View Full Version : Season 3 Webisodes - Starting Oct 1st

20-Sep-2012, 07:22 PM
Webisodes will be out on Oct 1st according to Mazzara on Twitter.

More info


Starting next month, The Walking Dead will offer an extra dose of walkers on the Web.

You heard it here first: AMC plans to unleash a series of Dead-themed webisodes Oct. 1. Directed by special effects producer Greg Nicotero, the four five-minute eps will feature a new group of characters and be titled Cold Storage. Among the cast members is Daniel Roebuck, who Lost fans may remember as Doc Arzt.

Here's a brief plot description from the network:

Cold Storage tells the story of a young man, Chase (played by Josh Stewart), trying to reach his sister in the early days of the zombie apocalypse. He finds temporary shelter in a storage facility run by a former employee named B.J. (Roebuck); however, things are not what they appear.


20-Sep-2012, 07:33 PM
Webisodes will be out on Oct 1st according to Mazzara on Twitter.

I never even considered the possibility of webisodes (Or i forgot it was a possibility at some point).

Thanks for the info, Kidgloves!

21-Sep-2012, 09:23 AM
I never even considered the possibility of webisodes (Or i forgot it was a possibility at some point).

Thanks for the info, Kidgloves!

Same here. Nifty news, a nice little unexpected bonus. :)

Also, is that Cerena Vincent in that picture with Roebuck?

01-Oct-2012, 06:07 AM
It's Oct.1 and i can't find a damn thing related to new webisodes.

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It's Oct1........

01-Oct-2012, 10:37 AM
Indeed - Where is it going to be available from?!

01-Oct-2012, 11:33 AM
Indeed - Where is it going to be available from?!

Last year they were released on Machinima first.

01-Oct-2012, 11:41 AM
It's Oct.1 and i can't find a damn thing related to new webisodes.

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It's Oct1........

Last year they were released around noon Eastern US Time, iirc.

01-Oct-2012, 04:10 PM
They're up on amctv.com

**Just tried to watch them... can't be viewed from outside the US... Frak**

01-Oct-2012, 04:59 PM
Aye, tried to go and watch them, but AMC continues to ignore everyone who isn't in North America. :mad:

Hopefully a kind soul will put them up on YouTube for we internationals.

01-Oct-2012, 05:05 PM
http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/10/the-walking-dead-cold-storage-webisode.html this is episode one unblocked

01-Oct-2012, 05:15 PM
All the webisodes are available on AMC's site: http://www.amctv.com/shows/the-walking-dead

"How was the mall?" "The national guard made a mess of some looters". ha...

01-Oct-2012, 07:05 PM
They were excellent. Amazing how much difference it makes when you get good actors.
The whole thing felt like a homage to Dawn.
Really enjoyable.

01-Oct-2012, 07:26 PM
Yeah, a massive improvement over the previous set of Webisodes. Nicotero stepped up with this one.

I felt the minor connection to the TV series felt a tad forced, though. It wasn't really needed...

01-Oct-2012, 09:12 PM
Dude was wearing Rick's clothes. Made him look like him. Rick loves his long sleeve button ups and black jeans.

"They're gettin their faces eaten trying to save their Boy George albums"

01-Oct-2012, 09:55 PM
Episode 2 - "Keys to the Kingdom" :D

02-Oct-2012, 11:29 AM
I've got all the episodes now (hat-tip to Cykotic :cool:), so I'm ready to watch - will report back when I have.

Also, FYI, they're up on YouTube (albeit in rather low quality).

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Okay, just watched the episodes, and I enjoyed them very much.

A couple of gripes:

The locker belonging to Rick is a bit coincidental, plus it doesn't make sense that he's got photo albums in storage, especially when Lori saved the albums in season one from their house. It's nice to have connections to the main story, but it did feel a bit contrived.

Chase getting shot - initially I thought he was dead, but the old "oh he just winged him" thing came along and that was a bit weak. If he'd been shot more convincingly, or he had been moving more trying to dodge the bullet in a panic, then that would have sold that moment better.

On the other hand, some rather good stuff in there too:

The guy running the storage place was an interesting character, darkly comic at times, but also as revealed, a total nutjob. The reveal of Cerena Vincent's character as having been captured as a sex slave was chilling and quite disturbing, which reminds me that we're going to be approaching some extraordinarily dark content in the new season of TWD - it'll be interesting to see how they handle it, and while here it was mostly suggestive, it was no-less disturbing to me. What did everyone else think?

Also - did I hear it right that another male worker was the one who captured her (the zombie that attacked Chase at the fuse box), and then BJ took over? If so, even grimmer!

Definitely better than last year's webisodes (which were still decent). I felt the story held together better and was more concise, not to mention quite disturbing and grim. The allusions to Dawn, both implicit and explicit, were very enjoyable too. Finally, there was some spiffing gore moments, and - without spoiling - the little twist at the end was deliciously dark. :elol:

02-Oct-2012, 05:02 PM
http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/10/the-walking-dead-cold-storage-webisode.html this is episode one unblocked

Thanks a lot for that! Unbelievable us folks in Europe don't even get these webisodes as extras on regular DVD/Blu-ray releases over here.

