View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! Season 3 production photos (expect major spoilers)

23-May-2012, 05:17 PM
Now that season three has been filming for a few weeks, official photos are being released.

Our first official look at Michonne:


Kirkman on the difference between Comic Michonne and TV Michonne(not really a spoiler, but placed in tags for those that want to know absolutely nothing):

In the comics, Michonne is an unflinching warrior who proves to be powerful ally for Rick Grimes and the rest of the survivors. But how different will the onscreen version be? “The essence of the character — her personality, her motives, everything that makes Michonne Michonne — remains intact from the comics,” says Robert Kirkman (the creator of the comic and executive producer of the TV adaptation). “But like a lot of things on the show, there will be little tweaks and differences here and there. We saw that her introduction is slightly different from how it was in the comic, and her interaction with Andrea is really going to be a really cool addition to the character that I think will get television viewers up to speed, and they’ll get to know her a lot faster than comic book readers did.”


There is also the first video from this season in the "clips" thread.

23-May-2012, 05:37 PM
She's looking particularly bad arse right there. The wig (and, yes, the bloody big sword) suddenly make her really look the part.

I was just about to come and post this, but you beat me to it. :D

23-May-2012, 05:37 PM
Great casting. The actress is a playwright as well. Bit daunting for the writers no doubt. I can picture her now, on set, tweaking the scripts.
David Morrissey is a great addition as well

23-May-2012, 08:18 PM
Great casting. The actress is a playwright as well. Bit daunting for the writers no doubt. I can picture her now, on set, tweaking the scripts.
David Morrissey is a great addition as well

Looks good can't wait to see her act...

29-May-2012, 02:22 AM
My kid said his friend took this picture while he was down in basic training, He doesn't know alot about the picture so that's about all I got out of him.
A Lori sammich...

31-May-2012, 03:41 PM
"Silencers" for weapons?


01-Jun-2012, 02:37 AM
Notice Rick is getting the idea that noise from gunfire is bad. That is a homemade suppressor on that glock.

01-Jun-2012, 06:56 AM
I haven't read the comics, but the idea of a katanawielding superhero is scaring the pants off me. Really wrong direction for this series to take.

01-Jun-2012, 09:21 AM
I haven't read the comics, but the idea of a katanawielding superhero is scaring the pants off me. Really wrong direction for this series to take.

Michonne is one of the most iconic characters from the comics, and one of the most indispensible for the group.

What will be interesting to see is how she mixes in with Daryl, who was never in the comics, but who is equally indispensible to the group. Crossbows and Katanas? I hope to see some kick arse stealth action in season three.

01-Jun-2012, 11:23 PM
Lori already found replacements for Shane and Rick? She sure works fast.

02-Jun-2012, 12:26 AM
Lori already found replacements for Shane and Rick? She sure works fast.
Maybe she's just planning ahead. Whore.
Her, not you.

Btw, a little more than 4 months until the new season?
This watched pot feels like it's never going to boil in this household. I'm dying for more, and I'm not going to watch the old ones until the marathon in July and that's it.

07-Jun-2012, 02:29 PM
Comic readers will be familiar with this location:




Also, TVguide.com has posted this photo as the first look at The Governor:


Maybe it's because he looks nothing like the comic character, but I can't shake the feeling that this isn't legit...

08-Jun-2012, 10:13 AM

People are going to have to get used to the fact that he looks nothing like the comic guy though aren't they? It will just be yet another thing for the nerds to moan about no doubt.:confused:

08-Jun-2012, 01:22 PM
People are going to have to get used to the fact that he looks nothing like the comic guy though aren't they? It will just be yet another thing for the nerds to moan about no doubt.:confused:

With all due respect... anyone posting on zombie forums about horror films and zombie related merchandise as much as you and I has no right tossing out the N word so casually.

08-Jun-2012, 02:28 PM
This guy would have made a good govenor...



08-Jun-2012, 02:37 PM
With all due respect... anyone posting on zombie forums about horror films and zombie related merchandise as much as you and I has no right tossing out the N word so casually.

Not only are we nerds, we are the elite! ;)

‎"The Governor in the show is definitely going to be The Governor in the comic," Kirkman said. Hmmmm.
Who cares what he looks like? If the actor does a good enough job and the writing is good I don't care about his haircut...

08-Jun-2012, 03:03 PM
Who cares what he looks like? If the actor does a good enough job and the writing is good I don't care about his haircut...

