View Full Version : Domain Awareness System brought to you by NYC Mayor and Microsoft.

10-Aug-2012, 01:27 PM
Domain Awareness System(Microsoft technology for pre-crime screening) (http://www.activistpost.com/2012/08/microsoft-and-bloomberg-collaborate-on.html#more)

The Domain Awareness System (DAS) will be a very sophisticated software technology that aggregates and analyzes public information in real time that will produce comprehensive reports to be used by NYPD to ascertain potential threats and pre-crime activity.

By utilizing smart cameras and license plate readers, combined with Microsoft technologies, NYPD personnel can search suspects, allegedly suspicious packages, and any other information at their disposal to control possible criminal action in NY.

Graphical interface, environmental sensors and law enforcement databases will be interlaced so that crime analysis can effectively allocate proper man-power and improve response to potential situations. This creates an aggregate of information for the NYPD to use in real-time.

Over 3,000 CCTV cameras will be connected to the DAS that are spread throughout NYC.

10-Aug-2012, 01:44 PM
Jesus, Bloomberg is a oligarchical despot whose soul reaction to any problem is to ban or throw laws at it...don't even get me started!

10-Aug-2012, 03:14 PM
Jesus, Bloomberg is a oligarchical despot whose soul reaction to any problem is to ban or throw laws at it...don't even get me started!

^^ This.

10-Aug-2012, 07:31 PM
People need to understand that Bloomberg's narcissistic megalomaniacal behavior is an example of what has been going behind closed doors in the U.S. government of merged stated and coporate powers for decades.

10-Aug-2012, 07:44 PM
Like soda and breast milk!? Like we need laws to govern those things. I can't stand it when people react that way.

10-Aug-2012, 08:22 PM
Here are only 2 recent examples of the metastisis of psychopaths in government. They refuse to admit wrong and refuse to accept accountability.

Fauquier County Fines Woman for Hosting 10 Year Old's Birthday Party

St. Paul Cops Shoot Dog in Wrong-Door Raid, Force Handcuffed Kids to Sit Near the Corpse (http://reason.com/blog/2012/08/10/st-paul-cops-shoot-dog-in-wrong-door-rai)

But on the night of July 13, 2010, the task force broke down the Francos' doors, "negligently raided the home of plaintiffs, by raiding the wrong home and physically brutalizing all the above-named occupants of said house," the complaint states.

Even after learning that they were in the wrong house, the complaint states, the drug busters stayed in the Francos' home and kept searching it.

They "handcuffed all of the inhabitants of the plaintiffs' home except plaintiff Analese Franco who was forced, virtually naked, from her bed onto the floor at gunpoint by officers of the St. Paul Police Department SWAT team and officers of the St. Paul Police Department."

The complaint states: "Upon forcibly breaching the plaintiffs' home, defendants terrorized the plaintiffs at gun and rifle point.

"Each plaintiff was forced to the floor at gun and rifle point and handcuffed behind their backs.

"Defendants shot and killed the family dog and forced the handcuffed children to sit next to the carcass of their dead pet and bloody pet for more than an hour while defendants continued to search the plaintiffs' home."

One child "was kicked in the side, handcuffed and searched at gunpoint," the family says.

Another child, a girl, "a diabetic, was handcuffed at gunpoint and prevented by officer from obtaining and taking her medication, thus induced a diabetic episode as a result of low-blood sugar levels."

And here is something that Bloomberg will probably want done in NYC:

Oregon Man Sentenced to 30 Days in Jail -- for Collecting Rainwater on His Property (http://cnsnews.com/news/article/oregon-man-sentenced-30-days-jail-collecting-rainwater-his-property/)

A rural Oregon man was sentenced Wednesday to 30 days in jail and over $1,500 in fines because he had three reservoirs on his property to collect and use rainwater.

Gary Harrington of Eagle Point, Ore., says he plans to appeal his conviction in Jackson County (Ore.) Circuit Court on nine misdemeanor charges under a 1925 law for having what state water managers called “three illegal reservoirs” on his property – and for filling the reservoirs with rainwater and snow runoff.

