View Full Version : running zombies?

darth los
05-Jul-2006, 04:20 AM
Would anyone care to explain/ give a reason why the two children that attacked peter at the airport ran at him?

Pushead Jim
05-Jul-2006, 04:31 AM
"poor" acting springs to mind. this subject has been discussed here before. maybe a search is in order.


Look here.

darth los
05-Jul-2006, 06:45 AM
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

05-Jul-2006, 08:43 AM
can anyone explain to me how the graveyard zombie in Nights is running? or how zombies seem to catch up to people awfuly fast despite prior warning in Land?

05-Jul-2006, 10:57 AM
This again. Oh no. How explosive. You've forced me to question everything I've come to believe...

Romero's zombies certainly lunge, lurch and lumber but they have never run faster than to be expected.

Oh thank god. All's well afterall.

05-Jul-2006, 11:56 AM
lunges are one thing, running faster than you did when you were alive is a bit overboard

05-Jul-2006, 02:56 PM
*sets up a fort, sticks a pan on my head, and peeks out of a hole* Here come the fanboys, here come the bandwagoners...

05-Jul-2006, 03:56 PM
ok i'll bite..in the beginning of NOTLD the zombie chasing Barbara was pretty fast he kept right up with her enough that he knew where she was in the house...he was only a couple of heartbeats behind her. So I think the zombies were pretty fast when they are fresh!

05-Jul-2006, 06:56 PM
Can I join you in your special fort? I've got popcorn - both varieties - and a mound of porn for rainy days. I'll have to dig out my Dj Proof body armour though...:p

This could be a long one...teehee...

06-Jul-2006, 08:20 AM
ok i'll bite..in the beginning of NOTLD the zombie chasing Barbara was pretty fast he kept right up with her enough that he knew where she was in the house...he was only a couple of heartbeats behind her. So I think the zombies were pretty fast when they are fresh!

But did he ever have both feet off the ground at the same time? Cos if not, it isn't considered running. It ain't even a jog.

06-Jul-2006, 10:07 AM
But did he ever have both feet off the ground at the same time? Cos if not, it isn't considered running. It ain't even a jog.

Ok, now you're talking symantics. The Cemetary zombie in Night and the little kids in Dawn... RAN! Deal with it, get over it stop debating it. :D


06-Jul-2006, 11:20 AM
Cemetery Zombie blatantly didn't run, because indeed he didn't get both legs off the ground, at most it was like when you're drunk and you're trying to walk but your torso bends ahead of your legs, so to keep from falling over your legs are going nuts trying to keep you upright - it ain't running but it's faster than walking - THAT is what Hinzman zombie was up to.

As for the zombie kids - that's just poor acting, they're only kids afterall. GAR probably didn't have time to get them to do it right (for all we know that could have been take 10 or some wank).

06-Jul-2006, 02:07 PM
Hey, I just went to www.dictionary.com and typed in 'run' and lo and behold, look at the very first thing that came up:

"To move swiftly on foot so that both feet leave the ground during each stride."

Eat sh*t, people.

So, indeed: Hinzman was briskly lumbering, afterall!

Those kids on the other hand... c'mon, folks. They RUSHED out of the closet because its meant to be a surprise. It wouldn't exactly be threatening if the the door opened and they just stood there bumping into each other, would it? No need to blame poor acting here.

Zombies seem quite capable of occassionally pouncing on a victim when in close vicinity and I don't see why its such a problem for people to accept as part of the 'rules' as opposed to considering it a violation of them.

Boy, I never would have imagined these moments bothering ANYONE until I came to this infernal place...

06-Jul-2006, 02:13 PM
Cemetery Zombie blatantly didn't run
Sorry MZ.....Bill Hinzman DID run.....AND was the first zombie we saw that "used a tool" - a rock to smash a window.
To all you haters of runners and "smart zombies" (not you MZ), GAR started off the (his) genre with smart running zombies.

06-Jul-2006, 02:19 PM
Sorry MZ.....Bill Hinzman DID run.....

WRONG. Both his feet didn't leave the ground simultaneously so you are WRONG.

06-Jul-2006, 02:24 PM
WRONG. Both his feet didn't leave the ground simultaneously so you are WRONG.
Yes they do. The scene where he's chasing Barb in the car. They DO leave the ground. As he runs down the hill. Re-Watch. (BTW, I'm NEVER wrong.)
For him to be able to run down the hill, his feet HAVE to leave the ground. Think.

06-Jul-2006, 02:30 PM
Hills don't count so, s'cuse me, but... WRONG!

06-Jul-2006, 02:33 PM
Hills don't count so, s'cuse me, but... WRONG!
HOW do hills not count? Running is running not matter where it's done. LOL
Sort your funking definitions out, mate!

06-Jul-2006, 02:43 PM
Hills don't count because he was actually FALLING - one step at a time.

06-Jul-2006, 02:44 PM
Hills don't count because he was actually FALLING - one step at a time.
AND,....if you want to get technical.....running IS falling "one step at a time"
Go play, kid.

