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View Full Version : Maggie (film) - Zombie flick starring Chloe Moretz

11-May-2012, 06:43 AM

...the movie is set in a post-apocalyptic earth where a father (Considine) works to protect his daughter (Moretz) against the ever-coming zombie hordes.

11-May-2012, 01:51 PM
The script was featured on the Black List - an annual list of the most popular unproduced screenplays in a given year

Sounds like potential to me. First of all, it's not a zomedy and it sounds like it could be a nice serious take on two genres I enjoy when done well.

11-May-2012, 03:32 PM
Sounds like potential to me. First of all, it's not a zomedy and it sounds like it could be a nice serious take on two genres I enjoy when done well.

Need a nice solid gritty (apocalyptic horror) drama!

11-May-2012, 06:56 PM
I have hope it will be good, but it is being directed by another guy whose only experience is making commercials. My guess is that it is going to end up being another 2 hour music video with lots of matrix style slow motion action scenes and lots of loud rock music.

I know that Romero started making commercials but he came from a different era of film making.

11-May-2012, 07:23 PM
I have hope it will be good, but it is being directed by another guy whose only experience is making commercials. My guess is that it is going to end up being another 2 hour music video with lots of matrix style slow motion action scenes and lots of loud rock music.

I know that Romero started making commercials but he came from a different era of film making.

Godzilla screams and contacts?

11-May-2012, 08:13 PM

Godzilla screams and contacts?

Here is a selection of zombie noises to choose from:

Dinosaur Sounds (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-FjZ-06yx0)

And a selection of contact lenses:

Halloween Contact Lenses (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzb-v0pJ6GM)

Now let's go make a movie!

11-May-2012, 08:21 PM
MOST directors come from commericals, including many of the greats, so i'm holding out hope for this one.

11-May-2012, 08:24 PM
MOST directors come from commericals, including many of the greats, so i'm holding out hope for this one.

Didn't a certain Mr Romero start off that way?

Christopher Jon
11-May-2012, 08:34 PM
Maggie is as much of a zombie film as Let The Right One In was a vampire film.

It's a drama. Not a gore-fest. Imagine a lifetime movie of the week about a child dying of cancer and replace cancer with turning into a zombie.

11-May-2012, 08:39 PM
Imagine a lifetime movie of the week about a child dying of cancer and replace cancer with turning into a zombie.

I'd rather not...:barf: :lol:

11-May-2012, 09:43 PM
MOST directors come from commericals, including many of the greats, so i'm holding out hope for this one.

Well there sure isn't very much info on Henry Hobson beyond what is on imdb:

Henry Hobson (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3918746/)

He did have involvement in many movies and t.v. shows (including TWD), but it was only in making the main and end titles.

His website is, uh, check it out for yourself:

Henry Hobson (http://www.henryhobson.co.uk/)

The only commercial of his I could find was for Resistance 3:


There is also an article about Fox picking him to direct Asimov's Caves of Steel:

Fox Taps Henry Hobson For Big-Screen Isaac Asimov Adaptation (http://www.btlnews.com/news/fox-taps-henry-hobson-for-big-screen-isaac-asimov-adaptation/)

Found one more commercial he did. It is for Prophets of Science Fiction:


11-May-2012, 10:00 PM
Maggie is as much of a zombie film as Let The Right One In was a vampire film.

It's a drama. Not a gore-fest. Imagine a lifetime movie of the week about a child dying of cancer and replace cancer with turning into a zombie.

I've got no problem with that... As long as it's done well of course!

Christopher Jon
11-May-2012, 10:28 PM
I've got no problem with that... As long as it's done well of course!
Different is good.

Plenty of The last group of survivors fighting their way through hoards of undead films floating around already. As much as I enjoy them, I wouldn't mind a fresh take on the subject.

11-May-2012, 10:41 PM
Different is good.

Plenty of The last group of survivors fighting their way through hoards of undead films floating around already. As much as I enjoy them, I wouldn't mind a fresh take on the subject.

How about a non-zombedy about husband or wife that is bit and the surviving spouse finds a way to pacify (like bub) the resulting zombie. Then they would have to both find a way to survive against other zombies and the living that want to destroy them all. Kind of like a Romeo and Juliette story.

12-May-2012, 01:35 AM
Well there sure isn't very much info on Henry Hobson beyond what is on imdb:

Well....I know your usual patterns, so nothing stands a snowball's chance in hell....

Rancid Carcass
12-May-2012, 01:56 AM
Then they would have to both find a way to survive against other zombies and the living that want to destroy them all. Kind of like a Romeo and Juliette story.

We're heading into Day08/Return of the Living Dead 3 territory here - you need to tread very carefully...

http://i795.photobucket.com/albums/yy236/cattletech/landmines.jpg :D :p