13-Aug-2012, 01:13 PM
People need to understand that Bloomberg's narcissistic megalomaniacal behavior is an example of what has been going behind closed doors in the U.S. government of merged stated and coporate powers for decades.

That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's not to me, and shouldn't be to anyone paying attention to what's going on around them. ;)

13-Aug-2012, 04:10 PM
And some of you want to give up guns. Fuck that!

13-Aug-2012, 05:10 PM
And some of you want to give up guns. Fuck that!+1........


13-Aug-2012, 05:24 PM
And some of you want to give up guns. Fuck that!

oh but the world would be a better place, willy, if only our benevolent and completely trustworthy overlords (er..i mean govt. and police) had guns. gosh, didn't you know that? there'd be no crime or violence either, slick. because all of that in america only involves guns.

yeah Slick, there are adults that believe that sort of shit and can still look at themselves in the mirror.

-- -------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ----------

That shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. It's not to me, and shouldn't be to anyone paying attention to what's going on around them. ;)

anyone who thinks it is a good idea for the govt. to be "monitoring" the public in the name of "safety" is a complete and total moron with the understanding of a child.

13-Aug-2012, 06:50 PM
anyone who thinks it is a good idea for the govt. to be "monitoring" the public in the name of "safety" is a complete and total moron with the understanding of a child.

This is true, and I, unfortunately, keep hearing this stupid phrase uttered within earshot ALL the damn time:

"But... but... it's better to be safe than sorry"


And what's that wonderful Benjamin Franklin quote? Oh yeah... "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both."


13-Aug-2012, 07:39 PM
This is true, and I, unfortunately, keep hearing this stupid phrase uttered within earshot ALL the damn time:

"But... but... it's better to be safe than sorry"


The one that the government enforcers and their boot lickers always say that really pisses me off is:

"If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide."

They use this excuse to rationalize everything from warrantless wiretaps to unreasonable searches like the stop and frisk crap going on in New York City.

Oh, but when it comes time for someone to watch the watchers they scream: VIOLATIONS OF PRIVACY!

LAPD gang units dismantled in some high-crime areas (http://articles.latimes.com/2011/feb/02/local/la-me-lapd-gangs-20110202)

The Los Angeles Police Department has temporarily dismantled anti-gang units in several of its most crime-plagued neighborhoods because officers in those squads refused to comply with a controversial financial disclosure rule that they view as misguided and invasive.

The disclosure policy is intended to help identify and deter corruption among the estimated 600 gang and narcotic officers who frequently handle cash, drugs and other contraband. Adopted nearly two years ago, the plan gave officers who were already assigned to the units until the end of March to abide by the new rules or be moved back to regular patrol assignments.

"The bottom line is it isn't going to be effective and it's insulting. If we were dirty, we wouldn't be putting cash into a bank account," said a veteran gang officer who, like others, asked that his name not be used because of concern that he would be disciplined. "It's a matter of principle."

Hows that for a laugh. There are loads of youtube videos of the cops using intimidation and worse against innocent people who try to assert their rights, like video taping a public official in public. Instead of getting beat up and put in jail for not bowing down to "authority", these guys get to keep their jobs and re-assigned.

13-Aug-2012, 07:42 PM
The one that the government enforcers and their boot lickers always say that really pisses me off is:

"If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide."

I think that one might piss me off more than "better safe that sorry"

14-Aug-2012, 10:30 AM
While Bloomberg may list his political status as independent... he is a true republican.

Strip away your rights republican.

Enjoy your stay in communist CHINA

14-Aug-2012, 01:00 PM
While Bloomberg may list his political status as independent... he is a true republican.

Gee, how did I know you'd spout off "republican!" when people are discussing politics? :rolleyes:

Need I remind you, Dj, that the current idiot in office screwing everything up left & right is a DEMOCRAT. You seem to never have anything to say about that.

Obama = Bush Jr. Mach II.

Republican or Democrat, they're both the same.

