View Full Version : Think again when it comes to canceling your AOL.kinda funny

03-Jul-2006, 05:34 PM
I found this on another discussion board. i thought it was funny and so true. It is like pulling teeth to cancel Internet. They say the phone rep was fired.


03-Jul-2006, 06:23 PM
only the foolish use AOL (America Off-Line)

03-Jul-2006, 06:58 PM
I found this on another discussion board. i thought it was funny and so true. It is like pulling teeth to cancel Internet. They say the phone rep was fired.


I used to use AOL, but have been on Comcast Broadband for 2 years-- All I did was cancel my membership with AOL on the phone, and I never received another bill or any hassle... They tried to get me on some sort of limited $5.95/month plan as a backup or something but I said no..They said "thank you for being an AOL customer" and "we would be happy to have you again in the future"...

no problems on my end...


03-Jul-2006, 07:12 PM
I used to use AOL, but have been on Comcast Broadband for 2 years-- All I did was cancel my membership with AOL on the phone, and I never received another bill or any hassle... They tried to get me on some sort of limited $5.95/month plan as a backup or something but I said no..They said "thank you for being an AOL customer" and "we would be happy to have you again in the future"...

no problems on my end...

I've never known anyone that had a problem canceling AOL - (other than receiving disc after disc in the mail offering a bazzillion free hours.) besides that, never a problem.

03-Jul-2006, 09:25 PM
I had tons of problems when I had AOL but canceling my service was not one of them. My Aunt had a terrible time though. She called to cancel and they did cancel her access to the internet however they kept billing her credit card. It took her several months to fix the problem and they still have not refunded her money.

03-Jul-2006, 10:53 PM
Cancelling NTL is a complete nightmare, almost as bad as signing up to NTL. Even though their call centres are in the UK (at least they were about 3 years ago when we signed up at uni, off campus) they are a complete botch job, it took a dozen calls and several idiots to figure out they'd supplied us with a broken modem ... and this was after waiting four times the length of time they said it would take to get it installed ... I'm so glad I stuck to organising the water bill!

03-Jul-2006, 11:21 PM
aohell is the antichrist

04-Jul-2006, 02:28 PM
I'm with blueyonder and they have been pretty cool so far...

The only reason i have AOL discs is because they make pretty cool frisbees for dogs.... or coasters

04-Jul-2006, 11:08 PM
only the foolish use AOL (America Off-Line)

i only use it bcause its the only broadband in my area, only then is it ever justified.:skull:

and the help line sucks its allways an indian guy who doesnt speak english well(that aint racist ring em up its true) who says "m-hm okay, well what i want you to do is click on remove aol then re-install it ill wait on the 1£ a minute line...":mad:

05-Jul-2006, 04:35 AM
I know 3 people personally (not online) who have cancelled AOL only to have their credit cards billed for months afterwards. It took my sister-in-law 3 months to get her money back from AOL and then it was only after contacting a lawyer and the lawyer calling AOL that she got it back.

So, no thanks AOL, I'll keep my broadband connection.

05-Jul-2006, 10:07 AM
Oh geez, Indian call centre guys *ARGH!* I fuggin' hate that poo!

Once we had one of those bloody sales calls (which we're supposed to be guarded against!) and it was this Indian guy from India with an INCREDIBLY THICK Indian accent. I had f*ck all idea what on earth he was saying and I asked him "is this a sales call?" and he said "no" - then went off on a bloody sales pitch! So I said, don't lie to me, this IS a bloody sales call. It was about mobile phones, and he just went off on his spiel as I sat there screaming down the phone "WE ALL HAVE PHONES ON CONTRACTS WE DON'T NEED YOUR CRAP PHONES LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!" - after all, I'm a polite kinda guy. Eventually managed to get him to f*ck off, but goddamn, Indian call centres p*ss me off something rotten.

It's not racist, because I have f*ck all idea what they're saying and they don't give a sh*t if you don't want their call - that's what p*sses me off ... as well as you're looking for help and none of the tossers on the phones can help you out. USELESS people.

23-Jul-2006, 03:03 AM
I found this publication on consumerist.com

Apparantly AOL has been less than forth coming with their true intentions towards canceling subscribers complaints.

NYT Notes AOL Manual Upload, Questions Raised
After we uploaded an AOL retention manual, AOL says "No Comment" to its authenticity in an article in today's New York Times "What's Online" section:

Several former AOL retention consultants have emailed us, of their own accord, and confirmed that the manual is real. They say it's a learning material used during training.

We conducted two phone interviews late this week with former AOL retention consultants. In their opinion, all that mattered at the call center's was each operator's individual "save" rate, the number of customers they prevented from cancelling their AOL accounts. When simple sales tactics didn't work, consultants resorted to chicanery, games of semantics, and lying.

If a customer asked, "Will you bill me for this," the consultant could reply no. The customer could hang up, thinking they cancelled. Instead, they were still billed, but not by the consultant, by AOL.

On other occasions, the consultant would tell the customer their account was cancelled and then simply not do it. Instead, they marked the account as saved.

Eventually, the customer gets his next credit card statement and calls back. He's still being billed. He's outraged. It's very hard to convince this type of customer to stay, though the retention consultant will still try. Sometimes they're successful, and then, sometimes they're "successful."

One interviewee painted a graphic portrait of conditions inside a call center. After being "buttered up" and told the job was easy in training, he started for real and learned the realities of dealing with angered customers. To cope, he and his team went out drinking every night. Some took out their stress on their wive's faces. Others bought meth on the job and did it in the bathroom during lunch breaks. He claims that two of his coworkers went so far as to commit suicide, one by overdose, the other by self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Our subject claims he saw people have anxiety attacks, and his friend suffered a seizure right after failing to save a call. The team leaders told everyone to not notice it and keep working as the EMT's arrived. He himself suffered an anxiety attack and was hospitalized. When he came back to work, AOL fired him. Walking out the back door into the Midwest sun, he felt more free than ever before.

Edited audio of these interviews will appear here in a matter of days

23-Jul-2006, 05:26 AM
AOL is the devil I had it waaaaay back aol 4.0 LOL

23-Jul-2006, 03:59 PM
I found this publication on consumerist.com

Apparantly AOL has been less than forth coming with their true intentions towards canceling subscribers complaints.

ya i would hate to work for AOL. Hell When i worked at t-mobile call center i had anxiety attacks daily. it got to be too much so i quit.

23-Jul-2006, 06:40 PM
AOL is the devil I had it waaaaay back aol 4.0 LOL

Aren't they at AOL ****ed.0 by now? :D