View Full Version : Contains Spoilers! TWD 3x04 "Killer Within" episode discussion...**SPOILERS WITHIN**

03-Nov-2012, 01:02 PM
The fourth episode of season three - keep your discussion of 3x04 to this thread, don't post about it in the shoutbox, and as always keep any future comic book storylines/spoilers within "spoiler tags" (if you don't know how to use spoiler tags, go to the HPOTD FAQ and look up the section on 'BB Codes') - and finally, ENJOY THE DISCUSSION! :cool:

03-Nov-2012, 07:16 PM
This is going to be one epic episode. Strap yourselves in people.

03-Nov-2012, 07:52 PM
This is going to be one epic episode. Strap yourselves in people.

While it will certainly be a shock for the fourth episode of the season, I don't really see it as epic. Non-comic events happen, but they're not overly amazing, imo.

It's crazy how much they're working into the prison arc with only three episodes, I'll put it that way. Especially when you consider that they've said it will last two seasons. Mazzara wasn't lying when he said the show's pace is being kicked into high gear. I couldn't be happier with Season Three from what we've seen/heard so far.

03-Nov-2012, 08:19 PM
While it will certainly be a shock for the fourth episode of the season, I don't really see it as epic. Non-comic events happen, but they're not overly amazing, imo.

Ok. Maybe not epic but certainly shocking. Im more pissed off about how it changes certain future events from the comic.

Ultra Magnus
04-Nov-2012, 06:29 PM
I enjoyed the episode. I agree with kidgloves about how things will change after this episode.

05-Nov-2012, 02:12 AM
What an explosive episode! Well, they finally got rid of Token-Dawg. I actually yelled out loud: "No, you killed Token!" at my TV when this took place and couldn't help but laugh afterwards. His tremendous presence on the show as being such a vital character in the series will be a major loss to the show (sarcasm off now).

I was rather shocked at Lori's death. I honestly didn't see that one coming at all. It was certainly a surprise - but the character was a bitch anyway. If only she had taken out Carl too in re-animating it would have been a double win for me to see them both gone.

Is Carol dead? I don't think she is - but since I don't get AMC on my cable (I'm cheap) I was watching it elsewhere (ahem) and the picture quality wasn't that great. I don't think Carol's dead - I certainly hope not - but can someone answer this for me? I really dig her character, so I hope she survived.

I'm glad Herschel is still kicking and going strong. I was worried in the first episode of the season when his name wasn't mentioned up front in the intro but only as a "also starring" that his ticket was punched - it's good to see he's still with us (for now).


Zombie Snack
05-Nov-2012, 02:19 AM
Now that was good television!

05-Nov-2012, 02:26 AM
Jesus Christ monkey balls. This Season is so intense. It's as if they saved all their craziest, most intense ideas for Season 3. They've covered so much ground in 4 episodes. They must have a LOT of ideas to fill up two seasons of prison, because they've done so much with it already.

I'm seriously, THIS is the show we wanted. THIS is what we waited for. I've been a fan throughout the show, and even though Season 2 dragged at points, it works really well when watched as a cohesive unit. And I loved Season 1 all the way through. But Season 3...this is next level. They've hit their stride, full on, and they've been sprinting fucking fast and far. Can't wait to see what's in store.

And guys? We've made it. We've finally made it. The Walking Dead hit the ground running from the series premiere and while it has stumbled a bit here and there, you can't deny it's been picking up speed all season. Feels good, brahs. Feels good.


05-Nov-2012, 02:31 AM
I like how Carl comes walking out like the Terminator after doing the deed!

05-Nov-2012, 02:33 AM
Holy shit!

Moon Knight
05-Nov-2012, 02:55 AM
Dammit, I know people are probably glad T is finally gone but I like rooting for the underdogs. He's was finally getting some shine and just like that he's gone. He did go out in a very heroic fashion. Godspeed, T-Dog, godspeed.

And Lori?

Well that changes things.

