View Full Version : Cockneys vs Zombies (film) - UK zomcom

03-Aug-2012, 11:18 AM

Doesn't look as enduringly brilliant as Shaun of the Dead, but nonetheless, it actually looks like jolly good fun - I'll have to check it out when it hits DVD. :)

03-Aug-2012, 11:23 AM
Urrrgh but cockneys though, horrid people! I had the "pleasure" of their rudeness & arrogance again in Corfu last week. Northerners are far better & wittier, it should be Yorkshire vs Zombies :p

03-Aug-2012, 11:35 AM
Urrrgh but cockneys though, horrid people! I had the "pleasure" of their rudeness & arrogance again in Corfu last week. Northerners are far better & wittier, it should be Yorkshire vs Zombies :p

"The Living Dead Oop Norf, By 'Eck" :D

I suppose Cockneys are more internationally known as a 'British icon' ... still though, it does look like it could be a rather enjoyable flick.

03-Aug-2012, 04:55 PM
My wife is a cockney... she's gonna hate this lol

03-Aug-2012, 05:52 PM
My wife is a cockney... she's gonna hate this lol

Doesn't dig on the stereotypes then, eh? All that "apples and pears" stuff? :p

03-Aug-2012, 05:53 PM
Trailer made me smile, looks fun,

03-Aug-2012, 06:01 PM
Read a review of it in Total Film - they gave it 3/5 - not brilliant, and naturally not Shaun-level, but seems to be good, solid fun. Interestingly enough, it's directed by a German bloke.

03-Aug-2012, 09:30 PM
Here's the thing, I can speak Somalian, yet when she goes into cockney mode, I have no idea what she is banging on about!

04-Aug-2012, 10:13 PM
Having been in it I can tell you its a very fun film, doesn't take it's self too seriously as you can tell from the trailer but has some good zombie moments in. Plus it features that amazing actor Chris Knight *looks shifty* among other Brit icons.

Trailer rightly misses out some of the best comedy and gore/horror bits, which makes a change.

05-Aug-2012, 10:23 AM
Having been in it I can tell you its a very fun film, doesn't take it's self too seriously as you can tell from the trailer but has some good zombie moments in. Plus it features that amazing actor Chris Knight *looks shifty* among other Brit icons.

Trailer rightly misses out some of the best comedy and gore/horror bits, which makes a change.

Cool - what was your experience like on set? Meet any British icons, etc?

05-Aug-2012, 11:52 AM
Yep got to speak to Honor Blackman and Richard Briars and Dudley Sutton all lovely polite people who really seamed to enjoy it as did most of the cast ,Michelle again was very friendly and a sight for sore dead eyes.
I get killed by Alan Ford (Brick Top) and he was definetley game for it as the replica rifle he has shouldered around him weighs a ton but didn't slow him down at all.

05-Aug-2012, 05:22 PM
Yep got to speak to Honor Blackman and Richard Briars and Dudley Sutton all lovely polite people who really seamed to enjoy it as did most of the cast ,Michelle again was very friendly and a sight for sore dead eyes.
I get killed by Alan Ford (Brick Top) and he was definetley game for it as the replica rifle he has shouldered around him weighs a ton but didn't slow him down at all.

I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for that. :D

Sounds like it was jolly good fun to shoot. :thumbsup:

01-Sep-2012, 11:22 AM
Mark Kermode's review of the flick:


Gets the thumbs up. :)

12-Sep-2012, 11:41 PM
I really enjoyed it, I think it's more of a broad comedy than Shaun (which I hate to keep coming back to but every other review seems to) and the horror is very much secondary but it has a lot of warmth for its characters and surroundings. Some great gore and gags throughout and it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
A bit of a shame it didn't get the wide release it deserves as its a real crowd pleaser but it will do very well on DVD, as well it should.

13-Sep-2012, 10:15 AM
I really enjoyed it, I think it's more of a broad comedy than Shaun (which I hate to keep coming back to but every other review seems to) and the horror is very much secondary but it has a lot of warmth for its characters and surroundings. Some great gore and gags throughout and it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
A bit of a shame it didn't get the wide release it deserves as its a real crowd pleaser but it will do very well on DVD, as well it should.

Sounds good to me. It's on my wishlist. :)

18-Sep-2012, 04:11 PM
if the zombies chase these dudes anywhere near a Burberry factory/store/wharehouse, they are all human tartar.

24-Oct-2012, 05:54 PM
watching it as we speak as all i can say is this: my wife isn't a fan of our dear departed flesh eaters but she laughed her ass off at this. plus, as a cockney herself, she was giggling her backside off at dudley sutton getting his rhyming slang wrong.

and i just found this


03-Nov-2012, 08:35 PM
Really enjoyed this. My brother didn't so it must have been the in jokes that worked for me.

29-Jan-2014, 03:03 AM
Just finishing up watching this now. I saw that Rasmus Hardiker is in it, and I loved him in Your Highness. Overall, it is a pretty damn good movie. My kid claims I saw this in the past, and wasn't impressed. I recall watching it only long enough to see a really old lady from the nursing home hit on one of the young guys in a pretty blunt and disgusting manner. My luck, I probably trashed it elsewhere and it'll rear its ugly head and bite me on the rumpus. Thankfully, it's not to be had on this thread, if at all...
Anyhoo, I'd definitely put it right up there with Shawn. In fact, if I see it again supercheap on blu-ray, which I vaguely recall possibly seeing somewhere, then that badboy is mein.
Dug it immensely, and plan on looking up some of the actors to check out their other work. I do also somewhat recall the old geezer from the nursing home died semi recently. Can't remember his name, but I've seen him in alot of British crime movies, and he always brings it, or brought it, I guess.
Silly, but very nicely done. I liked the apples and pears bit. I also love the way they talk. I'm surrounded by hillbillies, so it's a nice change of pace for a gal like me.
Solid A.

29-Jan-2014, 10:08 AM
I rather enjoyed it too - but I wouldn't put it up there with Shaun of the Dead, personally - it's certainly not close to it, but out of the post-Shaun crop of zomcoms, it's one of the very best.

03-Feb-2014, 09:59 AM
I liked the movie, the best part where with the old folks trying to survive during the outbreak unfortunately there was this bank robbing plot and group that took up to much of the movie.

05-Feb-2014, 01:45 PM
Having been in it I can tell you its a very fun film, doesn't take it's self too seriously as you can tell from the trailer but has some good zombie moments in. Plus it features that amazing actor Chris Knight *looks shifty* among other Brit icons.

Trailer rightly misses out some of the best comedy and gore/horror bits, which makes a change.

Loved the trailer, it was very funny. Looking forward to watching it.

16-Feb-2014, 04:52 AM
Just Netflixed this flick last night. It was quite enjoyable. Would I go out and buy it? Not necessarily but it's certainly worth a watch. One thing I am grateful for is subtitles. Those Cockney accents can get a little thick at times.

23-Feb-2014, 03:31 PM
This looks hilarious. Can't beat a good bit of British humor.

15-Mar-2014, 04:05 PM
Really good movie. The grandpa was clearly the best character, crazy old f*ck.