14-Aug-2012, 02:20 PM
Because you know I like stirring the pot, but I also find it funny how everyone criticizes democrats when republicans are the ones turning this country into a fucking nanny state.

14-Aug-2012, 02:45 PM
but I also find it funny how everyone criticizes democrats when republicans are the ones turning this country into a fucking nanny state.

And it's ONLY the republicans?

Excuse me while I :lol: for the next hour or two.

Because you know I like stirring the pot



14-Aug-2012, 05:52 PM
Check this shit out-

college-station-shooter-posted-about-guns-politics (http://www.buzzfeed.com/jwherrman/college-station-shooter-posted-about-guns-politic)

I'm not looking for a discussion about guns. We've done that and it goes nowhere.

in light of the latest shooting, this seems to be much more far reaching than that. What worries me here is the underlying(and not talked about) idea that the people who commit these acts can be identified by monitoring their general interests. If you read the comments in the link there's alot of talk about the political slant of this newest shooter. Pretty much demonizing those who subscribe to conservative values.
Like this-

Of course we're not gonna say that every Fox News watching, god fearing, Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck supporting republican is a crazy gun nut who could just decide to kill innocent people on a whim, but chances are, and it's safe to say that if you're in fact a gun nut who could just decide to start killing people on a whim, you're probably a fox news watching, god fearing, Michelle Bachmann and Glenn Beck supporting republican.
This is a slippery slope that this is heading down. I think rather than pushing an actual gun control agenda, they're pushing an "active monitor" agenda. So they can flag people as potential threats. And instead of only looking at the traditional signs of violence and mental health, they're going much further with it and looking at peoples general interests, political slants and affiliations.
This is a very bad sign.
Look at this-

Caffall was pronounced dead at the hospital. Authorities have released no information on his motives, but in an interview with KPRC, Caffall's stepfather described him as a "ticking time bomb."
UPDATE: Police are now saying Caffall began shooting while an officer, who was among those killed, was serving him an eviction notice. The gun battle lasted a half an hour. His stepfather describes him as a ticking timebomb. No mention of why, or what exactly that means. Does that mean he has a history of mental illness and has been heading downhill for some time? Or does that mean that he's been talking alot about the problems in the country, in a heated manner, and the stepfather just happens to have a different political slant then he does? Because people who lean to the left politically, have a completely different outlook on things than those who lean to the right. It's not uncommon to hear liberals describe conservatives as dangerous nutjobs. So if this guys stepdad is saying that about him from that perspective, that's a completely different situation than to say he's an actual danger to society because he's a mentally ill violent person.

This goes hand in hand with the recent cases of this thread with Bloombergs pre-crime system, and the military document relating to "crushing tea-party insurrections". In effect creating a situation that's ripe for instituting a system of thought crime, making criminals of everyday people for nothing more than unpopular beliefs.

14-Aug-2012, 06:42 PM
What worries me here is the underlying(and not talked about) idea that the people who commit these acts can be identified by monitoring their general interests.

This is not surprising since I've already been called a "psychopath" because I don't have a facebook account. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2184658/Is-joining-Facebook-sign-youre-psychopath-Some-employers-psychologists-say-suspicious.html)

So apparently, protecting my privacy has made me a nutcase. Wonderful.

Anyone wanna come over for a gun and knife party this weekend?? :rolleyes:

14-Aug-2012, 06:55 PM
Funny you bring that up Lou... look what the great state of Maryland is doing... Which BTW is governed by a Democrat


14-Aug-2012, 07:31 PM
Funny you bring that up Lou... look what the great state of Maryland is doing... Which BTW is governed by a Democrat

License plate scanners have been around for a while - but are also simple as hell to defeat. Throw some mud on your plate, done and over with.

I have to admit, I'm surprised and pleased at the fact you pointed out a democrat for being an idiot. You're learning! It's not too late, Dj! You can still be saved! :lol: :lol: :D

Yeah, Martin O'Mally was one of the worst things to ever happen to this state. Ugh.

