View Full Version : The zombie apocalypse dream thread...

17-Jun-2012, 09:48 PM
I have zombie apocalypse dreams at least once a week. I can't be alone in this. So I'm creating this thread to illustrate the latest one. Hopefully others will chime in with their own, cuz I KNOW you have them!

Last night I had one that was a bit different than most. It took place at the local Caseys General Store. The strange thing is that although it took place at the Caseys, it actually took place in a building that was demolished in order to build the new Caseys. An old Hardees to be specific.
There was the usual mixed group of folks holed up in the building, avoiding detection by staying in the basement and staying out of sight. Everyone was afraid to spend any time in an area that was visible from the outside. Which is understandable.
I propose the idea that in order to survive we all need to form a plan to go out and salvage what we can from local businesses and homes. Everyone reluctantly agrees. So all the men prepare a pickup truck with a flatbed trailer to go out and forage. Nothing crazy like in Dawn04 with an armored bus, just a basic pickup truck with a small flatbed in tow. As we're moving through the neighborhoods we come across a small business like district located just before the bridge here in the town I live in that crosses the IL river. It's a small farmers type market that's totally abandoned and contains nothing but spoiled fruits and vegetables. One stand in particular contains instructions on how to contact an organized group of survivors through shortwave radio, and how to get your name put on a list of people to be picked up by this group.
We take note of this, although we have no means of accessing a shortwave radio. We notice a column of vehicles in the distance with people jumping off and salvaging just like we're doing. We try to pursue them but are unable to as they cross a barrier that we are unable to cross. We go back to the Caseys and everyone is now outside the building. They're out there because my aunt and a little girl have showed up unexpectedly. The little girl is recognizable to me in the dream, although I don't now know who she is. She is unable to walk very well, and I can't pick her up cuz it causes her terrible pain to be picked up. So as I'm leading her into the building a zombie attacks me but seems to freeze in time upon grabbing my shoulder. I flip the fucker onto the ground but I have no weapons to use against it. So the struggle involves me desperately trying to avoid being scratched or bitten by it and restrain it at the same time. I feel myself getting very tired by the struggle, and as i hold it's head against the ground the little girl comes up and with no hesitation begins pounding the zombies head with a hammer. After several strikes the zombie goes limp. I immediately feel overwhelmed with emotion that this little girl who can barely walk just saved my life.
As everyone is scurrying into the building the column of vehicles shows up and begins loading things from the Caseys dumpster into their vehicles. I notice a name on a plaque on the rear of the vehicles with the shortwave frequency underneath. Don't remember what the name was or what the frequency was now that I'm awake. But I approach the vehicles and hold up one finger to them as if to ask if they have room for the little girl, a woman shakes her head no and says that I must be on the list in order to be rescued and points to the plaque on the rear of the vehicle.
This is all i remember. These types of dreams always take place during a very short time as i wake up and fall back asleep nearing the end of my sleep. They feel so real, and are full of emotion as the events take place.

17-Jun-2012, 10:00 PM
I have been killed in many dreams.

Christopher Jon
18-Jun-2012, 01:36 AM
Hopefully others will chime in with their own, cuz I KNOW you have them!
Honestly, nope. None that I remember.

18-Jun-2012, 10:35 AM
Honestly, nope. None that I remember. Do you normally remember your dreams? Alot of people don't. Most of the time I don't remember them. But every once in a while there's one that sticks with me.

18-Jun-2012, 11:34 AM
Interestingly, while in many dreams that involve evading some great evil or threat where I find myself struggling to run fast enough to get away (or indeed get caught by said evil), I can't remember a single zombie dream I've had in which I've ever succumbed to the undead horde. I've always managed to find higher ground, or a cure, or some form of protection, or have found myself rather adept at zombie slaying ... which is nice. :D

Specific zombie dreams don't spring to mind right now, but I have had several in recent years.

06-Jul-2012, 01:40 AM
You are not alone!!! I have zombie dreams almost every night. They seem so real, and its extremely scary. I never get hurt in them, but I always have trouble trying to defend myself, my gun never goes off :/ but yeah its actually funny to read about others that dream about zombies as I do! haha

06-Jul-2012, 10:48 AM
I probably have a couple a year, that I remember!?

06-Jul-2012, 02:11 PM
I remember one very interesting one, which must have spanned years as it started off with everything going to crap in the usual way and everyone having to try an barricade themselves on our street as best they could. At the top of our lane, there's an entrance, one way in/one way out. This was sealed off, using bricks etc from a derelict house and most of the residents remained behind the safety of this wall. Somehow we managed to get generators for electricity, although in reality I wouldn't even know where to start to find one.

In any case, at some point, people began to wear leather body suits so they could go out scavenging for supplies and later people began manufacturing Kevlar suits of armour that would protect the wearer from bites. This became known as "Kevwear". Eventually, things began to return to "normal".

When I woke up, i was determined that I was going to write it all down, but I never bothered.

06-Jul-2012, 04:30 PM
I remember one very interesting one, which must have spanned years as it started off with everything going to crap in the usual way and everyone having to try an barricade themselves on our street as best they could. At the top of our lane, there's an entrance, one way in/one way out. This was sealed off, using bricks etc from a derelict house and most of the residents remained behind the safety of this wall. Somehow we managed to get generators for electricity, although in reality I wouldn't even know where to start to find one.

In any case, at some point, people began to wear leather body suits so they could go out scavenging for supplies and later people began manufacturing Kevlar suits of armour that would protect the wearer from bites. This became known as "Kevwear". Eventually, things began to return to "normal".

When I woke up, i was determined that I was going to write it all down, but I never bothered.

That sounds pretty nifty - you could make a cool film out of that. :)

17-Jul-2012, 12:59 AM
What an awesome thread and kudo's on its originality...

Zombie dreams are my favorite and I dare say I have them at least once a month. What's weird is when you have the same zombie dream over and over in the sense that it takes place in the same place and your actions are different. Bit like playing a video game and trying to make it to the next level. My last zombie dream was bizarre. It took place on some kind of farm out in who-knows-where and the zombies were 'domesticated' to do manual labor. Eventually of course that all went to pot right quick and it was an every-man-for-himself moment of survival that I don't recall because it led to the end of the dream where suddenly my ability to drive a manual car meant the difference between my and my boyfriends life and a horrible death as he was somehow incapacitated and I was forced to try to drive. I'm sure if I hadn't woken up we'd have been goners because this dream happened after an hour of my boyfiend trying to teach me to drive his manual in NYC... really the worst place to possibly learn to drive such a car and I failed... the dream perhaps inspired by his jibe at my love for horror/zombie movies in which he said if our lives came down to me being able to drive manual we would both perish...

Kinda weird i've been watching Dead Set all week before bed and haven't had a zombie dream... what's a girl gotta do to have a nightmare jeesh