02-Oct-2012, 07:02 PM
Could somebody put the link to the you tube new webisodes, or even better put them on here. I can not find them on utube and I llive in the UK so can not watch the amc ones.
Thanks in advance

02-Oct-2012, 07:45 PM
Also - did I hear it right that another male worker was the one who captured her (the zombie that attacked Chase atDefinitely better than last year's webisodes (which were still decent). I felt the story held together better and was more concise, not to mention quite disturbing and grim. The allusions to Dawn, both implicit and explicit, were very enjoyable too. Finally, there was some spiffing gore moments, and - without spoiling - the little twist at the end was deliciously dark. :elol:

I couldn't help but think that last shot was a teaser for whats to come involving the Governor

02-Oct-2012, 08:50 PM
I couldn't help but think that last shot was a teaser for whats to come involving the Governor

A very good point! I hadn't made that connection - nicely pointed out, good Sir! :cool:

@kev - looks like the videos have been removed from YouTube unfortunately. :rolleyes:

They should hopefully still be on that spoilerTV link Cykotic provided.

02-Oct-2012, 10:38 PM
That's weird that they region lock the videos like that. Probably some stupid ass legal issue. You'd think though that they'd at least include them on the DVD. There has to be some sort of official solution to that possible. besides just the spoilerTV service.

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Just trying something here.

Chrome disabled all the video downloaders except 1, and all sites seem to block that 1.
Technically, screen capture software could be used to capture the raw video. Then uploaded for a short time to something like a shared google drive would make them available to download.
It burns me up when information is blocked to certain people!!

I figured out how to download the videos. They use the "BrightCove Media Player" on AMC's site, not standard flash player. So if you have or can get the "Replay Media catcher" app, you can use it to download the stream from-

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1870916755001&linkBaseURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amctv.com%2Fthe-walking-dead%2Fvideos%2Fwebisode-1-the-walking-dead-cold-storage-hide-and-seek&playerID=83327935001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAAuyCbQ~,-gfAmfm8njJ8S-9E4q2UfzG931rvkxuP&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1870909801001&linkBaseURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amctv.com%2Fthe-walking-dead%2Fvideos%2Fwebisode-2-the-walking-dead-cold-storage-keys-to-the-kingdom&playerID=83327935001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAAuyCbQ~,-gfAmfm8njJ8S-9E4q2UfzG931rvkxuP&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1870909799001&linkBaseURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amctv.com%2Fthe-walking-dead%2Fvideos%2Fwebisode-3-the-walking-dead-cold-storage-the-chosen-ones&playerID=83327935001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAAuyCbQ~,-gfAmfm8njJ8S-9E4q2UfzG931rvkxuP&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true

http://c.brightcove.com/services/viewer/federated_f9?isVid=1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" flashVars="videoId=1870912213001&linkBaseURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amctv.com%2Fthe-walking-dead%2Fvideos%2Fwebisode-4-the-walking-dead-cold-storage-parting-shots&playerID=83327935001&playerKey=AQ~~,AAAAAAuyCbQ~,-gfAmfm8njJ8S-9E4q2UfzG931rvkxuP&domain=embed&dynamicStreaming=true

The app doesn't run on Linux so I can't do it.


04-Oct-2012, 07:38 AM
Guys guys guys....

Search google for "proxy" and connect to amc's website through one. Voila, Walking dead webisodes for UK'ers.


04-Oct-2012, 10:04 AM
Webisode 1
At the scene where the two of them come to a corner and find the bag with stuff in (playboy mags/ashes), WHY do we still get the tired old mistakes of:-
1) People making loads of noise with no concern about their own well being - He's shouting out FFS!
2) People not bothering to look - He's turned his back to the alley, and never looks behind him?
3) Teleporting zombies - AGAIN?? Half a dozen ninja zombies appear from no where.

But enjoyed it!

Webisode 2
Simple! Nice!

But what happened to the door that had been smashed open?

Webisode 3 & 4

04-Oct-2012, 10:13 AM
Webisode 1
At the scene where the two of them come to a corner and find the bag with stuff in (playboy mags/ashes), WHY do we still get the tired old mistakes of:-
1) People making loads of noise with no concern about their own well being - He's shouting out FFS!
2) People not bothering to look - He's turned his back to the alley, and never looks behind him?
3) Teleporting zombies - AGAIN?? Half a dozen ninja zombies appear from no where.

But enjoyed it!

Webisode 2
Simple! Nice!

But what happened to the door that had been smashed open?

Webisode 3 & 4

Valid issues with the first episode there. I'd forgotten about those, but yeah, I remembering thinking to myself "dude, shut up, there be zombies around!", and of course the staging where they seem to suddenly appear is a cheat that needs to be significantly improved. I'd forgotten about the door too - good point - what did happen to that door? I assume they sealed it up somehow, but even still, a little sentence confirming that would be nice.