05-Nov-2012, 03:51 AM
That'sa Spicy Meatball! Agree 200% with everyone talking about the plot having kicked into overdrive. T-Dog was actually beginning to grow on me (a little, and only as of this season), but I would've found his doomed-yet-still-sacrificial death for Carol MUCH more satisfying if they hadn't gone ambiguous with Carol's fate. It's a subjective view, but I feel they missed an opportunity to keep the hammer blow pacing coming by not nailing down her fate. Either dead within moments of pushing open the door, or surviving via narrow escape, in this case the ambiguity doesn't heighten tensions so much as diminish the grit of how T-Dog chose to go out knowing his number was up.

As for Lori, that was just wild. Once again having Carl perform the coup de grace, and on his mother no less was just amazing. The Shane shooting felt like a snap act of necessity, almost unconsidered in its execution by comparison. I totally don't get all the Carl-hate. Sure he was an annoying git for much of Season 2, but this season he's been the freaking MAN. I really enjoyed how they flashed back to the "Kid stuff is over. People are going to die, I'm going to die, your mother....you can never be prepared for it" speech Rick gave him back on the farm. THEN it came off as a bit trite, but in montage-combination with performing the "Last Rites of the Zombie Apocalypse" on Lori, coupled with that icy no-bullshit unblinking gaze as Carl marched past Maggie within two seconds of firing the shot it really gave the scene even more gravity if that was possible.

As to Andrew the Sociopath: Man, that was a hand-grenade-like detonation of bad karma. Rick opts not to expend the bullet, and pays with T-Dog's, Lori's and perhaps Carol's lives....and another crushing responsibility forced on Carl. No one can see the future, but it couldn't be a more crystal-clear example of a leader being responsible for the consequences of his decisions, no matter how improbable or unintended. Leaving aside last week's debate, the message that I get from many of TWD's events so far SEEMS to be that expedience ultimately leads to disaster, however instantaneous or delayed.

Kudos to Maggie for that glazed yet responsive traumatized expression as she emerged with the baby in her arms. Kudos ad infinitum to Rick for that hands-on-knees "No, oh no. NO, NO!!" denial as he looks at Carl and takes in the monumental scope of the horror. I truly felt for the character. Which was damned refreshing, given how glacially stiff Rick has been of late. Opportunities deferred are opportunities no more, and that's something I think everyone can empathize with. Andrew Lincoln really surprises me during some clutch moments by hitting them so picture-perfect. He may miss a few pitches, but when he connects the ball is headed downtown.

The Woodbury stuff just felt like fluff that reiterated last week, other than the brief back and forth between Merle and The Governor about Merle wanting to go look for Daryl. That's one of the few genuinely interesting nuances (beyond the obvious) about Woodbury that's really prompted my appetite for speculation.

A great episode in all. Yet I still think they erred by not tying Carol's fate to T-Dog's sacrifice in an immediate-shot sense. If she survives now, seven days from now the connection between said survival and T-Dog is intellectual rather than emotional. At least IMHO.

My .02, your mileage may vary.

05-Nov-2012, 03:53 AM
I enjoyed the contrast at the end between an expressionless Carl, and Rick reacting more like one might expect Carl to (with every right to of course).

I do love the pacing, but it almost seems too intense to me, like there is just too much going on in a 40 minute episode (excluding the commercials). I enjoyed a few of those moments that were drawn out in season 2 that allowed us viewers a chance to breathe. I'm not complaining though, I am loving season 3 so far.

