View Full Version : Night of the Living Dead Washington DC Shooting Location

18-Aug-2012, 03:10 AM
I am visiting Washington DC for the first time in my life next week. I can not make out the street sign in the scene where GAR is doing the interview in DC on the TV broadcast. Does anyone know exactly where that is? It looks like it is only a block or so from the capital. I would like to go to the exact spot, if possible.

18-Aug-2012, 04:57 PM
I'm using a crummy youtube version of the movie and google, but it looks like like they start at this building: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=capitol+building+washington+dc&hl=en&ll=38.889812,-77.005928&spn=0.002393,0.005284&hnear=United+States+Capitol,+Washington,+District+ of+Columbia+20016&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=38.889812,-77.005928&panoid=Vnzx4SC0v4DQS-EgrSumcw&cbp=12,168.88,,0,0.82

Then walk toward the capital(pan right on google). It's changed quite a bit but I think that's it. Could be wrong...

If this turns out to be correct(which I think it is) , one of the mods should add it to the stickied locations thread.

18-Aug-2012, 08:08 PM
So is that location used in the film?

18-Aug-2012, 08:49 PM
So is that location used in the film?

I believe it is, but hopefully someone else can confirm. If you watch the news broadcast, Romero and the rest start walking at the building in the link above, cross the street toward the Capitol, then get into the car. The street to the Capitol is no longer available for travel, but judging by the building where they start, i'm about 90% sure that's it. Could very well be wrong, though. I'll see if I can get some good screen grabs to confirm.

-- -------- Post added at 04:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:30 PM ----------

Yeah, that's the right location.

Notice the building in the background of this screen grab:


Then here: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=capitol+building+washington+dc&hl=en&ll=38.889688,-77.005926&spn=0.002393,0.005284&hnear=United+States+Capitol,+Washington,+District+ of+Columbia+20016&t=h&layer=c&cbll=38.889812,-77.005928&panoid=Vnzx4SC0v4DQS-EgrSumcw&cbp=12,159.13,,1,-7.24&z=18

So the intersection they cross is 1st Street and East Capitol Street: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=1st+street+and+east+capitol+street+washingt on+dc&hl=en&ll=38.889914,-77.005926&spn=0.002393,0.005284&sll=38.889893,-77.006001&sspn=0.002409,0.005284&t=h&hnear=East+Capitol+St+NE+%26+1st+St+SE,+Washington ,+District+of+Columbia+20004&z=18 :)

19-Aug-2012, 12:31 AM
Yep, that sure looks like the building to me. Thanks bass! :)

It appears that the building in question is in fact the Library of Congress.

19-Aug-2012, 06:28 AM
Be careful if you are going to take pictures or video re-enacting that scene from NOTLD. DHS has whipped the security weenies into so much paranioa that they have harassed and even arrested people for merely taking pictures of federal buildings.

19-Aug-2012, 09:15 AM
Added to the sticky thread... Thanks!

19-Aug-2012, 08:44 PM
Be careful if you are going to take pictures or video re-enacting that scene from NOTLD. DHS has whipped the security weenies into so much paranioa that they have harassed and even arrested people for merely taking pictures of federal buildings.
Dam, I guess I will have to fire my film crew and try to get my deposit back on the limo with little flags in the front... :)