His looks aren't necessarily an issue, I just think most fans expected something closer to the source material after having seen that Michonne is identical to the comic. I'm sure it will be a great character and a great performance, but I at least expected him to grow the handlebar mustache. :p

08-Jun-2012, 05:41 PM
Maybe they tried the handle bar 'tache out, but it looked a bit daft on him? It might work in a drawing, but it might not work so well on an actual human's face ... although there is a certain character that comes into the comics much later who sports a handle bar 'tache, so if that guy gets introduced at some point down the line, I'd hope that that guy keeps the tache.

Anthony Hopkins didn't look an awful lot like Richard Nixon, but when I watched Nixon, I believed Hopkins to be Nixon for the duration. The hardest part, and most convincing part, is inhabiting the character. Dressing up as the character is a relatively small step, and I'd rather have a change and it look right, than no change and forcing a silly-looking mustache on a guy who you'd then joke about and not be able to take seriously ... if that is indeed how the 'tache situation went down with The Governor.

Moon Knight
10-Jun-2012, 05:56 PM
The Governor as Han Solo?! Win.

Seriously, tho, I was a bit disappointed at first but as long as he can pull it off, I don't care what he looks like.

14-Jun-2012, 08:28 PM
Look who's making an appearance

http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/2650/twds3merledixonfirstloo.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/twds3merledixonfirstloo.jpg/)

15-Jun-2012, 09:56 AM
Maybe GM and crew can save 'WWZ" for Paramount and Brad Pitt? http://movies.msn.com/movies/article.aspx?news=736237

02-Jul-2012, 07:06 PM


02-Jul-2012, 07:09 PM

That right there is HOT!

03-Jul-2012, 04:54 AM
That right there is HOT! Complete agreement!!!

03-Jul-2012, 10:06 AM
Complete agreement!!!

Further agreement from me too! :)

03-Jul-2012, 06:29 PM
Same here.
Man, the look on her face. You wouldn't want to piss Maggie off would you?

03-Jul-2012, 07:54 PM
I will say though....the placement of her fingers kinda freaks me out. Looks like a facehugger. :p

Moon Knight
04-Jul-2012, 01:52 AM
I will say though....the placement of her fingers kinda freaks me out. Looks like a facehugger. :p

Baby can face hug me all she wants. :)

04-Jul-2012, 04:03 AM
Why is everyone so angry in the pictures? Man, I wouldn't be able to stop smiling during the zombpocalypse.

04-Jul-2012, 04:35 AM
That first pic has Tea Dog about to actually do something! Hurrah!
At least I hope so for the sake of the other people in that scene.

And yeah, Maggie is played by a very beautiful young woman who looks especially sexy when cleaving her way through the undead.

04-Jul-2012, 08:43 AM
Maggie sporting skinny jeans, a tank top, biker boots, a cross draw holster and a custom Gerber Machete.... Watch out Mila!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gonna be a great episode.

05-Jul-2012, 01:01 PM
Different angle....


05-Jul-2012, 01:31 PM
...three months... tick... tick... tick...

ps: Wonder where the rest of the gang are?

05-Jul-2012, 04:07 PM
...three months... tick... tick... tick...

ps: Wonder where the rest of the gang are?

They're looking for Carl ... ziiing! :p

05-Jul-2012, 04:15 PM
They're looking for Carl ... ziiing! :p


05-Jul-2012, 08:07 PM
Different angle....


Slightly spoilery

Theres gonna be a slaughter. I hope they go for the same sad mood as the massacre in Dawn for the clearing out process or at least be as epic.

06-Jul-2012, 12:14 PM
Comic Con announcement poster:


07-Jul-2012, 07:03 AM
I cant bloody wait!!!

10-Jul-2012, 11:54 PM
Comic Con Poster created by "Spawn" artist Greg Capullo:


11-Jul-2012, 12:06 AM
Is that Kevin Bacon zombie again?

11-Jul-2012, 06:44 AM
If someone could photoshop this into a HPOTD "Where's Carl?" Facebook cover image I would gladly display it.

Slightly spoilery

Theres gonna be a slaughter. I hope they go for the same sad mood as the massacre in Dawn for the clearing out process or at least be as epic.

18-Jul-2012, 06:39 PM
Heres the cast posing on set, Laurie Holden posted this on her twitter the other day, thought you guys would like

18-Jul-2012, 06:51 PM
Looks like that's from Comic Con, actually. Reminds me of the Breakfast Club poster....

18-Jul-2012, 07:05 PM
Looks like that's from Comic Con, actually. Reminds me of the Breakfast Club poster....

