View Full Version : Living Dead Family Pic-Nic- Everyone is welcome!

Tricia Martin
15-Jun-2012, 02:09 PM
(Any Questions? Just ask me & I'll do my best to answer them :dead:)


June 30th 1pm

- A main dish will be provided for a nominal fee. At this time we are planning on Bitner's Smokehouse chicken.
- Plates, cups, napkins, utensils and the likes will be provided as well.
- What we are asking is that you bring the sides, desserts, and beverage of your choice. (Remember Ice and Coolers!)
- In true family style, plan on sharing! In other words, bring a quantity of a side or dessert that you would take to a potluck dinner or family picnic. For those of you traveling a distance to get here, there are stores in town where you can pick up stuff.
- All Day Pool Passes will be available for $3.50 per person.
- We are in the process of planning Special Tours of the Cemetery and Chapel.
- BRING THE KIDS! There are all sorts of activities planned for them, along with a very special project we need their help on.

15-Jun-2012, 03:38 PM
Is this in aid of Fix The Chapel?

15-Jun-2012, 06:41 PM
Is this in aid of Fix The Chapel?

Yes. It is Neil. They seem to be doing really well overall.

Tricia Martin
17-Jun-2012, 04:09 PM
Is this in aid of Fix The Chapel?
Yep! I think Gary will have some of the chapel merch and some art that was made to raise funds for the chapel. There will also be a donation bucket. It's primarily to bring everyone together who has helped with the effort- and to have a good time together, but yes- any money collected is going straight to fund the chapel's restoration.

-- -------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:01 PM ----------

Yes. It is Neil. They seem to be doing really well overall.

Thank you for replying to Neil! haha! I had 3 long days of work and wasn't able to be online. We are doing great so far! We're about $10,000 away from the $50,000 goal- and we have until the end of September to raise the rest. There are still e-bay auctions being held and chapel tables being donated by cons. I'm pretty sure there will be a chapel table at Monster Bash, definitely one at Days of the Dead vs. the World (Indianapolis, IN), and at INFECT Scranton (Scranton, PA) in September. The rest of the cons we have people passing out flyers and whatnot. Even if we don't make the 50 grand by the end of September, Gary is confident that the cemetery board will still let us go ahead with restoration plans. He's been to every meeting they've had to update them on our progress and they are incredibly pleased with what has been accomplished so far. :) Oh! Here is the link to the e-bay auctions, if anyone is interested. There are some really cool things up for bid. http://www.ebay.com/sch/xdekex/m.html

Tricia Martin
03-Jul-2012, 03:39 PM
Man was the picnic awesome! My husband and I will be posting a video for it soon- we're editing it right now. I wish I could post more pictures in the albums here- But I guess I'll just upload them in a comment. Gary and Russ gave 2 tours of the cemetery where they told stories about making Night, and answered questions from the group. Gor and I went on both tours to get footage for the documentary. The cast that showed up for the picnic included of course, Gary and Russ, Ella Mae, John Russo, and Dick Heckard (black hatted posse member). Kyra couldn't make it- George Kosana was supposed to be there too, but something came up. Either way- it was an awesome experience for sure! John Russo was on a roll! hahaa! He made me laugh for over an hour just telling joke after joke...hahaa! I called my Grandpa and put him on speaker phone so he could tell John a joke. My Grandpa has no idea who John is...hahaa! Ok- back to editing- I'll post the video as soon as it's done :) https://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/336488_10151009918309275_1820530079_o.jpg