View Full Version : Lollipop Chainsaw (video game) - Buffy meets zombies?

19-Jul-2012, 07:59 AM
OK, certainly a different take on the genre! :)


19-Jul-2012, 08:48 AM
suda 51 is a bloody excellent producer in a medium becoming increasingly samey and stale and its got akira yamoaka doing the music- on of the best composers in videogames, so ive been excited for it, but ive heard its tremendously short and bayonetta was so incredible it sort of spoiled other hack and slash action games for me.

19-Jul-2012, 07:13 PM
The cosplay actress they hired to promote the game was not allowed to wear her costume at a convention because it was "Too revealing".............

20-Jul-2012, 04:58 AM
suda 51 is a bloody excellent producer in a medium becoming increasingly samey and stale and its got akira yamoaka doing the music- on of the best composers in videogames, so ive been excited for it, but ive heard its tremendously short and bayonetta was so incredible it sort of spoiled other hack and slash action games for me.

Completed it twice and while it is very, very short (you will finish it in no more than 5 hours) it's also crazy inventive and old school arcadey fun. I'm a sucker for Suda 51 games for their overall design, humour and originality. I like it that they are basically love letters to classic old school gaming.
This game is such a short and fun ride i see myself completing it every now and then just because it's so short ...

That being said it doesn't come close to Bayonetta in terms of playability. That is seriously the best hack and slash game in the history of mankind.

18-Sep-2012, 03:30 PM
This is a type of zombie game that I looking for, I like her combo style and it has also a story line in every stage and besides the girl character is really hot.