coat of paint away there's not a lot else there. The characters felt painfully flat!

A very average paint by numbers summer flick!

14-May-2013, 10:13 PM
Pretty much how I felt about the first one.

I just don't share the current nerdgasm about Abrams at all. I can see the new Star Wars films being real dull.

14-May-2013, 11:14 PM
He might do much better with Star Wars, but even with the first Star Trek, I really got the vibe off of it that it was made by someone who'd rather be doing something else...:|

15-May-2013, 08:01 AM
Pretty much how I felt about the first one.
Yeh, there really didn't seem any real 'love' in there with the story just plodding along from A to B to C just ticking off the necessary stepping stones to get there.

*spoilers* *SPOILERS* *spoilers*

Action felt like just that, and ultimately meaningless. Characters felt pretty flat and generally disposable. Consider Jim's death... It felt absolutely flat. Compare it to Spock's death and funeral in The Wrath of Khan and it's comical!

And this lack of care about anyone on the screen was especially true of the non-main characters: Consider all the poor Klingons just going about their business, all shot and killed... Consider all the crew on Admiral Marcus' super ship, all just cannon fodder when they were just doing their job. Care? No!

Also consider all the daftness:-
1) If a ring in a glass of water can blow up a whole building, why not throw a ring in a glass of water at the Star Fleet meeting?
2) If a ring in a glass of water can blow up a whole building, surely just ONE photon torpedo is enough to take up a man. Why the need for 72?
3) Why were Jim and Bones even in the alien village? Surely the shuttle could just fly into the volcano at night? Why risk being captured?
4) Why did the enterprise need to be under water and not in orbit?
5) Why did Jim and Khan need to fly through space? What's wrong with shuttles?
6) So the super duper secret base... you could just fly upto it and fly in... Hmmm...
7) So the super duper new space ship, being manned by just a few people... Why make it soooooo big for noooooo reason?
8) Injecting blood into dead Tribbles is a tried and tested medical testing procedure?

15-May-2013, 10:24 AM
Hang on...

They kill Jim Kirk? WTF

15-May-2013, 10:37 AM
^^ Yes, and I doubt a single person watching gave a f***. Consider the equivalent death scene/funeral in "The Wrath of Khan", and that actually is a bit moving!

15-May-2013, 11:24 AM
Oh, that's just really bad writing...

20-May-2013, 12:42 AM
I liked it. While it was nowhere NEAR the original WoK, I had a good time with it. They seem to kind of carry the same camp vibe as the original, too.
Over two hours, but it didn't feel like it.
Wonder if/what the third will be about/like. Some things changed, some things were turned topsy turvy.
Also, Spock being all snooty with his new co-1st Officer. Lolz!!!
Will say I missed Montalban, but how can you replace THAT guy? And I was kind of disappointed the slug thing they put in Chekov's ear didn't make an appearance. Those things were one of the best parts of the original.

20-May-2013, 03:22 AM
Will say I missed Montalban, but how can you replace THAT guy? And I was kind of disappointed the slug thing they put in Chekov's ear didn't make an appearance. Those things were one of the best parts of the original.

Nero put a similar slug into Pike's ear in the previous film, so I can see why they didn't do that.

I thought Benedict was an odd choice to play Khan. At least Ricardo you could pretend was indian. But Benedict? Not in the least. His Khan was also a lot less gloating and smug. He was just cold and furious.

20-May-2013, 08:13 AM
For me the whole script just felt too contrived.... Yes I enjoyed it, but it was disposable rather than memorable?

20-May-2013, 02:03 PM
It felt like a season finale rather then a movie.

20-May-2013, 06:09 PM
One of the reasons Star Trek Into Darkness was released in 2013 instead of 2012 like originally expected was that J.J. Abrams didn’t want to rush the film’s production if the story and script weren’t up to his standards.

Should have waited till 2014?

31-May-2013, 06:33 PM
I saw it and really enjoyed it, despite the contrived and sort of feckless ending with Kirk (did like the theme of mirrored similarities to the original timeline, however).

Wow, for me it's two very solid newjack Star Trek films versus one classic original film. Not bad, the hardcore Trekkies must be seesawing between a state of frothing apoplexy and inconsolable denial.

01-Jun-2013, 12:14 AM
the hardcore Trekkies must be seesawing between a state of frothing apoplexy and inconsolable denial.

More like unrelenting nausea...:barf: http://fc02.deviantart.net/images/i/2001/49/0/7/Shakes_Head.gif http://fc05.deviantart.net/images3/i/2004/104/8/e/abduction_emote.gif