View Full Version : Road of the Dead - Third film in the new Romero trilogy?

08-Sep-2012, 04:22 PM
As reported two days ago in the Huffington Post (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/06/warehouse-13-season-4_n_1852465.html).

It may be completely unrelated to the season, but this tidbit is too cool not to mention: [Eddie] McClintock is currently collaborating with George A. Romero and "Warehouse 13" stunt coordinator Matt Birman on a movie called "Road of the Dead," in which zombies have learned how to drive. McClintock says he totally geeked out the first time he met Romero at a lunch meeting. "I made him hug me and pose for a picture," he recalls. "I sucked his ass for a while."

08-Sep-2012, 04:30 PM
That sounds a bit graphic. :lol:

Hmmm ... zombies driving cars? :confused::rockbrow::confused:

08-Sep-2012, 05:20 PM

08-Sep-2012, 05:31 PM
McClintock is currently collaborating with George A. Romero and "Warehouse 13" stunt coordinator Matt Birman on a movie called "Road of the Dead," in which zombies have learned how to drive...

My reaction:

Christopher Jon
08-Sep-2012, 05:43 PM
I suspect sarcasm.

08-Sep-2012, 05:58 PM
"...in which zombies have learned how to drive..."


08-Sep-2012, 06:16 PM
There are no words to describe the failure...

08-Sep-2012, 09:08 PM
I'm figuring that zombie finally learned how to turn on the ignition and hit the pedal on Independence Avenue...

08-Sep-2012, 10:52 PM
Hmmm ... zombies driving cars? :confused::rockbrow::confused:
Already been done in RotLD2, right?

08-Sep-2012, 10:55 PM
There are no words to describe the failure...

no there isn't. i don't think even the dreaded quintuple face palm can cover this. i really, really hope this is just one of those rumours that flies around or this thing is euthanized in "development."

08-Sep-2012, 11:14 PM
im less bothered by zombies driving cars than romero MAKING ANOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE MOVIE!!?!
Seriously, i watched the dark half on netflix this week, the dude knows how to make a movie, does he really think his name only counts for zombie flicks?

09-Sep-2012, 01:44 AM
im less bothered by zombies driving cars than romero MAKING ANOTHER FUCKING ZOMBIE MOVIE!!?!
Seriously, i watched the dark half on netflix this week, the dude knows how to make a movie, does he really think his name only counts for zombie flicks?

Sadly, it's all he can get money for we're told. :(

As for the driving zombie thing. I suspect hoax/joke/sarcasm. If not?


09-Sep-2012, 04:31 AM
Maybe he's trying to make a suck trilogy so some of you haters will appreciate Land more.
Hey, it could happen...

09-Sep-2012, 05:07 AM
Expect lots of subtext: driving cars causes pollution and global warming. You kids should all ride bicycles more ...

09-Sep-2012, 08:17 AM
I thought it was going to be another one of those "Road to" movies with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby zombies that not only drive, but can sing too!

09-Sep-2012, 03:30 PM
Maybe he's trying to make a suck trilogy so some of you haters will appreciate Land more.


where, oh where, is DJ?

triste realtà
09-Sep-2012, 10:03 PM

Self flagellation thread capped.:dead:

09-Sep-2012, 10:59 PM
Self flagellation thread capped.:dead:

"At least we'll laugh..." :D

That is exactly what it was like with me and my staff at our bunker when we heard the news.

10-Sep-2012, 01:04 AM
"At least we'll laugh..." :D

That is exactly what it was like with me and my staff at our bunker when we heard the news.

I thought that WAS you & your staff in your bunker? :rockbrow:


10-Sep-2012, 01:15 AM
I thought that WAS you & your staff in your bunker? :rockbrow:

Nah, all my henchmen wear unitards, I thought you knew this from your last visit to the Acesbunker.

10-Sep-2012, 01:36 AM

I'll see it and most likely purchase the blu ray out of some sort of misplaced loyalty to Romero, but i'm not expecting to like it....

10-Sep-2012, 07:44 AM
Would be better if it was about a group on the move making stops at small towns, gas stations and diners for supplies.

10-Sep-2012, 09:06 AM

Self flagellation thread capped.:dead:


10-Sep-2012, 09:54 AM
Would be better if it was about a group on the move making stops at small towns, gas stations and diners for supplies.

I was thinking the same thing. Like some sort of existential journey across a dead America at the fag-end of the human race, that just so happened to feature zombies. That I would watch.

10-Sep-2012, 10:39 AM
I'm figuring that zombie finally learned how to turn on the ignition and hit the pedal on Independence Avenue...