You could be right actually, Norman posted this one around the same time saying they were on the way there. Shame we don't have many accessible (to me) events like comic con in the UK!

19-Jul-2012, 09:57 AM
Heres the cast posing on set, Laurie Holden posted this on her twitter the other day, thought you guys would like

Glenn's a total babe magnet isn't he? Look at Rick sat there on his tod :sneaky::p:lol: ... ... speaking of which, the sheer volume of tweens that are so in love with Glenn/Yeun was hilarious in the Comic-Con panel. I was literally LOL'ing at all that carry on. :lol:

You could be right actually, Norman posted this one around the same time saying they were on the way there. Shame we don't have many accessible (to me) events like comic con in the UK!

I know. Naff all happens anywhere near where I am usually, not that I could afford any of the tickets anyway ... the UK needs to stop cramming every damn thing inside the M25 and remember there's an entire United Kingdom.

09-Aug-2012, 06:07 PM
http://geektyrant.com/storage/0999-post-images/Walkingdeadded892012.jpeg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSI ON=1344527717005

http://geektyrant.com/storage/0999-post-images/Walkingdeadded8920121.jpeg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERS ION=1344527741041

Also, this is a mini poster they were signing at comic con:


10-Aug-2012, 09:41 AM
Kick arse - some really sickly-looking walkers there. :thumbsup:

The group could really do with a wash, couldn't they? :D

10-Aug-2012, 06:57 PM
The group could really do with a wash, couldn't they? :D

Or a nice change of undies. I bet you can really get a pungent case of Swamp Ass during the zombie apocalypse.

22-Aug-2012, 02:06 PM
Upcoming Entertainment Weekly covers:


Loving Daryl's poncho that the costumer designer had mentioned in the recent "dispatches from the set". And I can't help but think of Crocodile Dundee when looking at the governor's cover. "That's not a knife...THIS is a knife."

22-Aug-2012, 05:37 PM
Aye, definitely digging Darryl's poncho.

23-Aug-2012, 12:22 PM
Lots of pictures from the EW issue here: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/58551/walking-dead-season-3-ew-image-blow-out?view=/gallery/walkingdead/twds3ew2x


Rancid Carcass
23-Aug-2012, 04:40 PM

Ha! That's soooo cheesy, it's like a bad 90's computer game box art!

"They stole his girl and now he's gotta take to the mean streets of Scumville to win her back! It's time to get mad and get even and kick some ass in a fight to the death with Mr. Big!

Streets of Fury 2 - Revenge Blade!

23-Aug-2012, 05:02 PM





Michonne's pets before:

Michonne's pets after:


23-Aug-2012, 05:57 PM
I was just about to scurry over and post them (which I'd seen here -http://dailydead.com/16-new-photos-from-the-walking-dead-season-3/)

Some production photos also:




24-Aug-2012, 02:02 PM
I thought Neil started a thread about the EW issue yesterday, but I can't seem to find it now. Anyway....here are some tidbits from the article itself:

EW- Season 3 picks up several months later, with the group having survived the winter but still homeless.

EW- New character to keep an eye on. Self-made pseudo-scientist Milton, played by Dallas Roberts.

Mazara- “He’s not a trained scientist, but he believes if he can study the behavior of walkers, and experiment and spend time considering the problem perhaps he can find a solution. That’s his contribution to Woodbury.”

Mazzara- “The group will come to discover that there are other survivors within the prison.”

Mazzara- “I don’t want to give anything away, but our version of the Governor is recognizable to comic-book fans.” (in regards to the niece Penny subplot.

Kirkman- “Whether or not he’s [Merle] working with the Governor or against the Governor remains to be seen.”

EW- Michonne and Andrea form a strong bond while out surviving on their own, but that bond will be tested when hey arrive at Woodbury, as the two women taking very opposing viewpoints on the community. While Andrea embraces hope, Michonne senses trouble.

Gurira- “Michonne is trained to see all the stuff to be wary of; she can see the Governor for what he is very quickly. There are so many clues.”

EW- That confrontoation [between Woodbury and the Ricks group] could lead to scrambling among the other characters. Will Andrea—perhaps feeling abandoned at the farm by her previous group—stand by the Governor’s side? Will reunited brothers Daryl and Merle fight together or against each other?

Mazzara- “As the groups clash, everything gets reshuffled, alliances change. There’s a sense of betrayal between different characters.”

EW- The Governor is not the only human threat out there.

