View Full Version : Morrissey claims the Olympics are like Nazi Germany

06-Aug-2012, 06:23 PM

Now I'm not particularly interested in the Olympics myself, but what an absolute cock this man really is, everything that comes out of his mouth is utter drivel and this is no exception. His music was always gash as well. So far I haven't seen minorities being marched off to camps or England attacking other nations to increase its living space as a result of cheering Olympic crowds, so whats his point? Arse :rolleyes:

06-Aug-2012, 06:50 PM
I found this particular comment on that page rather good:


5:26 PM on 6/8/2012

This is the same Morrisey who is reported to have said the following to the Mail on 29 Nov 2007:
"...he can no longer live in a Britain he believes lost to an "immigration explosion". The former frontman of the Smiths, who is now based in Rome, claimed England was just 'a memory now'. The 48-year-old added: "Other countries have held on to their basic identity yet it seems to me that England was thrown away"

What upsets you Morrissey? Is it too much patriotism or not enough?

We don't want you, we don't miss you, we have a newly refreshed feeling of genuine pride in GREAT BRITAIN and LONG MAY IT LAST!

I do recall reading a story about that a few years ago ... berk then, berk now.

Obviously old misery guts hasn't heard of Godwin's Law, and as for the "no oppositional voice is allowed in the free press", clearly he missed the months of incessant pissing & moaning and predictions of doom and failure by the self-important Twitterati/Commentariat who consider themselves the voice of the majority, yet constantly prove themselves to be out-of-step with the nation's vibe time-after-time. How dare Britain enjoy a sense of high-spirited unity and inspiration, eh?

"Heaven knows I'm miserable now" - now? Weren't you always, Morrissey? :p This being the same numpty who slams The Queen for being a dictator at the head of a dictatorship ... obviously he hasn't bothered reading a dictionary recently. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but don't we have that little thing called "democracy" here, where people go to polling booths and vote for which party they want to govern the nation, a government which will often bend to the will of the people whenever they get a bit riled up? Yeah - a crushing dictatorship that, isn't it? :lol::rolleyes::lol:


06-Aug-2012, 08:42 PM
He needs to be wrapped in bacon...
And fried!!!

06-Aug-2012, 09:18 PM
He needs to be wrapped in bacon...
And fried!!!

Careful, Lou may eat him.

06-Aug-2012, 09:48 PM
Not gonna lie i thought morrisey died of a drug overdose in the 90's

07-Aug-2012, 08:11 PM
Careful, Lou may eat him.
Exactly my point...

08-Aug-2012, 05:31 AM
The old drama queen is getting on a lot of people's nerves and understandably so ... Probably just angry for Boyle including no Smiths songs in the opening ceremony.

Just last year he played at a local festival that, out of fear of him walking off stage, had closed down all stalls selling meat (hotdogs, hamburgers and such) Everyone attending was body searched to check they werent bringing any meat to the show.

Whatever, still like this one though:


08-Aug-2012, 02:38 PM
I think he is just envious because no one pays attention to him anymore. and christ, did his moaning, angsty, self-doubting whining that passed for singing irritate that fark out of me back in the 80s.

-- -------- Post added at 10:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:34 AM ----------

The old drama queen is getting on a lot of people's nerves and understandably so ... Probably just angry for Boyle including no Smiths songs in the opening ceremony.

Just last year he played at a local festival that, out of fear of him walking off stage, had closed down all stalls selling meat (hotdogs, hamburgers and such) Everyone attending was body searched to check they werent bringing any meat to the show.

self-righteous vegetarians (and esp. vegans) make me want to hit them with easton baseball bats. they represent one of the worst elements of the human population.

08-Aug-2012, 02:49 PM
Careful, Lou may eat him.

Exactly my point...

My ears were itching a few hours ago, and now I know why! :elol:

Damn right, fry him up and add some bacon, he's history!

As far as this schmuck is concerned (Morrisey), I have to agree with Mike's sentiment:

I think he is just envious because no one pays attention to him anymore. and christ, did his moaning, angsty, self-doubting whining that passed for singing irritate that fark out of me back in the 80s.

*nods in agreement*

08-Aug-2012, 03:25 PM
self-righteous vegetarians (and esp. vegans) make me want to hit them with easton baseball bats. they represent one of the worst elements of the human population.

Hehe. True.

Got to go, have a great chicken in the oven. Laced it with tasty bacon and filled her up with muhrooms and pistache nuts. Hmmmm.

08-Aug-2012, 03:34 PM
Hehe. True.

Got to go, have a great chicken in the oven. Laced it with tasty bacon and filled her up with muhrooms and pistache nuts. Hmmmm.

you shouldn't mention chicken and bacon together on here. last time that happened i think Lou stole a leer jet and was almost shot down in a desperate attempt to reach free bacon. good thing for him that he was the shit at "Ace Command" back in the day and can evade a missile with the best of them.

oh and just a general comment: there are things in life that i love, things that i just like, things that i'm indifferent too, things that i don't like and then there are things that i totally despise. the Olympics and all its bullshit falls under the "despise" category.

08-Aug-2012, 04:28 PM
you shouldn't mention chicken and bacon together on here. last time that happened i think Lou stole a leer jet and was almost shot down in a desperate attempt to reach free bacon. good thing for him that he was the shit at "Ace Command" back in the day and can evade a missile with the best of them.

*pokes head into room*

Did someone say.... FREE BACON!?

*fires up his leer jet and awaits takeoff clearance*