05-Nov-2012, 04:05 AM
sooo glad that wasn't spoiled for me, as lori's death was something i expected, but not this early and definitely not like that...and damn, carl is harder than a barrel of woodpecker lips now. christ, that would be tough to do. rick and carl are both gonna be messed up big-time for quite some time over this.

and RIP, t-dog...you finally got your chance to shine in season 3, but alas, nobody is safe in this brave new world. godspeed, theodore. where's carol, though? i'm guessing she made it, but after tonight, who knows what the writers have in store for anyone?

and i had a pretty strong feeling that andrew was the one watching carol and letting all the walkers back in to the prison. awesome to see the little shit get wasted by his own boy for being such a pain in the ass.

i really hate andrea this days....how she's always looking runway-ready with her hair and make-up is probably my biggest gripe about this show right now....i really hope that she gets killed off next, as her character is a bitch and totally worthless to the plot as far as i'm concerned. michonne is improving, i really can't wait to see her get mid-evil on a certain someone if things progress like they do in the comics.

and i'm telling ya, the dixon reunion is gonna be epic. that's probably my most anticipated scene, right next to rick and the governor's first showdown.... ya follow me? (hell yeah, axel!)

05-Nov-2012, 04:41 AM
The scene with Merle and the Governor at the "Driving Range" was subtle and intense.
Did you catch the Governor's face twitch when he realized Merle was choosing his brother over Woodbury? I had to rewind twice to confirm and saw it again after his talk with Andrea. He does not like it when he is challenged. Great acting.
FYI, I hate Andrea's guts. The flirting with Merle and the Governor confirms the board's suspicions about her relationships.
Way to go out Lori and T-Dawg.......................

05-Nov-2012, 05:05 AM
God damn, Carl is well hard.

05-Nov-2012, 05:19 AM

Certainly didn't see THAT coming! Great episode. Had me saying out loud: "*GASP*", "Lookout!", "Ahhh! They got 'im!", & "Oh No!" to my TV when certain...key events happened. :)

05-Nov-2012, 05:58 AM
Well holy shit! I almost feel bad for hating on Lori so much. Andrew Lincoln's acting in that last scene?. . . . Wow. What an amazing episode. Rick is going to be a mess after this. And I'm glad that I'm not the only one that is getting tired of Andrea. She's such a great character in the comics, but the show andrea is just kind of smarmy and slutty. Meh.

05-Nov-2012, 06:42 AM
The Andrea thing is getting way too visibly contrived,
The writers are making her the sucker that allows the camera to remain on the Governor until he's revealed in all his infamy. That's a real shame, because after she learned to shoot I valued that she wasn't shy about being the dissenting voice even if/when outnumbered. It's just hard to believe Season 2 Andrea, having depended on Michonne for daily survival for MONTHS, suddenly dismisses judgment that even the Governor knows to tread carefully about undermining when it comes to Michonne's instincts.

Either this trend will continue, or Michonne is going to have to begin actually talking WITH, not TO Andrea if Andrea is to be convinced something is indeed rotten in Woodbury. The whole woman of no words thing begins to wear thin. Especially when its not a deficit of chatting one is talking about, but communicating real and critical convictions in a way other than what the Governor demands. Essentially blind faith. How they develop Michonne as she relates to others will be key in her long-term appeal, or lack thereof. Proof? Look at when everyone thought Daryl was a douchebag, and look at him now. Only difference is he talks and plays nicer with others. I don't expect the SAME transformation from Michonne, but a real survivor knows how to adapt when necessity demands it. Right now they're reading her as rigid as ice....and while FOR A LITTLE WHILE that can be used to partially help create the whole "woman warrior of mystery" vibe, it gets as old as any other too repetitive convention.

Personally, I hope they salvage Andrea, and not as Merle's running buddy. Also gotta say that while I find Merle's desire/intent to find Daryl interesting, I'm not so sure the actuality would be all that great. Just a vague suspicion on that front atm however.

Edit: I just put my finger on why I dislike Andrea as the complacent sucker so much. If you think about it, the story could easily remain interesting if Andrea had her suspicions but was keeping them hidden from everyone but Michonne. She could be used as the same kind of set piece, for the same reasons in Woodbury, but without losing fan respect as a witless member of Governor Headsman's flock.

