View Full Version : What was with that?

15-Oct-2012, 09:17 PM
Did anyone notice the use of digital muzzle flash in the first show. I can understand using digital hits to the head because that effect takes so long to rig but real guns are so much easier. Takes the armorer two sec to load the weapons and bang bang bang. I really liked the bleak look they are using with all the washed out colors. Its going to be a awesome season. that first episode was non stop zombie action!!!!

15-Oct-2012, 11:41 PM
Maybe because a couple of actors are minors? I recall someone, one of the directors perhaps(?) mentioning that they can't use guns with minors around. If thats the case, it may be quicker for them to digitize a muzzle flash?

15-Oct-2012, 11:50 PM
That's Carl's fault then!!! He's the only minor. The actress that plays Beth is in her 20's.

16-Oct-2012, 10:00 AM
That's Carl's fault then!!! He's the only minor. The actress that plays Beth is in her 20's.

Good, I don't feel like a creep now! Because I'd totally commandeer her in a zombie apocalypse.

16-Oct-2012, 04:18 PM
Do they shoot on film or digital? I know one reason a lot of folks have switched to CGI muzzle flashes on automatic weapons fire is because it's more cost effective: due to the "strobe" effect it's possible that the flash could occur between frames when shooting on film, which means you have to reset the scene & shoot again, which costs time & money.

16-Oct-2012, 04:21 PM
If i'm not mistaken, TWD is shot on 16mm. Between the frame missing the flashes, the children actors, and the time consuming effort of checking and reloading everyone's gun.....it makes sense for them to do it in post.