14-Aug-2012, 07:34 PM
License plate scanners have been around for a while - but are also simple as hell to defeat. Throw some mud on your plate, done and over with.

I have to admit, I'm surprised and pleased at the fact you pointed out a democrat for being an idiot. You're learning! It's not too late, Dj! You can still be saved! :lol: :lol: :D

Yeah, Martin O'Mally was one of the worst things to ever happen to this state. Ugh.

Well the other tool who was a republican was of no help.

While I miss Maryland... (missing friends and all) PA is much worse, these people are fucking idiots of the highest order here. seems it go worst in the ten years I was gone (last lived in PA in 2002)

14-Aug-2012, 09:41 PM
Holy shit look at this comment-

At my company we do not hire people who do not have Facebook accounts or who make their Facebook accounts inaccessible to H.R. and security personnel. It's very simple, we are looking for a certain type of employee, one who lives a lifestyle that is compatible with our values and corporate mission. If you have anything you need to hide, then seek employment elsewhere. Job seekers, remember that your Facebook is a marketing tool, and the product you are marketing is yourself. Every single post you make, every picture you upload, everything you 'Like,' it's all subject to employer scrutiny. What employers are looking for are physically fit, morally upright, non-political individuals who have enough discretion to avoid posting comments about controversial topics, and who do not feel it necessary to post pictures that might bring discredit to themselves or the organizations they are affiliated with.
- Jim Thompson, Seattle, WA , 08/8/2012

This is the same as saying that if you aren't a non-thinking cookie cutter clone who has no opinions of their own, who doesn't value personal privacy, who shapes their entire life around the expectations of potential employers, don't bother applying here. We only hire fake people and lobotomized individuals...

14-Aug-2012, 11:17 PM
Holy shit look at this comment-

This is the same as saying that if you aren't a non-thinking, cookie cutter clone who has no opinions of their own, and you value your personal privacy, and aren't interested in shaping your entire life around the expectations of potential employers, don't bother applying here. We only hire fake people and lobotomized individuals...

Which company is this? I am very much against companies wanting access to FB accounts. Its none of their damn business. I would like to know who they are, so I will never make the mistake of sending them a resume.

14-Aug-2012, 11:48 PM
Which company is this? I am very much against companies wanting access to FB accounts. Its none of their damn business. I would like to know who they are, so I will never make the mistake of sending them a resume.

I would like to know too. It would be funny if someone set up a FB page that lists all intrusive companies like that so people can avoid doing business with them.

14-Aug-2012, 11:54 PM
I would like to know too. It would be funny if someone set up a FB page that lists all intrusive companies like that so people can avoid doing business with them.


15-Aug-2012, 12:40 AM
I don't know what company it is. It was a comment on the article page. Someplace with the initials H.R it seems.

15-Aug-2012, 12:13 PM
Well the other tool who was a republican was of no help.


Ehrlich was 100x better than O'Mally as a governor. Fact. In fact, O'Mally has done more to screw the people in state than any other governor in history. Deny it all you want, the proof is in black and white. There's that BLUE vs. RED mentality again.

If you have anything you need to hide, then seek employment elsewhere.

There it is, there's that statement. "If you have nothing to hide..." :rolleyes: Ho-ly hell what has this world come to? I'm not sure what's worse - this idiot making the statement above, or the fact that his HR department wants to be able to access your facebook account - not "view" it, "ACCESS" it. WTF?! If ANY employer thinks I'm going to give out my password - even to a site like icanhascheezburger.com - is out of their goddamn mind. I'd rather be unemployed.

Anyone willing to give out this kind information to an employer is a fool of the highest order.

15-Aug-2012, 09:47 PM
There it is, there's that statement. "If you have nothing to hide..." :rolleyes: Ho-ly hell what has this world come to? I'm not sure what's worse - this idiot making the statement above, or the fact that his HR department wants to be able to access your facebook account - not "view" it, "ACCESS" it. WTF?! If ANY employer thinks I'm going to give out my password - even to a site like icanhascheezburger.com - is out of their goddamn mind. I'd rather be unemployed.