05-Nov-2012, 07:12 AM
WOW!! What the hell was that??? I keep telling people TWD is the best show on television and tonight pretty much proved it. So much happened; I'm still trying to process it all. Poor T-Dog; he finally gets some dialogue and then they kill his ass. And as much as Lori annoyed me, I was sorry to see her get killed off. When Rick starting bawling after he found she was dead, I yelled at my tv, "now aren't you sorry you were such a prick to her the last few episodes?" I don't believe Carol is dead either. If she is, then the producers need to stop killing off all of their main characters so quickly. Maybe by killing off T-Dog, they're going to make room for this Tyrese person I keep reading about here (obviously, I've never read the comics). That little group is getting smaller and smaller and they need to add some new characters, and I don't mean creepy assed criminals.

05-Nov-2012, 11:05 AM
Holy Jaysis, what an episode that was!

Goodbye Theodore...just as I was warming to you. His character was always completely superfluous anyway. I can't say that I'm not happy not to ever hear that stupid name again though. Christ, the geezer is the same age as me and was calling himself T Dog.

I really hope Carol made it. I like the way Melissa McBride handles the character, as it's one of the toughest in the show IMO. There's no glory to playing Carol, she's an ordinary and fragile person and lacks the devilish delight one would get in playing a villain, or the satisfaction of a more heroic character.

Feckin Andrew...I knew there was something up.

Like a lot of people on here, I am really disliking Andrea...and her screwed up face. I was never that mad about her character from the off, but now she's being written as a bit of an idiot. I won't hazard a guess at where the Woodbury story is going though. It seems up in the air at the mo, but I'm getting sick of her making lovey-dovey eyes at the Gov and all of that crap with Merle? Hello!

Goodbye Lori! Anyone who has read the books knew that Lori's days were numbered anyway. I was actually surprised that the baby survived. It's a pity that the producers didn't have the guts to take her out like she went in the comics.

I'm delighted with the way Mazara has handled the show so far. In fact, he's trumped Darabont by a country mile. The third series is flying down the track. The problem is, that when the inevitable slow down occurs, there could be an element of anti-climax, because it's been so breathless. I get the feeling that the producers may be trying to rush things through, so they can truly diverge from the comic book path and start making their own completely independent story lines.

05-Nov-2012, 12:59 PM


Amazing episode and such a shocker to boot. Gutted that T-Dog bit the dust as I was, like many, quite warming to his character - he deserved more screentime, that's for sure. Good that he went out like a legend, though - good on him. Carol has to be alive, she escaped off elsewhere, and so she's gotta be alive (you'll have nobody left if you rinse through your cast like this!)

Gutted that Lori went too, I knew it was coming eventually, but already?! We've still got four episodes left in this HALF of the season, nevermind the 8 more episodes beyond that! Christ on a jet-powered rocket, this shit's gone FAST! :eek:

One thing that irked me - the reveal of the walkers - dolley by the actors at the fence, with no zombies behind them, and then go past Carl and all of a sudden there's a bunch of walkers. I think they need to stage these sort of moments better.

Oh and another thing - they didn't leave enough time to really let some moments land. When T-Dog was holding off those two walkers while getting bit, we have swelling emotional music and then - CUT TO AN ADVERT BREAK THEN CUT BACK TO WOODBURY - which cut the moment too short too soon. This happened at a few points during the episode, so it felt a little too weird to be cutting to very calm and sedate scenes in Woodbury, when we've just seen "oh shit, Lori's going into labour!" and then cut back and she's getting sliced open - with so much going on, we needed a full episode just in the prison.

Bloody hell though, the acting in this episode was phenomenal - I genuinely welled up twice - Lori's goodbye speech to Carl (and Carl's terrified face) was horrifying and extremely moving (again, Lauren Cohan brought her A-Game here, same in the final scene where she looked truly traumatised), and then Rick crumbling with the news that Lori was gone - it felt exceedingly realistic and very heart-felt and I was getting quite glassy-eyed at that moment. I was mouth agape and eyes wide and unblinking through all of that, my face practically pressed up against the screen I was so drawn in. Wow - that's all going to stay with me for a long time.

