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View Full Version : Hurricane Sandy Approaching

29-Oct-2012, 02:35 AM
There are more than a few of us in the region about to be hit by Hurricane Sandy. Be careful out there folks.

29-Oct-2012, 04:45 AM
Yeah, be careful and safe, folks.

Now, to go to work in this soup tomorrow, or not to go to work...

29-Oct-2012, 06:46 PM
How does it feel, Yankees, to get bitch-slapped by a hurricane? Serves you guys right for talking smack all those years.

29-Oct-2012, 07:00 PM
It'll be okay, we have fewer mobile homes to get blown away :p

Just hope we don't lose power. A lot of people seem reconciled to it going out and being out a week to 10 days. Fingers crossed.

30-Oct-2012, 08:42 AM
Sarah took these while we were out and about this afternoon, checking up on the house and enjoying each others company.




Very bizarre seeing accumulation like this so early in the year. Although thankfully it was in the low 60s this time last week, or we'd really be up the creek. Been snowing steadily since yesterday morning.

30-Oct-2012, 03:20 PM
Power flickered 4 or 5 times , but I have a whole house generator anyway.

30-Oct-2012, 04:09 PM

Gotta admit, thats a little creepy.

30-Oct-2012, 04:42 PM
^ Fake.

30-Oct-2012, 05:49 PM
^ Fake.

Theres more than 1? the fake doing the rounds i saw that that 50ft wave hitting the statue from day after tomorrow.

I'd say "what would make people want something like this to be worse", then you remember all the survival nuts out there waiting for the world to end :lol:

30-Oct-2012, 05:54 PM
There are quite a few fakes making their rounds on the social networks.....

31-Oct-2012, 03:01 PM
Not a fake:


Made out okay, not back online at home yet. Hope everyone else made out okay.

31-Oct-2012, 05:39 PM
We made out ok, which was pretty damn surprising, considering. We've had lesser storms in Maryland knock out power for days on end, but for SOME reason, Sandy decided to spare us the loss of power. It's a goddamn miracle, to be honest.

She didn't come without issues (wow was the wind out of control! Never seen anything like that in 41 years), but nothing to write home about. All my running around preparing the generator, tying everything down, etc. was for naught, but I guess I could consider that a good thing!

Still have power, internet, and TV, so we're golden here in MD (and my community is right on the water of the Chesapeake Bay).

Here's a REAL picture of Sandy:


09-Nov-2012, 04:02 AM
We really got off lucky here, so I have no right to complain about what we did get. I was a little concerned considering my fiance was going to be home alone all night, so I just made sure the flashlights were charged, there was extra water in the fridge, and all our blankets were out. told her to stay away from any of the windows as well, in case something were to happen.

Anyways, all we got in North Bay was some hail and snow, and some very fast wind. Power was off in a couple areas of the city, but other then that we got off pretty good.

23-Nov-2012, 04:09 PM
Sandy hit the same weekend of Chiller Theatre. I left by train a few hours before she came ashore. This is getting to be a habit--last year Jersey got nailed by that freak snowstorm.