View Full Version : So... I saw Clerks for the first time yesterday...

04-Jul-2006, 11:30 AM
I bought Clerks X (on the recommendation on HPOTD members) and I must admit... I was in tears, rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off... I didn't think I would, but I did...

Now, on one of the discs, there is a short film called "The flying Car". This is just so cool.... for those who haven't seen it.... here it is!

what's your favorite line for either Clerks or Clerks 2?

04-Jul-2006, 11:59 AM
My friend here is trying to convince me that any independent contractors working on the uncompleted Death Star were innocent victims when it was destroyed by the Rebels.

04-Jul-2006, 03:12 PM
"My grandma said, what good's an empty plate... no... what's an empty plate good for.... **** I don't remember, she used to **** herself." Jay :)

04-Jul-2006, 07:08 PM
"My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks."
"In a row?!"


"Hey, try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot! [guy follows] ...Hey, hey you! Get back here!"


"Someone jammed gum in the locks!"
"Bunch of savages in this town."
"That's what I said."


"Hey, you're not allowed to rent here anymore!"

04-Jul-2006, 10:47 PM
"37?!?" :D

its a great film but i didnt laugh THAT much strikes back made me laugh out loud more, but maybe im just immature, oh wait. i am.:lol:

05-Jul-2006, 10:24 AM
I love Clerks, such a good movie, I only usually laugh out loud alone when it's ribbed my ribs a hell of a lot. I laugh in a social gathering usually. However Clerks is a very funny flick - I certainly LOL'd a lot at "Silent Bob Speaks" (the book by Smith).

I've seen Strike Back so many times now though, so it's not as funny as it used to be to me, it's not his best flick anyway. I'm definately looking forward to Clerks 2 - currently Jay saying "WHAT THE F*CK?!" when Becky slams open a door into him while he's having a slash is my favourite line.

Off topic - that green Llama thing is so clearly gay ... and very, very proud of it, lol. Power to the green thing...ha!

05-Jul-2006, 11:52 AM
I bought Clerks X (on the recommendation on HPOTD members) and I must admit... I was in tears, rolling on the floor, laughing my ass off... I didn't think I would, but I did...

Now, on one of the discs, there is a short film called "The flying Car". This is just so cool.... for those who haven't seen it.... here it is!

what's your favorite line for either Clerks or Clerks 2?

So what you're saying is, Clerks is better than that Monty Python and Benny Hill crap you usually watch?

I'm surprised you had the brains or the balls to give it a view. :mad:

05-Jul-2006, 12:07 PM
So what you're saying is, Clerks is better than that Monty Python and Benny Hill crap you usually watch?

I'm surprised you had the brains or the balls to give it a view. :mad:

So help me get this straight......are you calling "Clerks" crap, or "Monty Python"?

Both are great.

Back on topic, my favorite line/reference is probably "No time for love, Dr. Jones".

05-Jul-2006, 12:13 PM
I've only seen this flick twice.......not bad, but far from the "hilarity" that some claim it is....I DID love the Hockey Game scene - that was a great idea.

05-Jul-2006, 02:23 PM
*Moderator Hat On*

Venomous - oi - play nice.

Also, what the crap has Python or Hill got to do with a Clerks post which didn't mention them? Enough of the stereotypes being used as cultural history people, Hill wasn't exactly high brow ... a dirty old man chasing semi-naked women, riiight, highly intellectual stuff I'm sure...

05-Jul-2006, 04:18 PM
So what you're saying is, Clerks is better than that Monty Python and Benny Hill crap you usually watch?

I'm surprised you had the brains or the balls to give it a view. :mad:

dude you gotta stop being an asshole to people in threads for no reason this is like the 3rd time today, along with that northern song crap, so just stop these people dont deserve it.:bored:

05-Jul-2006, 05:52 PM
Clerks was great. Chasing Amy was funny. Dogma was entertaining. Haven't seen Mallrats, but I'm sure it's good.

One thing that is not good is Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back. Troll 2 is a better flick than that piece of crap. It had none of the funny dialoge that made the other films such classics.

Clerks was great, but I can't remember any specific lines from it. Maybe I should watch it again?

05-Jul-2006, 05:54 PM
Back on topic, my favorite line/reference is probably "No time for love, Dr. Jones".

Which is originally a quote from _______________________. Rep point to whoever gets this right!

05-Jul-2006, 05:55 PM
indiana jones?:D

05-Jul-2006, 06:14 PM
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", to be exact.

That's good ol' Short Round.

07-Jul-2006, 02:00 PM
OMG that was so funny. I need to see it now for myself as well.

07-Jul-2006, 02:33 PM
I saw Clerks when it was released, and I was working a counter at the time. I hated most of the customers so I would get baked, goof off and try to comeup with snappy comebacks to the idiots. I thought it was funny as hell. I think many of Kevin Smiths relatiionship ideas are a bit immature, but I like the banter alot.