It still doesn't make me want to be its friend.

10-Sep-2012, 02:29 PM
It still doesn't make me want to be its friend.

Zombie drivers... they creep me out... ;)

10-Sep-2012, 03:33 PM

Nice one Capn.

10-Sep-2012, 04:18 PM

Back when Land started to make money on DVD there were some rumours concerning a direct sequel that would focus on the dead reckoning travelling through America.
If only he did that one. I'm still quite fond of those characters and certainly wouldn't mind seeing a zombie road movie like that.

This Zombie-drivers bullshit is most likely a joke. Right? RIGHT?

Somewhere I suspect George reading this thread and having a laugh.

10-Sep-2012, 05:29 PM

Back when Land started to make money on DVD there were some rumours concerning a direct sequel that would focus on the dead reckoning travelling through America.
If only he did that one. I'm still quite fond of those characters and certainly wouldn't mind seeing a zombie road movie like that.

This Zombie-drivers bullshit is most likely a joke. Right? RIGHT?

Somewhere I suspect George reading this thread and having a laugh.

I remember those rumours. A journey up into Canada - the promised land, if you will - would be an interesting flick ... minus the zombie drivers idea, which I do hope it bollocks. It was a mere mention in Night, and even then it was merely "trying", so it was probably some old geezer who keeled over in his car while it was still on and resurrected behind the wheel.

10-Sep-2012, 05:45 PM
I suspect it's either a joke, or a joking exaggeration of some small element in the script, like if Savini came toward in 1984 and announced that Day of the Dead was about zombies learning to shave.

I hope.

A short scene with a zombie strapped into a driver's seat of a still running car and remembering how to hit the accelerator, could be a decent set piece. Mad Max zombies, though, not cool.

As long as the man keeps making movies, I will watch them. It's not about loyalty, per se: I actually enjoyed the last three films, just not in the same way I enjoy the Trilogy. The Trilogy I enjoy as classics, Land-to-Survival I enjoy in the same way I enjoy cheesy B-movies like Trancers and The Deadly Spawn. As long as he keeps making movies, though, there is a chance, however slim, he will strike gold again. Or at least silver. But if he doesn't, no loss; there's always room for trash cinema on my shelves. If he was to retire, that slim chance of success would drop to zero. That's the way I see it, anyway.

10-Sep-2012, 05:51 PM
I suspect it's either a joke, or a joking exaggeration of some small element in the script, like if Savini came toward in 1984 and announced that Day of the Dead was about zombies learning to shave.

I hope.

Leave it to Kraken to be the reasonable one. Good to see you, btw!

10-Sep-2012, 06:23 PM
Good to see you, btw!

Thanks man. I'm still around, just extra lurky recently thanks to uni assignments, a two hour commute (each way) to work, and a house move. But I've got my eye on all of you, still. :)

10-Sep-2012, 06:30 PM
As long as the man keeps making movies, I will watch them. It's not about loyalty, per se: I actually enjoyed the last three films, just not in the same way I enjoy the Trilogy. The Trilogy I enjoy as classics, Land-to-Survival I enjoy in the same way I enjoy cheesy B-movies like Trancers and The Deadly Spawn. As long as he keeps making movies, though, there is a chance, however slim, he will strike gold again. Or at least silver. But if he doesn't, no loss; there's always room for trash cinema on my shelves. If he was to retire, that slim chance of success would drop to zero. That's the way I see it, anyway.

That's exactly how I see it too. Very well put sir.
These past few Of the Dead films may have been hit and (a lot of) miss, there's still only one GAR. One can only hope he'll continue to direct ...

10-Sep-2012, 10:14 PM
Nah, all my henchmen wear unitards, I thought you knew this from your last visit to the Acesbunker.



Be careful Aces, they're up to something...



11-Sep-2012, 09:56 AM
Leave it to Kraken to be the reasonable one. Good to see you, btw!

Yup, Kraken hits the nail on the head.

I still rather dig Land, even though there's numerous things that I see in it and think "yeah, I'd have written that differently" or whatever, but it's still a good flick. Diary is the one I'm least enamoured with - it's got good bits in it, but there's also a lot of things about it that I'm not keen on at all either. Survival though, I really enjoyed ... yeah it's daft in places (death by fire extinguisher), and a bit blunt here and there, but generally I really dig the movie.

Do they match Night/Dawn/Day? No, Sir, but I've seen many movies far worse than them.

11-Sep-2012, 10:03 AM
^ Enough of all this reasonableness! It simply will not do! :)

11-Sep-2012, 10:30 AM
^ Enough of all this reasonableness! It simply will not do! :)

Ha! It's probably all part of a big conspiracy by the CIA to lull us into sleep/submission.