06-Jul-2006, 02:50 PM
To fall while running you have to at first leap. This is not necessary on a hill when all that is required to fall is for one to extend their foot out and shift their weight forward.

Hills don't count, man, and you are wrong so go play yourself, with yourself, by yourself.

06-Jul-2006, 02:59 PM
To fall while running you have to at first leap. This is not necessary on a hill when all that is required to fall is for one to extend their foot out and shift their weight forward.

Hills don't count, man, and you are wrong so go play yourself, with yourself, by yourself.
LOL.....don't get sassy with me kid.....Hinzman ran. Period.

06-Jul-2006, 03:21 PM
Running zombies still rule! :D

Let's see you zombie fans fight off a horde of Running zombies versus lumbering/shuffling/shambling zombies. :lol:

LOL.....don't get sassy with me kid.....Hinzman ran. Period.
Yep he ran...

Ran like the wind. Ya know the more I reflect I wonder if Tom Hanks when slightly jogging used Hinzmans zombie as a reference when he did Forrest gump.

06-Jul-2006, 03:57 PM
Ya know the more I reflect I wonder if Tom Hanks when slightly jogging used Hinzmans zombie as a reference when he did Forrest gump.
and what about Scott Baio in Zapped (running the bases) that was kinda weird.
Or..... Leonardo Decapitate in Gilbert Grape.......

Guru ofthe Dead
06-Jul-2006, 05:15 PM
I'm sorry Griff, but Bill Hinzman did run slightly you could almost say he was jogging. Now when you look at the movie I think that GAR was trying to impose that the longer the dead were mobile they would become more stiff. Bill Hinzman started out moving very well and then when it became dark he was more stiff.

06-Jul-2006, 06:12 PM
I'm a shambler zombie lover at heart (although it does get quite sticky!) ... anyway, indeed, I think we need a full on scale of motion for zombies from shambling up to ACTUAL running. "Rushed" makes sense, it's not exactly full pelt afterall is it?

06-Jul-2006, 08:54 PM
Hills don't count


Okay. Well, how can one argue with that...

The zombie in question was most certainly...spry for a Romero zombie, and he definitely moves pretty quickly. It does look, to me, that he is purposefully picking both feet up at the same time as he moves down the hill.

06-Jul-2006, 08:55 PM
WRONG. Both his feet didn't leave the ground simultaneously so you are WRONG.

Actually if both feet leave the ground simultaneously, isn't that flying or jumping at the very least?

06-Jul-2006, 10:20 PM
Actually if both feet leave the ground simultaneously, isn't that flying or jumping at the very least?

I always thought of it as a succession of small leaps on alternating legs... which is pretty similar, I guess.

Dammit, you might be right. If both of Hinzman's feet leave the ground at the same time then according to this pedantic lot, there's sufficient evidence to suggest that he is actually flying.

That's it. Romero's zombies have been known to FLY and Hinzman is the first ever FLYING ZOMBIE.

Hopefully the producers of the DAY OF THE DEAD remake will see fit to have flying zombies in their film. Because, afterall, if you thought running zombies were scary, wait'll you see the flying ones!

And if anyone has a problem with flying zombies, I'll simply bring their attention to Hinzman in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and that'll shut them up ...because George Romero not only used them, he created them!

Flying zombies rule!

06-Jul-2006, 10:39 PM
Don't be so quick to proclaim it flight, Griff. By your logic, factoring in the hill, at best this zombie could have been gliding. Two different things entirely. :moon:

06-Jul-2006, 10:51 PM
I'm sorry Griff, but Bill Hinzman did run slightly you could almost say he was jogging. Now when you look at the movie I think that GAR was trying to impose that the longer the dead were mobile they would become more stiff. Bill Hinzman started out moving very well and then when it became dark he was more stiff.

07-Jul-2006, 10:37 AM
Gliding?! *PAH!*

He was clearly wafting with semi-precision... :eek:

07-Jul-2006, 03:36 PM
Gliding?! *PAH!*

He was clearly wafting with semi-precision... :eek:

Are you kidding me? He was obviously flying on the ground...:D

07-Jul-2006, 03:59 PM
I always thought of it as a succession of small leaps on alternating legs... which is pretty similar, I guess.

Dammit, you might be right. If both of Hinzman's feet leave the ground at the same time then according to this pedantic lot, there's sufficient evidence to suggest that he is actually flying.

That's it. Romero's zombies have been known to FLY and Hinzman is the first ever FLYING ZOMBIE.

Hopefully the producers of the DAY OF THE DEAD remake will see fit to have flying zombies in their film. Because, afterall, if you thought running zombies were scary, wait'll you see the flying ones!

And if anyone has a problem with flying zombies, I'll simply bring their attention to Hinzman in NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and that'll shut them up ...because George Romero not only used them, he created them!

Flying zombies rule!


07-Jul-2006, 04:10 PM
i agree 100% with DJ. i seriously did laugh out loud.

i just got mental pictures of bub in a yellow mario cape flying down the hallway at rhodes.

