View Full Version : What a day..

04-Jul-2006, 07:33 PM
I was babysitting a friends kid for a few days
when i went to take hm back home we pulled in front
of his house

we were greeted by the sight of police
and ambulances roping off the area

his mom was murdered at 4am
her dead naked body was thrown thru a window
and into the yard

now I have the kid with me while the state tries
to get ahold of someone in his
family to look after him

I may end up with him for a while

to make matters worse
the state kept sending people over to the house
at all hours

i finally told them not to come back
until the next morning
so he could get some sleep

what a situation
he is only 8

04-Jul-2006, 08:01 PM
God, that's horrific. I can only say that I hope they find the person behind the murder, that the child saw as little as possible at the scene of the crime and that they find a good home with a family member for the child.

Good luck to you, in the meantime.