Rancid Carcass
11-Sep-2012, 11:21 AM
in which zombies have learned how to drive.

Well, with all these running zombies kicking about these days that's one way for the humble shambler to keep up. And at least we can all sleep easy in the knowlege that once they've parked up they're still going to have to shamble after you - and they may just mow down a few of those scumbag runners along the way too! It all makes perfect sense... Romero's shamblers are taking back the apocalypse! :D

11-Sep-2012, 04:28 PM
Well, with all these running zombies kicking about these days that's one way for the humble shambler to keep up. And at least we can all sleep easy in the knowlege that once they've parked up they're still going to have to shamble after you - and they may just mow down a few of those scumbag runners along the way too! It all makes perfect sense... Romero's shamblers are taking back the apocalypse! :D

Shambler drivers running over runners a la Death Race? I LOVE it! :D

11-Sep-2012, 04:49 PM
I think this sounds like a brilliant idea.

11-Sep-2012, 10:20 PM
Shambler drivers running over runners a la Death Race? I LOVE it! :D

I think this sounds like a brilliant idea.

"Mr. Snyder? Your cue sir..." :lol:

12-Sep-2012, 09:03 AM
Undead with coloured eye lenses - 10 points
Dinosaur roar zombies - 20 points
Runners - 30 points
T-dog (TWD) - 40 points
Zack Snyder - 50 points

a coloured eye lenses sporting, roaring like a dinosaur, running zombified T-dog or Zack Snyder : 100 points

12-Sep-2012, 03:55 PM
Leave it to Kraken to be the reasonable one. Good to see you, btw!

hey, aren't i the very picture of reasonable? i shall pause while you all collapse in laughter over that one. has everyone stopped hyperventilating?

12-Sep-2012, 05:59 PM
We let Romero get away with a zombie that can ride horseback. We let him show a zombie using a machine gun and a jackhammer. We let him have a zombie use a gas pump to set a car on fire. Don't fool yourselves into thinking there is a line we won't forgive him for crossing.

If Romero advertised that the next Dead movie would feature a group of survivors seeking to pilot the space shuttle to Mars as a commentary on escapism and humanity's abuse of the planet, only to discover a group of zombies already experimenting with learning to fly the shuttle, culminating in a "desperate man vs. zombie space race" ... I'd pay to see it.

I believe that Land looks better held up against Diary and Survival. The stupidity of holding Fiddler's Green hostage for money seems downright reasonable compared to the stable of zombie kin in Survival or Jason filming people die rather than putting down the camera in Diary.

I believe that Romero should stick to zombie movies. I don't care if he could do other movies well. There are other directors to do other movies. Only Romero can do "... of the Dead" movies.

13-Sep-2012, 11:48 AM
I'd like to see the classic Romero zombies in a Wacky Races-style film. Let's have the cemetery zombie, Hare Krishna, Bub, Big Daddy, etc, all competing against each other in go karts at various locations like Monroeville Mall and the Wampum Mine.

13-Sep-2012, 03:51 PM
I'd like to see the classic Romero zombies in a Wacky Races-style film. Let's have the cemetery zombie, Hare Krishna, Bub, Big Daddy, etc, all competing against each other in go karts at various locations like Monroeville Mall and the Wampum Mine.


i love it. that would probably be better than what he actually has in mind anyway.

+1 for mention of "Wacky Races." "Muttley, you idiot!"

13-Sep-2012, 06:27 PM
This completely ruins my plans for a reimagening of Those Magnificent Zombies In Their Flying Machines.

13-Sep-2012, 08:17 PM
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! The only thing worse than fast moving zombies would be zombies that drive.

14-Sep-2012, 12:46 AM
Maybe the zombies could drive Transformers around! Big Daddy seems like a natural to drive a big rig like Optimus Prime!

14-Sep-2012, 02:45 AM
wasn't there a scene in survival with a driving ghoul? i think that's about where i gave up on that one. if this comes to fruition, i doubt i'll even bother watching it. the title gave me a faint glimmer of hope, but the premise sounds plain absurd.

14-Sep-2012, 10:17 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOO! The only thing worse than fast moving zombies would be zombies that drive.

Or fast zombies that drive fast - nothing worse than a zombie breaking the speed limit ... ... now, if the zombies themselves were on bath salts as well as breaking the speed limit, then that'd be a right old piss-take. :eek:

Maybe the zombies could drive Transformers around! Big Daddy seems like a natural to drive a big rig like Optimus Prime!

