View Full Version : World War Z - Seven weeks of reshoots?

05-Jun-2012, 08:52 AM
That's some pretty major re-shooting!??


05-Jun-2012, 10:21 AM
That's some pretty major re-shooting!??


I'd totally forgotten about this movie ... but then again, when I heard what they were doing to the story, as well as making the zeds runners, I lost practically all my interest ... and seven weeks of reshoots? Sheesh, that sounds like a sizeable bugger up to me... :stunned::eek::stunned:

I wonder if - as proffered on AICN - they've realised they've made a total hash of it and they're now desperately trying to revert much more to the source material, but you can't reshoot the entire movie, so who knows what the hell is going on. With the bad press that this flick has garnered during it's production, I can't imagine this is going to be much cop.

05-Jun-2012, 11:37 AM
That's some pretty major re-shooting!??


They have to slow all the zombies down.

Somebody actually read the book last week.

05-Jun-2012, 01:30 PM
They have to slow all the zombies down.

Somebody actually read the book last week.

The funny thing is, I'd love to see the rumor that they were doing this to re-edit and add slow zombies in. I'd love for someone from the production to have to take time out of their day to debunk it, thus prompting, perhaps, one or two people involved in the film to ask: "You mean something like that might matter to potential fans of the film?"

05-Jun-2012, 06:09 PM
One thing about movies and hollywood in general that really gets me, is when they destroy a credible piece of work and reduce it to the lowest common denominator to ensure they appeal to the broadest audience.

If it wasn't so misguided, it'd be funny - but the problem is they tie up good movie licences for decades because they own the rights to a story that they ended up bastardising, and destroying.

It happened to Dawn of the Dead, too.

The absolute kicker in all of this, is that great pieces of work are destroyed and in the process, the film makers and execs behind the scenes are assessing who they think will watch the movie, and then making patronising assumptions about YOU and what YOU would want to see.

Which is why I'm glad Game of Thrones seems to have remained in-tact, and look how popular, strong and great it is.

This movie however, even though I have no exposure to the source material, flies in the face of really adapting a work. Adapting a work means you have to re-tell the same story in a different medium, not reduce, consolidate and destroy all the things that made it unique, in some attempt to appeal to a mass audience of jeering morons.

05-Jun-2012, 06:30 PM
They better be taking out the bite to 5 second transformation b.s. too.

05-Jun-2012, 06:39 PM
Nah, I heard the re-shoots were to better sync up those scenes with the soundtrack; apparently Disturbed just signed on for the main theme to the film.

05-Jun-2012, 07:33 PM
Nah, I heard the re-shoots were to better sync up those scenes with the soundtrack; apparently Disturbed just signed on for the main theme to the film.

They also had "Down With the Sickness" in Dawn04 too, didn't they?


05-Jun-2012, 07:49 PM
They also had "Down With the Sickness" in Dawn04 too, didn't they?


Lou, if it makes you feel better, I was just kidding. But it's scary how believable it is, eh?

06-Jun-2012, 10:02 AM
Lou, if it makes you feel better, I was just kidding. But it's scary how believable it is, eh?

God I hate that song. In the wake of Yawn04 all you ever got on fan-made videos of practically anything, was down-with-the-ruddy-sickness ... ugh.

I'd forgotten about that apparent quick transformation bollocks too (not sure if they meant to edit around it in post, trying to trim down on the number of set-ups to do that day perhaps, or if they really are that fucking useless at reading the source material :shifty: ... I fear the latter, and the evidence thus far hasn't done our collective fears over the adapation any good).

06-Jun-2012, 01:56 PM
Lou, if it makes you feel better, I was just kidding. But it's scary how believable it is, eh?

You LIED to me?! You bastard! :lol: :lol:

Totally believable though...

God I hate that song. In the wake of Yawn04 all you ever got on fan-made videos of practically anything, was down-with-the-ruddy-sickness ... ugh.

No kidding. :rolleyes:

06-Jun-2012, 07:42 PM
I'd heard some rumours but haven't really been following much zombie news for a while. So the World War Z film is almost certainly going to be shit?

06-Jun-2012, 08:09 PM
I'd heard some rumours but haven't really been following much zombie news for a while. So the World War Z film is almost certainly going to be shit?

I don't know about that, but it certainly seems like it will not reach its potential, which is disappointing enough.

07-Jun-2012, 08:05 PM
anyone else think this is gonna be a colossal failure at this point? its starting to stink that way to me...

07-Jun-2012, 08:16 PM
anyone else think this is gonna be a colossal failure at this point? its starting to stink that way to me...

Do you mean for us, or in terms of box office dollars? I assume it still has a good shot of making a ton of money if marketed correctly.

07-Jun-2012, 09:22 PM
IMO the movie is just going to be panned as a 28 Days Later remake and have the reviews repeating the usual "braaaiiiins!" over and over.

I doubt it will make much money as Pitt and studio MBA's have already alienated the vast majority of the pre-existing WWZ fanbase. It may have a decent opening weekend but fall off the radar quickly if the word gets out that the movie is just another 2 hour music video.

Almost 2 months of reshoots is going to be very expensive and won't leave much for marketing. IMO they are going the cheap viral route and put up a fake conspiracy theorist or scientist blog documenting a growing number of zombie attacks complete with shaky camera youtube videos which lead up to the movie opening. The first posters will be a simple "WWZ" in large letters and Brad Pitt's name prominently displayed to create curiosity as to what WWZ means.