View Full Version : Dead Life 2-Pics/trailer from my new movie with David Crawford from Dawn Of The Dead

10-Oct-2012, 03:07 AM
Dead Life 2 Necrodevils


Teaser trailer anyone... Anyone

15-Oct-2012, 01:33 PM
OK! I'm interested :)

16-Oct-2012, 04:12 PM
Awesome!! any and all feed back is appriciated From you guys if y'all wouldn't mind taking a look.

16-Oct-2012, 09:20 PM
That looks pretty damn good! I love homegrown horror. Since about 1990, Hollywood and the mainstream seem to have lost touch with exactly what makes a trashy horror flick fun; the folks at the grassroots haven't. I don't care how inept, tacky or low budget it is, I am always willing to give fan-made horror a look, but this one doesn't look particularly inept or tacky at all. In fact, it looks pretty slick, with just enough cheesiness to make it fun.

I guess the only criticisms would be: I'm not a fan of the "panda-eye" zombie look, and (despite being a metal head myself) I think death metal is probably the least cinematic genre of music and it rarely sits well in a horror film, despite the lyrical and philosophical associations (although the intro was cool with the vaguely Goblin/Frizzi-esque parts). As far as I could see, the acting was actually really good, for the most part, and the direction, editing and cinematography were far, far above average for this kind of film. It looks like a blast and I look forward to checking it out.

17-Oct-2012, 12:16 AM
As far as the panda eye thing... Yup I gotta agree with you on that. If I were to start it over I would have definitly done that different. The music is a temporary track I don't think I mentiond this is just a teaser I haven't even gone into post yet. Dead Life 2 will b scored by a composer. So the sorce tracks like that one will be few and far between I promise. But how cool would it b to have a 70s style goblin sound track!!!! I wonder if anyone could recreate that feel. Thanks for the input I really apriciate it and thanks for digging it!!!

17-Oct-2012, 02:23 AM
Looks good to me! The make up isn't so much to my taste, I like the less is more approach when it comes to micro-budget stuff, but it looks fun. I don't usually have the patience for really low budget stuff, but I'd give to a shot, the trailer was certainly well put together and it's always interesting to see what sort of acting comes out in the wash, sometimes you get some gems.

What's the ballpark for when you'll be through post-production?

17-Oct-2012, 02:34 AM
Well I estimate about march for it to be done but then the producers rep has to shop it to the distributors and once we sign with someone they will take their own sweet time setting a actual release date. I have waited upwards to a year after signing a film. BUT!!! There will b screeners oh yes the screeners will b plentiful:)

17-Oct-2012, 10:38 PM
But how cool would it b to have a 70s style goblin sound track!!!! I wonder if anyone could recreate that feel.

That would be badass!! There is this Swedish guy on YouTube you should check out - his channel is called islandrocks (http://www.youtube.com/user/islandrocks) - and in addition to doing covers of old-school movie themes from the likes of Dawn of the Dead, Zombi 2, Suspiria, etc. he writes and performs his own tunes in the style of 70s/80s US and Italian synth horror/action/sci-fi. They are all very slick and professional but they retain that awesome vintage vibe. I think he's even done a few commissioned scores for various people. You should have a look, his stuff might be perfect for you.

19-Oct-2012, 12:07 PM
As far as the panda eye thing... Yup I gotta agree with you on that. If I were to start it over I would have definitly done that different. The music is a temporary track I don't think I mentiond this is just a teaser I haven't even gone into post yet. Dead Life 2 will b scored by a composer. So the sorce tracks like that one will be few and far between I promise. But how cool would it b to have a 70s style goblin sound track!!!! I wonder if anyone could recreate that feel. Thanks for the input I really apriciate it and thanks for digging it!!!

Are you still in the market for a composer? I am a film-scorer and am in between projects. On top of my years of experience, I have a pretty legitimate fanbase and can help generate hype for the film. (Check out And So It Begins for that Goblin / retro style.)


Also, check out my zombie themed concept album. I designed the website and artwork myself, as well as composing, producing, and performing the music myself.


Awesome trailer, by the way. I already have applicable orchestral cues cooking in my brain. :p ;)

21-Oct-2012, 01:58 PM
Are you still in the market for a composer? I am a film-scorer and am in between projects. On top of my years of experience, I have a pretty legitimate fanbase and can help generate hype for the film. (Check out And So It Begins for that Goblin / retro style.)


Also, check out my zombie themed concept album. I designed the website and artwork myself, as well as composing, producing, and performing the music myself.


Awesome trailer, by the way. I already have applicable orchestral cues cooking in my brain. :p ;)

Holy smokes!!!! I went and listened to all the samples!! What a neat and authentic sound u have!!! When I hit that point and get the edit done I will certainly consider u as a composer your very talented!!!

- - - Updated - - -

Heres a feature on the film that was on local tv yesterday.
shows some more of the movie and interviews


30-Mar-2013, 11:04 PM
Official Dead Life 2 trailer


31-Mar-2013, 12:02 AM
That Ashley chick is hot. Are we going to see some boobage?

02-Apr-2013, 09:49 AM
Official Dead Life 2 trailer


Looking good :)