04-Oct-2012, 09:22 PM
Not to mention that the machete used to open that door sustained no significant damage and was used successfully later in the episodes.
When a prop breaks during a scene like that, they should consider it to be part of the reality of the situation. That's what would really happen in that situation. So don't just replace the prop, retire the tool entirely...

05-Oct-2012, 11:37 AM
The thing is the beginning of the first webisode instilled me with some hope for realism and continuity:-
- As they run off the roof, he picks his bag up. In the next shot - an interior shot - he's then putting the bag onto his back. ie: They've been careful to continue the continuity of the screen.
- As they go down the alley, the two them are a safe distance apart and walking along a fence (rather than dark doors/windows) and looking for zombies. All feels genuine etc.

But it's little reality break downs that let the illusion fail a bit unfortunately.

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A couple of gripes:

The locker belonging to Rick is a bit coincidental, plus it doesn't make sense that he's got photo albums in storage, especially when Lori saved the albums in season one from their house. It's nice to have connections to the main story, but it did feel a bit contrived.

More interesting if it was Shane's stuff? And he had a few photos of Lori?

05-Oct-2012, 12:03 PM
More interesting if it was Shane's stuff? And he had a few photos of Lori?


Yes! THAT! That would have been more interesting, and would have made more sense. Good idea. :)

05-Oct-2012, 03:06 PM

Yes! THAT! That would have been more interesting, and would have made more sense. Good idea. :)

Yey! 10 points for me!

Is that the end of the webisodes? Or are we expecting some more?

05-Oct-2012, 04:46 PM
Whose to say the locker belongs to Rick. Its probably more likely that Shane set it up to store the Grimes personal belongings when the shit went down and they decided they had to leave. It makes Shanes death all the more sad.

Moon Knight
11-Oct-2012, 02:22 AM
Whose to say the locker belongs to Rick. Its probably more likely that Shane set it up to store the Grimes personal belongings when the shit went down and they decided they had to leave. It makes Shanes death all the more sad.

I like that theory.

I like these webisodes. Fun and lots of cool little details.

Nice to see Cerena Vincent pop up too. :D

11-Oct-2012, 12:19 PM
I assumed that it was Rick's locker since his clothes were in it. And since Lori grabbed all the photo albums when they 1st took off in ep1, I assumed it was her that put them in the storage locker.

11-Oct-2012, 06:16 PM
I assumed that it was Rick's locker since his clothes were in it. And since Lori grabbed all the photo albums when they 1st took off in ep1, I assumed it was her that put them in the storage locker.

Perhaps, but then I think - if all that chaos is going on, would you necessarily find the time or opportunity to put them into storage? Perhaps if they already had a room there, but with zombies shambling about and the world generally going tits up, it doesn't sit well either as a possibility. You could be right, though.

I was just assuming she had them with them, for example kept in one of the cars, or perhaps she lost them at the farm in 2x13. Hmmm...

12-Oct-2012, 01:29 AM
I caught the photo albums deal too. I just figured that Lori took them and stashed them in the storage facility, possibly figuring they would be safer there then sitting at their home which could be looted (and was). Since she was never shown with the photo albums, it wasn't a big deal to me.

12-Oct-2012, 11:32 AM
I caught the photo albums deal too. I just figured that Lori took them and stashed them in the storage facility, possibly figuring they would be safer there then sitting at their home which could be looted (and was). Since she was never shown with the photo albums, it wasn't a big deal to me.That's what I thought too. That she put them there during the start of the collapse. rather than leave them be at the house. Many people do have storage lockers, so the obvious conclusion would be that they already had the locker and just stopped in to drop stuff off before taking to the hills. I doubt that Lori and Shane fought their way in there to take over a locker. Or maybe it WAS Shanes locker, and he suggested Lori put the albums and shit in there rather than lug them around.

16-Oct-2012, 06:03 PM
Im sure in episode 1 "Seed" Carl says "you should see our locker". I can't remember the exact bit. It may be when they first enter the prison.

16-Oct-2012, 10:04 PM
Im sure in episode 1 "Seed" Carl says "you should see our locker". I can't remember the exact bit. It may be when they first enter the prison.

Good spot, it was when they were in the cell together...just before Herschel sent him packing. :D

16-Oct-2012, 10:06 PM
Im sure in episode 1 "Seed" Carl says "you should see our locker". I can't remember the exact bit. It may be when they first enter the prison. "Remember the storage lockers".

16-Oct-2012, 10:11 PM
"Remember the storage lockers".

Um, yeah, terrible spot Kidgloves...get outa here! :p

20-Oct-2012, 01:01 PM
The webisodes were pretty solid. I thought the acting was stronger this time than last year, and the subject matter was a bit darker. I wouldn't mind them doing a few of these for each season, in fact.

20-Oct-2012, 04:08 PM
Of course, if they had gone to the storage locker place and stashed photo albums etc there in the early days of the outbreak (before their little camp with Dale's RV etc), then Beth and the rest of the Greene clan hadn't even encountered our merry gang of walker killers ... so what could it be, did they return there? Did they find other storage lockers? Is it a mere blink-and-you'll-miss-it reference to the Cold Storage webisodes? Hmmm...