I do hope we get some safety though for a while - we don't have enough cast members to be slaying them so readily, and we need time to connect to them too.

Yes, it does feel too soon to kill off Lori, but on the other hand we've all had such a visceral gut reaction of real shock - and dare I say it, loss - that Mazzara's time thus far on the show has been proven to really work the audience like a puppet master. We care for these characters, and we miss them when they're gone - we feel the panic and "wait wait wait, it's too soon!" bargaining that the characters on the show also experience. WOW. That is all. WOW.

05-Nov-2012, 03:17 PM
As I said before best show in the history of my life. Lori annoyed me at times but man did I sympathize and feel so sad at that scene. We've lived with this great cast that is slowly dwindling down. The deaths suck but make great tv. A+ for the acting by Rick, Lori, Maggie and Carl. T-dog was quiet character but an able body asset. Daryl Dixon? What's to say other than he takes badass to a new level.

Wow!!!! Again I have to give props to Rick and Maggie's acting. I think the most powerful scenes to date were nailed by those two in this episode.

05-Nov-2012, 04:26 PM
I give the trump-card moment to Carl,
That look in his eyes as he stalked past Maggie was pure "I do not give a shit if I open that door and there are ten Walkers there. I'm not afraid, THEY should be afraid!" People throw around terms like "steely eyed determination" especially in novels, but that was a PERFECT example of the term. Carl was just in 110% Do What I Must mode, and for such a young actor to convey such nuanced emotion in such a brief expression that BY DEFINITION could be easily mistaken for expressionLESS was why I give him the chief laurels. I truly felt like I was looking at a tween/young teen of the Apocalypse, whose long since come to consider the horror that surrounds and threatens to engulf them all his "normal."

Much like Gen X and Y being heavily computer/technology invested, and our predecessors struggle to take in things we consider as elementary as breathing. Like Email and Web Searches, not to mention torrent sites, bandwidth/performance/connectivity-related knowledge. Only in Carl's case it's making sure to put a bullet in the head of any suspicious seemingly-dead corpse, popping off headshots with all the aplomb and skill of a 12yr old with a hand-held gaming system...and soldiering on through losses that have been known to drive seasoned military men to the brink of if not over the brink into madness.

Don't get me wrong, Andrew Lincoln's grief and regret intermingled came off as real and believable, and generated genuine empathy for his situation in me, such was my suspension of disbelief. It's just not as much a reach for him after other key emotionally-charged moments...like outside the CDC begging to be let in.

I was really, REALLY glad that they wrote in a demonstration of Oscar's unquestionable loyalty based on his putting Andrew down and then handing Rick's gun back to him. (And no, I don't believe it was because he was aware Daryl was sneaking into position to knife him if necessary. Daryl was too far behind Oscar to have been caught in his peripheral vision, at least IMHO.) While, as I said T-Dog had grown on me a bit this season, Oscar fills the same "niche" so smoothly that it's as if T-Dog had been reincarnated. (As for the ridiculousness of the character's name...IronE is much, MUCH worse!)

I do agree that an already incredible episode could have been nudged even higher had they not split time between Woodbury and the prison, especially since 90% of the Woodbury content was pure fluff. Sorry, the little flirty scenes between the Governor and Andrea are NOT generating their intended effect on me. All I felt watching Andrea tip the bottle of whiskey to fill her glass fuller, after her comment about her tolerance being close to nil was "Wow, I've hooked up with slutty coeds who used the EXACT SAME pattern of behavior as preamble to ditching their inhibitions. Didn't make me respect them, and Andrea's nearly giggled "Wow, this is good" after taking a long swig of booze triggered the same eye-rolling nausea.

I liked that Michonne was investigating hands-on, but found it frustrating to the point of wanting to pull out my hair she couldn't even convey the most concise synopsis of what she saw with the military convoy vehicles and her little back and forth with the Governor to Andrea. I'm sorry, but saving someone's ass...even a ton of times does NOT elevate one to a position where the "savior" can say to the "saved" "Believe this, because I tell you it is so." Other than some really hardcore Subs/bottoms, the vast majority of people will push back against such peremptory ordering about. It's a believable, and more importantly, intuitively ANTICIPATED reaction by most viewers. One that deserves a more believable dealing with than what Michonne has so far offered.