Mazzara- “Other groups see that prison as a very important resource, not just the Governors group. The prison becomes a focal point for several different groups through the season.”

EW- Producers have already revealed—bragged really—that major characters will once again be biting the dust.

Kirkman- “Every season of The Walking Dead is going to have major deaths.”

I'm a bit worried about the "scientist" trying to figure things out. Kirkman already had a misstep or two by letting the CDC storyline and the "we're all infected" dialogue convince non-comic fans that it's a virus series, so I hope this doesn't take it further. Hopefully AMC and the other writers aren't making him give explanations that he doesn't want to give, because these are things that have been intentionally avoided in the comic...

24-Aug-2012, 04:27 PM
^^ amen to that.

Also: I still find it strange that the last shot of the previous season made it seem that the group was pretty close to the prison whereas now they are telling us that the new episodes start months from Rick's little democracy speech and sees the group homeless. Surely it doesn't take them months and a (harsh?) winter to find it?

Plus: I know it's probably because of budgetary reasons and shooting schedules but I find it a pity that we wont see any episodes set in winter/snow (do they even have snow in winter where the story is set ?) as a frosty setting led to some fantastic and atmospheric comic book issues.

I couldn't help but think of some Kylie Minogue video when seeing those pics op Michone's pets in their blue sleeves.

24-Aug-2012, 05:18 PM
Plus: I know it's probably because of budgetary reasons and shooting schedules but I find it a pity that we wont see any episodes set in winter/snow (do they even have snow in winter where the story is set ?) as a frosty setting led to some fantastic and atmospheric comic book issues.

Snow is a very rare event here in Georgia where the show is set and filmed. If we do get snow, it's maybe once or twice in the winter season and it's nothing heavy. Usually melted within a few days. The last significant snow we had was nearly 20 years ago during the Blizzard of 1993. There is a portion of the comics with snow(the show has already passed this point), but I don't think Kirkman realized how little snow Georgia gets when he wrote it.

24-Aug-2012, 05:29 PM
Some nifty tidbits of info in there that leave a smile on my face, including some stuff that I called in advance, so it's nice to see my presumptions confirmed. :cool:

26-Aug-2012, 09:39 PM
Snow is a very rare event here in Georgia where the show is set and filmed. If we do get snow, it's maybe once or twice in the winter season and it's nothing heavy. Usually melted within a few days. The last significant snow we had was nearly 20 years ago during the Blizzard of 1993. There is a portion of the comics with snow(the show has already passed this point), but I don't think Kirkman realized how little snow Georgia gets when he wrote it.

Exactly. Something I always noted when reading the comics. Maybe its the lack of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. . . but nah, that much snow in Georgia always seemed unlikely to me.

27-Aug-2012, 11:48 PM
I had assumed the snow in Georgia was due to some climate change that took place; perhaps even something involved with whatever caused the zombie pandemic. Think about it this way, maybe the earth itself is dying and everyone has been too involved with the threat of the zombies and surviving, so no one has noticed yet. (that could also explain why there seems to be a lack of animal life anywhere)

Or, perhaps it was just a freak winter in good ol' Georgia!

02-Sep-2012, 04:18 AM
I can't post the photos, for obvious reasons, but Greg Nicotero has some really cool and iconic Romero zombie cameos planned for us fans this upcoming season. Not sure how prominant they'll be in the episodes, but everyone should get a kick out of them.

02-Sep-2012, 10:28 AM
I can't post the photos, for obvious reasons, but Greg Nicotero has some really cool and iconic Romero zombie cameos planned for us fans this upcoming season. Not sure how prominant they'll be in the episodes, but everyone should get a kick out of them.

Aaaah. You big tease. ;)

02-Sep-2012, 11:22 AM
Interest piquing ever-more... :)

03-Sep-2012, 05:08 PM
Who knows, they might include that iconic zombie 'O Rear' played in Day of the Dead, so we can finally see what he actually looks like ...

03-Sep-2012, 05:39 PM
It'll be an interesting thing, I wonder how they'll incorporate such things. Hopefully not too over-done and obvious ... a bit more 'background' or 'passing' rather than being really up-front about it, or if they are, hint at it more than flat-out recreate it.

Really looking forward to season three.

03-Sep-2012, 06:38 PM
It'll be an interesting thing, I wonder how they'll incorporate such things. Hopefully not too over-done and obvious ... a bit more 'background' or 'passing' rather than being really up-front about it, or if they are, hint at it more than flat-out recreate it.

