View Full Version : Just Discovered Scrapple!

08-Oct-2012, 01:58 PM
Wow, wife and I had gone in on a bulk buy of farm fresh beef (ground, chopped, steaks etc.) and the place threw in a few loafs of scrapple and we ended up with one, and it is ridiculously awesome!

Never even heard of it before we looked through our cooler while storing the meat. I know we have some people from PA and the other Mid-atlantic areas where scrapple is more widely known, so I figured I'd see of anyone else was a fan, grew up with this stuff or knows of good ways to obtain it fresh or fun ways to cook it.

So fatty, undoubtedly bad for me, but I'm a sucker for that crispy that gives way to mealy texture. Yum!


08-Oct-2012, 03:00 PM
huh. never heard of this before. seems like every area of the country has its own little variation on some old world food. usually brought in the migrations in the 19th/early 20th centuries.

you have scrapple. we have Goetta. since i'm part of one of the 15 families in cincinnati that isn't German and Catholic (that's a regional joke around here, so roll with it), i've never really gotten into it. it isn't bad just not my cup of tea.

this is Goetta:

looks a lot like scrapple, huh?

08-Oct-2012, 03:48 PM
this is Goetta:

looks a lot like scrapple, huh?

Wow, looks good! Yeah, when I looked for info on scrapple online I did notice there are regional variants...a German one called panhas (paanhaas?), comes to mind.

I love these regional differentiations in cuisine (even cooler than regional differences in language and accent), especially when they're so damned delicious.

08-Oct-2012, 03:56 PM
this is probably our most famous regional food. you can only find it here and no place else.

the cheese coney:


08-Oct-2012, 04:19 PM
A dude I used to work with told me he was eating a slice of scrapple and he bit into something hard. He spit it out and it was a green tooth (I hope it was pig). I shuddered.

08-Oct-2012, 05:35 PM
A dude I used to work with told me he was eating a slice of scrapple and he bit into something hard. He spit it out and it was a green tooth (I hope it was pig).

Yeah, unfortunately that doesn't surprise me. When I read that it was basically pig offal and how it was made, I'm sure such is possible, especially when allowing for lower end or more rustic prep methodology.

08-Oct-2012, 08:56 PM
this is probably our most famous regional food. you can only find it here and no place else.

the cheese coney:


You knew I'd reply to this, didn't you? :rockbrow: ;)

Food porn, Almost as good as the real thing. :lol:

As for this "scrapple", it kind of looks like Spam. Spam fries up nice like that w/ the crispy texture on the outside. Few beers & some fried Spamwiches w/ horseradish on them....mmmmmm.....:D

09-Oct-2012, 07:00 AM
Yeah I was thinking it look kind of like spam too. Or Livermush.

"Don't Knock it, it's got it's own key"

09-Oct-2012, 08:11 AM
Yeah I was thinking it look kind of like spam too. Or Livermush.

"Don't Knock it, it's got it's own key"


"Perfect baby. Perfect." :thumbsup: :D

09-Oct-2012, 04:28 PM
You knew I'd reply to this, didn't you? :rockbrow: ;)

Food porn, Almost as good as the real thing. :lol:

:lol: pretty much - on both points.

09-Oct-2012, 08:08 PM
Aces -

I'm only going to say this once, so read very carefully:


This message has been brought to you by Bacon Lovers Anonymous and the letter "B"


10-Oct-2012, 02:22 PM
Aces -

I'm only going to say this once, so read very carefully:


This message has been brought to you by Bacon Lovers Anonymous and the letter "B"


I figured I'd spend my one-allotted-posted-per-month to ask if you guys (Lou, mostly) know about the bacon shortage that is supposedly happening in 2013?

10-Oct-2012, 03:03 PM
I figured I'd spend my one-allotted-posted-per-month to ask if you guys (Lou, mostly) know about the bacon shortage that is supposedly happening in 2013?

Lou is the cause of the future bacon shortage. :D

Actually, from what little I read a bacon shortage is possible, but highly unlikely to be the sort of thing that would cause more than a modest increase in bacon prices and this whole thing has largely been blown out of proportion, as things with bacon nowadays often are, since the food attained near meme-like status and presence in pop, online and culinary cultures a few years back.

BTW, nice to see you, Mike :skull:

10-Oct-2012, 04:48 PM
I figured I'd spend my one-allotted-posted-per-month to ask if you guys (Lou, mostly) know about the bacon shortage that is supposedly happening in 2013?

Lou is the cause of the future bacon shortage. :D

True, although, let me put your mind at ease.

There will be no going to the grocery store and hearing "we don't have bacon" - it's not going to happen. Sure, the price is probably going to go up, but by these news people saying "bacon shortage!" they're implying it won't be available. It will, just at a premium price is my guess.

Put it this way: remember when gas here in the US was $1-2/gallon? Remember when cigarettes were $1 per pack? Remember when a gallon of milk was $1.50-2/gallon? Yeah, I do too, but it's not that way anymore. Those days are long gone.

I fear the same for bacon.

That being said, there is no price I wouldn't pay. Someone tells me it's $20/lb, I hate to say it, but I will splurge and buy it. Perhaps not as much as I did previously, but I'll be damned if I'll stop eating it just because the price went up. The ridiculous rise in taxes on cigarettes didn't make me stop smoking them, did they?! Addiction is a bitch! :lol: :p

Here, this should put your mind at ease - a nice little article from BaconToday.com about the supposed "bacon shortage":

http://bacontoday.com/the-bacon-shortage-truth/ (http://bacontoday.com/the-bacon-shortage-truth/)

I found this article after I put up this post, and what do you know, they came to the same conclusion I did. :D