Merle....I genuinely don't know what to make of his intentions, and that intrigues me more as time passes. He obviously feels a deep sense of obligation/indebtedness to the Governor for rescuing him, but now the Governor is essentially cockblocking Merle's desire to go search for the brother he's sure he can find. Given the hyper-fast pace they've been maintaining this season, I wouldn't be at ALL surprised if that acceleration towards initial resolutions of some Woodbury plot elements struck Woodbury next. After all, there's really not enough fat left on the edge of the meat of Rick's group to trim anymore atm.

Also, whoever pointed out that the actress who plays Carol deserves major props for giving her all in portraying such an everywoman character in the midst of all these roles where other actors/actresses get to be the hero..or at least the action hero. That takes a certain sort of humility I don't think is all that common in Hollywood these days.

Just my continued musings. As always, your mileage may vary.

05-Nov-2012, 05:03 PM
TWD 3x04 "Killer Within" Memes:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-adYy6lWZNuc/UJf7WX-WjxI/AAAAAAAAA30/PS_rplN7JOg/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_3_You_Follow_Me_Meme_DeadS hed.jpg

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IU8ZsA9PSuY/UJf7zcnegSI/AAAAAAAAA38/5Wua5WtvkpU/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_3_Glenn_Coming_Meme_DeadSh ed.jpg

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-t67sabfYwDY/UJf704sAQnI/AAAAAAAAA4E/eyCpG2pWxSM/s1600/The_Walking_Dead_Season_3_Teleporting_Walkers_Meme _DeadShed.jpg

Enjoy. :)


And now for the weekly MinionZombie Walking Dead debrief. :D


* In a welcome moment of levity, the show makers injected a little sauciness into proceedings. In the comics there was a running joke about Glenn and Maggie shacking up like a pair of rabbits, and here their guard-tower tryst brings a sense of fun to an otherwise harrowing episode.

* Axel fans got their wish - "You follow me?"

* Michonne got a little more to do than scowl in this episode, surveying evidence from The Governor's encounter with the military guys from the last episode.

* Andrea seems awfully taken-in by The Governor - but just because we the viewer know he's no good, doesn't mean Andrea does. The big guy has taken-in an entire town of dozens of people, who are distracted by safety and a sense of normalcy, so it isn't a big push to suggest that Andrea would fall victim to the same temptations. That said, Michonne could be a little more open in her arguments against staying.

* Teleporting zombies - now and then there are moments of staging that fall below par, and the reveal of a group of walkers inside the main gates was a bit too much of a cheat. Moving across the likes of Lori, Beth, Hershel, and Carl, one moment they're there, the next they're not. It's a reveal that's a bit too clunky and goes too far down the cheat path. Sure, if your attention is drawn elsewhere, you could suddenly find yourself in trouble, but the translation-to-screen of that point-of-view moment just felt a little too cheeky here.

* Pacing issues - there's so much chaos at the prison, with so much drama, that to cut away after a shocking moment (such as T-Dog getting bit, or Lori going into labour) to an advert break or a rather calm scene in Woodbury makes for a jolting gear change. Furthermore, T-Dog's heroic end is cut short - as emotional music swells, we suddenly cut to an advert. We didn't get enough time for the moment to fully land, so the hurried pace was at times frustrating. Yes, the characters wouldn't have enough time for to let it sink in, but the viewer must be allowed a little more time to comprehend the horror.

* As I'd theorised, because we didn't see Andrew killed by walkers when he was locked out by Rick, it was he who become the titular antagonist. It was a costly mistake of Rick's, and one that will surely eat away at his insides, but on the other hand it provided the impetus for Axel and Oscar to prove themselves to their new leader.

* Drama - blimey, this episode had it by the truck load!


