View Full Version : So another thread bites the dust???

13-Sep-2012, 06:56 PM
Good to know censorship is alive and well here at HPoTD!!

13-Sep-2012, 07:00 PM
Well what do you expect when insults get thrown around?

How long do you imagine this one will stay open?

13-Sep-2012, 07:16 PM
Babomb i will say the same to you as ive said to Sammich in PM. These conspiracy theory topics are wearing thin and we're seeing a trend of reported offensive/inappropriate posts from the topic.

If you want to discuss conspiracy theories then go to a conspiracy theorist forums and do it but when you register and post on HpotD, you automatically agree to our terms and conditions and there is no opt out, that means topics or posts that cause offense to people whether intentional or not will be dealt with as we see fit.

13-Sep-2012, 07:18 PM
The other thread was locked also for no good reason. That thread did not contain insults, except for people being called nutjobs with no consideration to the evidence, even after it was clearly stated by Neil that the discussion should be allowed. On top of that, you have people being charged with "infractions of insubordination" for simply posting a video.
So I guess it's OK for those of us with unpopular views to be derided and called names simply for holding an opinion. But when one of us calls others out for the same behavior we're reprimanded for, drastic action is taken against us.
This is lockstep thinking and behavior, and it's always used against those of us who dare to question authority. The hypocrisy is utterly amazing! And shameful...
Like I said, people come here to escape reality not be reminded of it so it should come as no surprise to me. I just thought people here were a little more tolerant of others, and mature enough to discuss things openly. Guess I was wrong...
I know what's going on. There's people here that don't want ANY political discussion on the boards at all for their own personal reasons. So they make complaints about them as if they're being offended personally. All in an effort to censor the discussion. I don't own the board so i can't do anything about it. That's just the way it is. But I'll be damned if i'm gonna sit back and take it without speaking my mind on it.
Using policy to mask censorship and hypocrisy is an age old trick. Nothing new there. i just expected better out of the members and administration here.

13-Sep-2012, 07:32 PM
The "insubordination" issue has been resolved, but the problem still remains. The list of "forbidden topics" needs to be posted and also the exact definition of what is a "conspiracy theory".

13-Sep-2012, 07:35 PM
making a mountain out of a molehill....

13-Sep-2012, 07:42 PM
If you want to discuss this like adults then im open to that, we have many times in our past changed our policies based on members opinions.

We also allow many political topics and have let you both post alot of topics that have never been actioned but im sure you can understand that a recent major event like 9/11 is still going to be a touchy subject to many people and i can see how your posts which imho was posted in bad taste could offend.

What i wont discuss is petty name calling, random allegations or details of infractions/warnings.

13-Sep-2012, 07:44 PM
making a mountain out of a molehill.... Censorship is indeed a mountain. Calling this a molehill is a very daft statement to make! And you know it! You just don't care about it, and you aren't the one being censored. More hypocrisy at work. This hypocrisy is a trend that's gaining increasing momentum here.

13-Sep-2012, 07:51 PM
Censorship is indeed a mountain. Calling this a molehill is a very daft statement to make! And you know it! You just don't care about it, and you aren't the one being censored. More hypocrisy at work. This hypocrisy is a trend that's gaining increasing momentum here.

Dude....it's an internet forum and a thread got closed. Big deal. It's not worth pitching a fit over. Just move on...

13-Sep-2012, 07:54 PM
I don't understand the policy on 9/11 discussions then? Is it to not be discussed at all? And if it is to be discussed, is it only to be discussed according to the official story about it? Alternative ideas about what might have transpired that day are not allowed in relation to it? How does that even make sense?
What is it that could possibly be so offensive about discussing evidence that calls for a new investigation into the events of that day? Because that's all that the PBS video was about. Was evidence that was ignored and pushed aside, and how the official 9/11 investigation was a failure. The video never even touched on any possible conspiracy theories!
But nobody would even know that unless they watched the video! So does this mean now that this video was banned here before it's content was even reviewed?

13-Sep-2012, 09:23 PM
making a mountain out of a molehill....

You're in on it. I knew it. :shifty:

13-Sep-2012, 09:53 PM
You're in on it. I knew it. :shifty: he's definitely in on the censorship campaign here. But other than that, he doesn't know enough about the topic to be in on anything. Like most, he only knows what's been spoonfed to him. And I'm sure he can repeat it if he chose to.

13-Sep-2012, 10:05 PM
Alright babomb ive left this topic open for long enough, i said i was prepared to discuss any problems you have in a adult manner but i also said:

What i wont discuss is petty name calling, random allegations or details of infractions/warnings.

As you have proven youself incapable of this, i am closing this discussion.

You can contact me in private if you wish to further press your case but if i see another topic created, further action will be taken.