Really looking forward to season three.

Minion - I think they will be just quick, passing glances. Greg said it was one of the perks of getting to direct his own episodes to do stuff like that. But I think they'll be seen enough that us Romero fans will definitely pick them out.

04-Sep-2012, 05:02 PM
Minion - I think they will be just quick, passing glances. Greg said it was one of the perks of getting to direct his own episodes to do stuff like that. But I think they'll be seen enough that us Romero fans will definitely pick them out.

Sounds like the right mix to me then. :cool:

-- -------- Post added at 06:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:41 AM ----------

Three more pics:




Might Andrea be getting a taste of the 'good life' at Woodbury? I know Mazzara & Co have talked about Andrea finding the town to be a bit of a dream come true, while Michonne is suspicious from the get-go.

04-Sep-2012, 06:13 PM
The UK premiere on FX has been confirmed for Friday 19th October

05-Sep-2012, 10:05 AM
The UK premiere on FX has been confirmed for Friday 19th October

I recently started a new thread for various bits of season 3 related news and anticipation - http://forum.homepageofthedead.com/showthread.php?20554-The-Official-Season-3-Anticipatory-Discussion-Thread :)

14-Sep-2012, 11:34 AM


Maggie, as always, lookin' good. Woof!

I wonder what he's looking at? :D

A closer image of Michonne from the Comic Con announcement poster

14-Sep-2012, 04:56 PM
Maggie, as always, lookin' good. Woof!

Agreed ... Maggie makes me giddy as a school boy. :)

I wonder what he's looking at? :D

*bundles up into a ball of anticaptory joy*

I know what it is, I know what it is ... can't wait to see how it looks in the TV show, and how they do the reveal! :hyper:

14-Sep-2012, 08:21 PM


There are also some new close up shots of each cast member, but i'm not bothering to post them all. Just imagine each character's school portrait and that's what they are....

14-Sep-2012, 09:17 PM

Nice! Domestic bliss zombie apocalypse style :D

15-Sep-2012, 12:31 PM
The aforementioned portraits:


Everyone's favourite post-apocalyptic farmer's daughter... :):o


15-Sep-2012, 03:26 PM
Nice! Domestic bliss zombie apocalypse style :D

The Gov's got that "Things are serious, pop a squat" Shane look. :p

15-Sep-2012, 04:37 PM
The Gov's got that "Things are serious, pop a squat" Shane look. :p


I'd love for The Governor to 'pop a serious squat' at some point.

A little quirk to Bernthal's performance that I simultaneously got a chuckle out of, but quite enjoyed.

16-Sep-2012, 11:20 AM
Some more pics:













16-Sep-2012, 07:32 PM
Few pics Norman put up on Twitter of them messing about with props, I assume these are from S3

17-Sep-2012, 05:47 PM
A couple of zombies from the upcoming season:



They're looking really gooey and diseased now, aren't they? Nifty! :thumbsup:

18-Sep-2012, 12:44 AM

27-Sep-2012, 10:46 AM
TWENTY shots from episode one of season three here:


A few choice ones below:





Looks worthy of a triple Randy Marsh to me. :D

27-Sep-2012, 11:58 AM
Those shots of Andrea getting all cosy with the governor ... Perhaps in the tv series it will be Andrea going through some of the stuff Michone had to in the comic book series? Wouldn't be the first time for them to switch some stuff around.
While i wasn't the biggest fan of the added material (vatos, CDC) I did enjoy some of the second season's bigger twists (The deaths of Sophia, Shane, Dale)

27-Sep-2012, 01:41 PM
Thanks for posting those, MZ!

That pic of Rick with his back to the cam giving us a view of the walkers is soooooo cool! Can't even put into words how a pic that isn't super hi-res or whatever looks, at the same time, so real to me and also so reminiscent of something I associate with the original Dawn.

27-Sep-2012, 01:47 PM
The one with Rick and the walkers inside the courtyard looks like it could be a panel ripped straight from the comics. Only....ya know.....real.

27-Sep-2012, 04:35 PM
Aye, saw these pics and immediately came scurrying here to share with you fine folks. :)

The one of the walker looks really nasty, in a good way. Little diseased details like the sagging flesh around the eyes - it's as if the flesh is separating underneath the surface - fantastic little minute details that build up to really make these walkers look proper rank. :D

27-Sep-2012, 06:10 PM
That first one looks a real nasty swine! He's the one who gets his head sliced in two in the comic con trailer isnt he? Awesome make up job :D