And then Shia LaBouf could turn up and mutter "no no no no no" at everything happening around him, whilst being generally sweaty and out-of-breath ... then his pot-brownie-eating, wanking-obsessed, cringe-worthy parents could turn up for no real reason.

wasn't there a scene in survival with a driving ghoul? i think that's about where i gave up on that one. if this comes to fruition, i doubt i'll even bother watching it. the title gave me a faint glimmer of hope, but the premise sounds plain absurd.

Was there? Oh, you mean on the ferry? That's a fair point - although it just drove forward and/or back and hit a car and then got shot. I'd totally forgot about that ... I think that's right on the brink of acceptability though. If he was changing gears and steering and adjusting his mirrors etc, then that'd just be silly. :D

14-Sep-2012, 11:06 AM

i think what actually made me shut the movie off was the lame joke the chick made about the zombie not being able to pass his driving exam....i actually groaned at that cheesy line and turned it off right there. painful to watch, if you ask me.

14-Sep-2012, 04:17 PM
This completely ruins my plans for a reimagening of Those Magnificent Zombies In Their Flying Machines.

perhaps you can switch over to "Around the World with 80 Zombies" starring nic cage as all 80 zombies. of course, the whole thing would need a Benny Hill like soundtrack.

14-Sep-2012, 06:36 PM
perhaps you can switch over to "Around the World with 80 Zombies" starring nic cage as all 80 zombies. of course, the whole thing would need a Benny Hill like soundtrack.

Universal have already greenlit :(

14-Sep-2012, 06:39 PM
Universal have already greenlit :(


that's the quote of the week.

22-Sep-2012, 03:00 PM
Already been done in RotLD2, right?



where, oh where, is DJ?

You rang?

Do I think this whole thing is a hoax... YES.

I think Road of the Dead, would be based on a concept for a sequel to Land, although not starring those particular actors or characters. But a road movie of a group of people trying to hunker down, away fromt he zombies having to move town to town would be an interesting concept if it WASN'T ALREADY DONE... ZOMBIELAND anyone?

22-Sep-2012, 05:37 PM
Do I think this whole thing is a hoax... YES.

I think Road of the Dead, would be based on a concept for a sequel to Land, although not starring those particular actors or characters. But a road movie of a group of people trying to hunker down, away fromt he zombies having to move town to town would be an interesting concept if it WASN'T ALREADY DONE... ZOMBIELAND anyone?

Mmm. Good line of reasoning. GAR has been known to recycle ideas from unused scripts before, so I can see that. Done in "Zombieland" eh...zomedy+they really didn't focus on the road trip+survival aspect too much, particularly in a serious manor, so I wouldn't be opposed to a GAR version.

Now, I COULD see comparisons to "The Walking Dead" in those respects, so the challenge would be to make something that didn't cover the same ground "TWD" has.

For some reason, I get an image in my mind of "Damnation Alley" w/ zombies, which would be awesome. :D

23-Sep-2012, 03:40 AM
Who'm I kidding? I'll prolly go see it anyway. Antidisregardlessly.

I still lerv Unca George.


23-Sep-2012, 05:25 PM
Who'm I kidding? I'll prolly go see it anyway. Antidisregardlessly.

I still lerv Unca George.


I hear a Zombie Muldoon will be playing the part of Lord Humongous.



24-Sep-2012, 03:58 PM
I hear a Zombie Muldoon will be playing the part of Lord Humongous.


Oh dear. We're back to this again.

I remember starting to post here and every other comment read MULDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. :p

24-Sep-2012, 04:12 PM
Oh dear. We're back to this again.

I remember starting to post here and every other comment read MULDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON. :p

It was funny, but....ah...went a bit overboard. :lol: I try and save my Muldoon moments for maximum carnage now.

24-Sep-2012, 05:54 PM
It was funny, but....ah...went a bit overboard. :lol: I try and save my Muldoon moments for maximum carnage now.

Well, since Billy Ray HAD decided to stop by, it seemed like the right time to slip it in. :rockbrow:

That's what she said? :fin: :lol:

24-Sep-2012, 07:16 PM
Well, since Billy Ray HAD decided to stop by, it seemed like the right time to slip it in. :rockbrow:

That's what she said? :fin: :lol:


24-Sep-2012, 08:48 PM
I hope GR does it with the APC from Land along the lines of the early 80s classic "BJ and the Bear". Starring Greg Evigan, the Landers Sisters, the big truck that looks like Optimus Prime and of course the Monkey....


24-Sep-2012, 09:40 PM