07-Jul-2006, 04:18 PM
There was a flying Zombie in DOTD 04. The One with no legs on the garage rafters

07-Jul-2006, 04:37 PM
There was a flying Zombie in DOTD 04. The One with no legs on the garage rafters

Also the one that jumps up about 3 levels of stairs and lands on a poll that's only about 1 & 1/2 inches wide.


So it's official....Romero created all the different types of zombies! Shamblers, Runners, and Flyers:p

07-Jul-2006, 05:58 PM
So now we can end the debate over runners or shamblers. Because we have a new zombie in the fold... Flying! :D

07-Jul-2006, 06:36 PM
Hmmm...perhaps he's a glide-fly-wafter zombie? He's silent, he's smooth, he's deadly, he's a little bit camp and he's airborne! :eek:

07-Jul-2006, 06:54 PM
Has there been a spank off zombie yet?:elol:

07-Jul-2006, 08:40 PM
this thread has had me cracking up!!! LOL

07-Jul-2006, 08:41 PM
If they fly, I'll give it a chance but if they hop around, especially on pogo sticks, I'm outta there.

07-Jul-2006, 08:46 PM
If they fly, I'll give it a chance but if they hop around, especially on pogo sticks, I'm outta there.
What about, hopping around on pogo-sticks, tooting a party-horn to the tune of "Flight of the Valkyrie", wearing pink tutus , yellow galoshes and a t shirt that says "I'm With Stupid" ( with a hand pointing upwards)? Ahhh and one of those little beenie caps with the propeller on top....:D

07-Jul-2006, 08:52 PM
What about, hopping around on pogo-sticks, tooting a party-horn to the tune of "Flight of the Valkyrie", wearing pink tutus , yellow galoshes and a t shirt that says "I'm With Stupid" ( with a hand pointing upwards)? Ahhh and one of those little beenie caps with the propeller on top....:D

As long as those beanies allow them to fly next to the WGON chopper in flight and drive the occupants mad, then heck ya!

07-Jul-2006, 08:53 PM
what if they were wearing a shirt that said i'm gay and harmless, come and be gay with me, and they got around on magic beavers with dragon wings and a mouse for a head (not just the mouses head, but a friggin mouse) and spit out small versions of David Hasselhoff from their ass.

08-Jul-2006, 12:57 AM
Can someone please email me when a genuine "new topic" that hasnt been posted 1000 times before gets here?

Cheers guys :D

08-Jul-2006, 01:21 AM
Has there been a spank off zombie yet?:elol:

Yup, but they had to cut James Gunn's cameo out of DAWN 04...

08-Jul-2006, 01:22 AM
Yup, but they had to cut James Gunn's cameo out of DAWN 04...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

08-Jul-2006, 02:12 AM
AND,....if you want to get technical.....running IS falling "one step at a time"
Go play, kid.
Hey if the guy wasnt running just lumbering how come he kept up with Barbara hmm????? I am really starting to accept the zombie running thing after seeing DJ's clips..it really seems more plausible! Afterall depending on the length of time the people are dead before rigor starts and the time they get up and walk..sooo, I see dead people running! I am talking "fresh" zombies tho. And the debate goes on...

08-Jul-2006, 02:47 AM
Its the old mummy/stalker thing where the chick takes off at full flight while her pursuer maintains a purposeful and deliberate stride and still catches up. Its done for effect. NIGHT wasn't the first and it wasn't the last so I don't consider that scene as a key to defining the mythology.

08-Jul-2006, 02:59 AM
Maybe people just run in circles while being chased.

.....only giving you the impression that they are running away......:rockbrow:

Seriously, rigor mortis doesn't set in immediately. And when it does, it only lasts for a few hours. Technically a freshie would still be able to move quickly if the brain could process that. Not so quickly, afterwards, but maybe a fast trot?

08-Jul-2006, 03:09 AM
Its the old mummy/stalker thing where the chick takes off at full flight while her pursuer maintains a purposeful and deliberate stride and still catches up. Its done for effect. NIGHT wasn't the first and it wasn't the last so I don't consider that scene as a key to defining the mythology.
Yea but still,the way I see it GAR was making the zombie look like he had keptup with her....i get your mummy/stalker maybe vampire type thing...but still he did catch up with her in good time...the first time I saw this movie ooooh what year was it '68? IT scared the begeebers out of me. when Hinzeman whatever his name caught up with Barbara soo fast...I screamed soo loud and believe me folks I was NOT the only one screaming, you should have seen people in the other cars around us..EVERYONE was screaming a real screaming feast!!No other movie has affected me like NOTLD...I cant remember after movie was over but when I got home I didn not want to sleep alone. lollll GAR really broke the mold when he made this movie kids!!!

Guru ofthe Dead
10-Jul-2006, 05:25 AM
Yeah he broke that mold and others have came up with lame copies. You know the old saying. Too many copies are'nt has good as the original. Or something like that.