View Full Version : End Of Watch (film)

20-Sep-2012, 02:21 PM
Seems to be getting some good comments! - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/58443

END OF WATCH is one of the most intense, adrenaline-fueled, heart-pounding experiences you’ll have at the movies this year, and one hell of a cop movie to boot. David Ayer, the mind behind such LAPD-driven films like TRAINING DAY (which he wrote), HARSH TIMES and STREET KINGS (the latter two which he directed), has put all his experience in the police arena to good use, showing that persistence does in fact pay off when you’re trying to finally get something right. He’s been involved with five different law enforcement films up to now, and, even with the Oscar win Denzel Washington claimed from TRAINING DAY, in addition to Ethan Hawke’s supporting nom, none of them have felt anywhere near as complete or engaging as END OF WATCH.