View Full Version : Half Life - Black Mesa (video game)

03-Sep-2012, 12:52 PM

After eight years of work, fans are about to release an updated and expanded version of classic video game Half-Life.

Called Black Mesa, the resurrected game will be made available as a free download on 14 September.

The update has been put together using programming tools released by Half-Life creator Valve.

It will have improved graphics, better physics and environmental effects and a tweaked story line.

03-Sep-2012, 01:48 PM
I might have a go seen as its free, but bloody hell I think they've milked the crap out of the Source engine by now and its really time they moved on from it. It was stunning 8 years ago but looks very dated now.

03-Sep-2012, 02:18 PM
I might have a go seen as its free, but bloody hell I think they've milked the crap out of the Source engine by now and its really time they moved on from it. It was stunning 8 years ago but looks very dated now.
RE "milked the crap", don't forget this is a bunch of people with no affiliation to Source who are simply adding a mod onto the Source 2 engine... Just so happens it's taken a looooong time :)

Hoping the reason we've not heard anything about Left 4 Dead 3 is because they're doing it on a new engine :)

04-Sep-2012, 04:22 PM
Left 4 Dead 3? Pfft - what about Half-Life 3, or you know, a little matter of something called Half-Life 2: Episode 3?

Now that Valve want to be getting into hardware (in another thread you posted), it's just more stuff to do that isn't Ep3/HL3. :rolleyes:

As for "Black Mesa", sounds interesting. Here's their YouTube Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/blackmesasourcemedia

24-Sep-2012, 09:05 AM
Well the reviews are very +ve
