View Full Version : Remake of The Rocketeer?

22-Aug-2012, 08:53 AM
I quite enjoyed the original, if only as an excuse to oggle Jennifer Connelly!!! :o


I hope this is true, because I love love love THE ROCKETEER. I think it's a fantastic movie, and although the original didn't do well at the box office, I think the spirit of all those great serial matinees resides within. Director Joe Johnston may have made CAPTAIN AMERICA, but the movie has THE ROCKETEER in its DNA.

THE ROCKETEER was created by Dave Stevens, who sadly died in 2008 to leukemia. And now Disney may be bringing this character back, if Vulture is correct - the studio will supposedly be meeting with writers very soon. If true, I hope they get writers with a keen sense of the spirit of the original. Although you can tell that there are moments in THE ROCKETEER where they simply didn't have the money to achieve the true vision of the project - I always had an idea that there was an action sequence mising somewhere - there's a real vitality and spunk to the movie that's hard to deny. It's one of my favorite movies of the 1990s and having seen it with an audience recently, it still kills.

22-Aug-2012, 12:38 PM
I haven't seen it in ages, but I have fond memories of the original. How can you go wrong with Timothy Dalton as the baddie? And yes....Connelly certainly isn't hard on the eyes.

I would be open to a remake if it's handled correctly but I think the original was a product of it's time and probably can't be matched. It was't anything truly great imo, but there's something about it that keeps me entertained and I have to tune in when it's on the tube. I know there is a nice sized group of die hard fans around the net that actually make the Rocketeer's uniform/pack/helmet, so maybe there is a large enough demand for another?

BTW....I much prefer Rocketeer to Captain America. I don't really think they should be compared...

22-Aug-2012, 11:29 PM
Disney lost a money on the first live action Rocketeer movie. If they plan to make another film, it should be animated using the Rocketeer comic book style.

22-Aug-2012, 11:45 PM
Loved the original, love period pieces, love action movies, serials & comic books, so bring it on. :D