View Full Version : Deadlands III: The Last Stand - storyboard Panels 1-8 (Standoff Scene)

09-Oct-2012, 05:39 PM
Since the original script for Deadlands III is taking forever to get financed and most likely never be shot as written I decided that if I make a 3rd film, I would scale it back and focus solely on the Rescue Shelter aspect of an outbreak. it is somethng I touched upon in Deadlands 1, but never was able to really flush out.

So based on some story outlines, I order storyboards to be made for specific sequences that would be in the film if it gets made. This particualr storyboard is what I call "The Standoff".

The Resident CDC expert at the Shelter (character name - Melisa Walsh) is trying not to be extracted by the military team lead by Capt. Morganelli. Some city residents step in to protect her from the group who are under orders from someone high up the government food chain. She is the daughterof a significant political figure but wants to stay behind to help the sick and injured, and not be sent to an underground bunker to live out her days in seclusion.

When the residents step in to help, headed by Dave, a stand off ensues at the rescuse shelter, which is housed in the Patterson Park High School in SE Baltimore.

This is the storyboard panel. Enjoy


09-Oct-2012, 05:53 PM
Lookin' good, DJ!

Tell those of us outside of the biz: how closely do you work with the storyboard maker and is this contract work they do through a large freelance service? I've always found story-boarding and the interaction with the original content creators a fascinating aspect of the film making process.

09-Oct-2012, 06:01 PM
Bascially I write out the scenes in detail, and attach pictures of the actors who i already know will play the roles.

Here is the list of boards I ordered:

Storyboard #1 - I want show, a stand off between Melisa (The rescue center leading CDC officer) and Dave, a local city resident seeking shelter. Dave steps in to protect Melisa when the Military Extraction team sent by her dad (a major political player) tries to extract her forcibly from the facility. This story board would be Dave standing in front of Melisa, she is off to his left side. To their right and left would be a group of guys Dave assembled to help him keep her from being extracted.

Storyboard #2 – Military Extraction team leader (Captain Morganelli) is in front of his guys (total of 4 + Morganelli) pointing guns at the group protecting Melisa. Morganelli doesn’t have a gun. He is also a little smarmy and is enjoying the stand off

Storyboard #3 – Side view profile of both sides in the stand off. The hallway would be best described as a high school hallway since most schools are used as rescue stations for natural disasters such as hurricanes tornadoes etc.

Storyboard #4 – Dead Victims wrapped in sheets stored in a class room (in the film it will look like 50-100 bodies, for the storyboard it doesn’t need to be huge amounts)

Storyboard #5 – Member of the military standing outside the door of the classroom guarding the bodies, we must be able to see the bodies begin to sit up in the story board, which attracts the military mans attention. My thought is when we show this through the storyboard we see half his face, and maybe his left eye in the board, turning towards the window in the door.

Storyboard #6 – shot of Dave pulling Melisa as they escape the overrun shelter zombies in pursuit

Storyboard #7 – Shot of Dave swinging a Bat at a zombies head, Melisa visibly upset as we seem brain splatter. (can you draw this as a slight Dutch angle lower left to higher right?)

Storyboard #8 – Wide shot of zombies swarming outside of the high school bldg /rescue shelter, this would include some military vehicles and civilians, maybe a military guy on top of a bus shooting at them?

Storyboard #9 – Dave and Melisa outside the school encountering some zombies.

Storyboard #10 – Shot of Melisa walking down the hallway away from the extraction team (This would be another HS hallway, maybe some light sketches of lockers, and people sitting on the floor, while the extraction team is behind her? Her just passing Dave in the hallway and it attracts his attention?

Storyboard #11 – From Melisa’s POV, over Dave’s left shoulder, or maybe to his side of the Military guys pointing guns at them (part of the standoff boards

09-Oct-2012, 06:17 PM
Spiffing, Sir - spiffing. :cool::thumbsup::cool:

10-Oct-2012, 12:45 PM
Spiffing, Sir - spiffing. :cool::thumbsup::cool:

^ This. :D

10-Oct-2012, 11:09 PM
Storyboard #2 Panels 9-16


11-Oct-2012, 10:11 AM
Storyboard #2 Panels 9-16


Noiiice. :thumbsup:

Lots of soldiers with guns plus zombies? I dig it. :cool:

12-Oct-2012, 01:04 PM
DEADLANDS III storyboard 03 - Panels 17-22


12-Oct-2012, 05:54 PM
DEADLANDS III storyboard 03 - Panels 17-22


Nifty - I could really see that working very nicely indeed in a pitch black corridor with just torches ("flash lights" to your heathenous Americans :D) illuminating the faces of the characters - you know, kind of like those ones you used to see on The X-Files.

Some tantalising storyboards, Sir. :thumbsup:

Christopher Jon
14-Oct-2012, 02:49 AM
Storyboard #2 – Military Extraction team leader (Captain Morganelli) is in front of his guys (total of 4 + Morganelli) pointing guns at the group protecting Melisa. Morganelli doesn’t have a gun. He is also a little smarmy and is enjoying the stand off

An Army Officer would be armed with a 9mm, minimum, and would most likely be wearing full battle rattle, the same as the other soldiers.

15-Oct-2012, 03:16 AM
Dude they're basic storyboards I am not going to go into that kind of detail for storyboards but for the film I will.