View Full Version : When one door closes, another opens...

11-Oct-2012, 04:41 PM
I'm going back to school (again) and am going to pursue another of my passions. whether that will be geology or astronomy yet, i haven't decided. but i'm out of here (the Treasury Dept.) and to be honest, in my heart i was only marking time here anyway waiting for that change in the wind that i feel about every 7-10 years or so. well, the winds not just changed its blowing at hurricane force.

i can no longer work in a system where mediocrity is the measure of success and independent, creative thinking is shouted down or avoided. some of the other group supervisors and I (the other 3 with imaginations, critical thinking skills and don't feel the need to hold Washington's balls) find ourselves literally at war most of the time here. i'm sick of it. I thought that taking this job would help serve the Republic further as I did while in the military. it has led to nothing but frustration, anger, and complete disillusionment with the Federal govt. and has pushed me even farther into the State's Rights camp.

so it is either volcanology or interferometry (particular the search for new planets) for me. maybe if do go into astronomy and start helping to find other worlds i'll name one them Homepageofthedeadia. i don't think the IAU would go for that but it would be funny.

11-Oct-2012, 05:32 PM
Congrats on the change up, Mike. Definitely keep us up to date on what you're thinking of doing, annnnd if you go Vulcanologist, try and give us a tip off when that Yellowstone super volcano is about to go. :D

Also, pics of any hot co-eds you meet along your educational journey are much appreciated :shifty:

11-Oct-2012, 05:44 PM
Good luck with it Mike! I'm feeling exactly the same myself at the moment, desperate for a change of job. I'm currently appealing the medical barring me from entry to the forces so hopefully if that goes through it will open several doors for me.

11-Oct-2012, 07:07 PM
I'm going back to school (again) and am going to pursue another of my passions. whether that will be geology or astronomy yet, i haven't decided.

Well, you seem to have a thing for protecting copper and pennies, so I think that makes your choice clear... :shifty:


if you go Vulcanologist, try and give us a tip off when that Yellowstone super volcano is about to go.

^ This.

Also, pics of any hot co-eds you meet along your educational journey are much appreciated

^ This too!! :lol:

11-Oct-2012, 09:54 PM
Good luck bro. Glad to see somebody take the plunge at moving into something they love. I think astronomy would be a good fit just based on what I know about you. Plus this planet is fooked, so someone needs to find us a bail out! Also, I want a planet named "MoonSylvicus" or "Planet of The Kinky Nympho Space Sex Kittens". Thank you. :lol:

11-Oct-2012, 10:37 PM
Good luck lad, never settle, life's too bloody short...

...I can't help but think of a Rob Schneider film though.

12-Oct-2012, 10:22 AM
I'd love to change career, but unfortunately I need to ensure I bring the £££££ ($$$$$) in :(

12-Oct-2012, 03:46 PM
I'd love to change career, but unfortunately I need to ensure I bring the £££££ ($$$$$) in :(

for a variety of reasons, i really don't have to worry about that. thanks grandpa!

anyway, i'm getting disability from the VA now and they are going to pay for most of the cost of going back to school.

so, i've left the zoo at the federal bldg. and am going to enjoy day time tv until the next semester starts.

12-Oct-2012, 04:02 PM
Best of luck to you. Brave move. Too many people end up in a rut and are scared to make changes.
To say it with Bowie: turn and face the strange.


12-Oct-2012, 04:05 PM
I'd love to change career, but unfortunately I need to ensure I bring the £££££ ($$$$$) in :(

Don't we all. That's why it's so exciting when someone can actually DO it. Now if Mikey can just start banging Super Models then we can all live vicariously through him. :lol:

enjoy day time tv

Those words don't belong together. :D

12-Oct-2012, 04:50 PM
Don't we all. That's why it's so exciting when someone can actually DO it. Now if Mikey can just start banging Super Models then we can all live vicariously through him. :lol:

:lol: nah. it's not like that. it's about being able to have more choices. i hate the social class i was born into with a passion - all of them that i don't share a last name with can go to hell and be tormented by driders forever as far as i'm concerned.

i rather enjoy the genetic side of it though. we age very slowly and live forever. i'm 42 and am regularly mistaken for someone much younger. i also feel much younger and recuperate very fast from things. we hardly ever get sick either. people regularly trip 90 or even triple digits in my father's family. i've had 5 people in family live past 100. one of my aunts lived in 3 different centuries for frak's sake (1898-2002). so on the downside, it looks like i'm probably stuck here for a bit longer.

i guess that's why i've always been drawn to the Numenoreans in Lord of the Rings.

12-Oct-2012, 06:22 PM
it looks like i'm probably stuck here for a bit longer.

i guess that's why i've always been drawn to the Numenoreans in Lord of the Rings.

Watch out for Hubris man! ;)

12-Oct-2012, 07:50 PM
Watch out for Hubris man! ;)

"The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish, but you won't live one instant longer. Your fate is fixed. Fear profits a man nothing." :D

13-Oct-2012, 08:49 AM
Awesome Mike!! Good luck and hit those books!!

And if the grades slip at all you could always just sleep with the professor. . . .

13-Oct-2012, 04:11 PM
"The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish, but you won't live one instant longer. Your fate is fixed. Fear profits a man nothing." :D

great quote. that's fucking outstanding. "when they come, form a circle with our backs to one another."

- - - Updated - - -

Watch out for Hubris man! ;)

arrogance has already cost me enough in this life. i think i've learned that lesson. humility before nature is the way i live now.

i could be run over by a drunk driver tonight and that would be that. nothing is guaranteed.

if the large hawk that lives in a tree in my backyard (squirrels cross my yard at their peril) ever flies away in disgust, i'll know i've fucked up. sorry, but i don't have an eagle living near me. you got to be deep Lord of the Rings folk to get that one.

Mr. Clean
13-Oct-2012, 07:00 PM
so on the downside, it looks like i'm probably stuck here for a bit longer.

Never underestimate the odds of someone else's irresponsiblity to snuff out the flame of your candle. Dumbshits are still drinking and driving not to mention TEXTING and driving now. Oklahoma has the worst drivers on the planet....followed closely by Utah...

Good luck on the career change...I envy the shit out of you right now.

I tried getting out of being a machinist when Ieft the military but the time isn't right. So now I'm a civilian machinist (Damn it LOL.) This time next year the wife will have completed school and have a decent job as a surgical tech. Then I'll be attempting a change once again.