Anyone willing to give out this kind information to an employer is a fool of the highest order. I know. What's next? Are they gonna start expecting people that are applying for jobs to give keys to their homes to H.R and security personnel? Or maybe access to home security cameras so they can watch them for a week or so to make sure that the way they live their life is up to company standards?

I can see it now.
"Sorry, we aren't considering you for employment at this time on the grounds that you have sex with your wife too much. We fear that a man with your sexual appetite would be at risk for viewing porn using company computers, engage in sexual relationships with co-workers, or put the company at risk for sexual harassment law suits. Thank you for your application, and should your libido change for the better, we'd welcome your application in the future...Sincerely, human resources..."

16-Aug-2012, 12:16 PM
I can see it now.
"Sorry, we aren't considering you for employment at this time on the grounds that you have sex with your wife too much. We fear that a man with your sexual appetite would be at risk for viewing porn using company computers, engage in sexual relationships with co-workers, or put the company at risk for sexual harassment law suits. Thank you for your application, and should your libido change for the better, we'd welcome your application in the future...Sincerely, human resources..."

You're right. That's exactly where this is headed, and it's pretty sick if you ask me.

16-Aug-2012, 10:49 PM
I would like to know too. It would be funny if someone set up a FB page that lists all intrusive companies like that so people can avoid doing business with them.That's a great idea.

17-Aug-2012, 04:27 PM
Holy shit look at this comment-

This is the same as saying that if you aren't a non-thinking cookie cutter clone who has no opinions of their own, who doesn't value personal privacy, who shapes their entire life around the expectations of potential employers, don't bother applying here. We only hire fake people and lobotomized individuals...

that sounds discriminatory as all fook. i don't know whether to laugh or cry at that kind of thinking. it sounds like a very, very, very childish version of "Gattaca".

myspace is for kids. facebook is for people that want to re-live high school everyday and tell you whent they are going to get milk in the process. twitter is for twats as far as i'm concerned. there is no greater threat to individualism and privacy in the world right now than social "networking" sites.

-- -------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

This is not surprising since I've already been called a "psychopath" because I don't have a facebook account. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2184658/Is-joining-Facebook-sign-youre-psychopath-Some-employers-psychologists-say-suspicious.html)

So apparently, protecting my privacy has made me a nutcase. Wonderful.

ditto here. people look at me like an i'm the one that is fucking ignorant when i tell them i don't use that kind of crap. those kinds of articles are about as insulting as it gets to people who don't possess the "big shot" gene and need to feel/look like the big man. that is what social networking is really all about: it is yet another way that people can engage in dick sizing contests over their careers, their cars, their houses, etc. people that are addicted to places like facebook are the ones to really worry about. i've cut way, way back on my internet time as whole anyway (guess that makes me even more "suspicious") because there is a giant and interesting world out there filled with great things to do. none of which can be done in front of a computer monitor.

fuckwits that want to waste their time on facebook can go ahead. i'll be kayaking or hiking or volunteering at the VA - in short, i'll be interacting with the real world.

-- -------- Post added at 12:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 AM ----------

I think that one might piss me off more than "better safe that sorry"

yeah. every SINGLE person who ever lets the asinine sentence "If you aren't doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide." slip from between their foolish lips should receive a full face pimp slap from someone the size of a sumo wrestler.

that kind of thinking and this preoccupation with "safety" that lead straight to totalitarianism. No police cameras in public places. anyone that thinks that is a good idea is nothing but a fool and child, who doesn't deserve to be discoursed with as an adult. so, if you think things like that are ok, i hope you don't choke on your basic freedoms as they go down.

17-Aug-2012, 04:31 PM
people look at me like an i'm the one that is fucking ignorant when i tell them i don't use that kind of crap.

That happens to me ALL the time. You should see the looks I get when people say "What's your facebook page?" and I say, "Don't have one, never will." I get a look like I just murdered their children! :lol:

17-Aug-2012, 05:41 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/598850_382089725182725_345458102_n.jpg ruh roh.....