T-Dog goes down swinging in order to help Carol reach safety - already bitten on the shoulder, he gets his arm and throat shredded by two more walkers. A true sacrifice where the gore doesn't distract, but simply adds to the pain of the moment.


Lori lasted far longer in the comics, and being that this is only the fourth episode of the season (four more to go for this half, then eight more from February), the loss of her during childbirth comes as a massive punch in the gut. I never had a real problem with Lori (unlike many out there in Internet land), and her loss packs a considerable wallop - Callies' performance during her farewell speech to her son Carl, combined with Lauren Cohan's panic, and Chandler Riggs' hopelessness, left not a dry eye in the house. Her loss will have a huge impact upon Rick, who never got to properly patch things up with her after a rough several months on the road.


With the threat contained, the disparate members of the group reconvene but with Lori and Carl still missing, Rick is desperate to continue searching. Then he hears the cries of a baby - his baby - and suddenly, with the aid of the trauma written large across Maggie's face, and the dead-eyed look to Carl, Rick's world comes crashing down. Andrew Lincoln gives a harrowing performance as he falls to the floor and crumples into the foetal position - a shock-filled episode comes to its horrific conclusion. Just the moment where he realises that Carl had to make sure his own mother stayed dead was enough to bring a tear to the eye. Wow. Enough said. Wow.

05-Nov-2012, 06:58 PM

05-Nov-2012, 07:01 PM
I thought that Walker reveal was GREAT personally. Even though I KNEW they were coiming it still elicited a gasp from me. :ekk:

05-Nov-2012, 07:06 PM
Just thought of something regarding Tdog. Really would have liked the face off between Tdog and Merle. Since Tdog was in fact the last person to see Merle and lost the key. The writers may have missed out on that one. Because I believe Daryl would completely back Rick, Tdog and co. Regardless this episode has me thinking all day. My girlfriend and I can't stop discussing it.

05-Nov-2012, 07:49 PM
The Walker reveal served a purpose. They were getting kinda complacent in there already.

05-Nov-2012, 08:14 PM
Just thought of something regarding Tdog. Really would have liked the face off between Tdog and Merle. Since Tdog was in fact the last person to see Merle and lost the key. The writers may have missed out on that one. Because I believe Daryl would completely back Rick, Tdog and co. Regardless this episode has me thinking all day. My girlfriend and I can't stop discussing it.

I think that Merle is more concerned with finding the "...prick that cuffed me to the rooftop".

I reckon the mid season finale nonsense will end with Merle showing up at the prison.

05-Nov-2012, 08:46 PM
I see the Governor made reference to having a daughter :D

05-Nov-2012, 09:53 PM
Fab episode! The teleporting zombies appearing, and then wondering off as required, are a bit annoying... But apart from that :)

05-Nov-2012, 10:56 PM
Purpose-driven or not, the sudden covering of a solid 35 yards of open ground in like 2-4 seconds DID make it seem like that pack of Walkers beamed down or something. It might have been a little more forgivable if a torrent of Walkers didn't flood through the group's C-Cellblock to neatly cut off Lori/Maggie/Carl. Without prey to chase, or having the excuse of just having stopped there like the original prisoner-Walkers had, it just seemed weird they were in maximum-lurching-speed tight pack mode going through at least two doorways where its narrow enough only person can pass through at a time (both ends of the cellblock, to get to where they cut off Lori & Co.)

The outside stuff was supported by Andrew's baiting with meat, and opening gates + baiting...but here again we have flesh-homing guided Walkers. Can you call it nitpicking? Sure, in a way. However, using cheat-ish copouts to put Walkers in position to be grave threats has already diminished the innate sense of danger Walkers pose. One scene there's a trio that are so negligible that Rick waves off Glenn's suggestion that they kill them (while they're moving between the cut fence gap getting firewood, between inside and outside the locked walkway), the next you've got mini-hordes pouring like floods down nearly every conceivable path of escape. Pick a SPECTRUM of Walker behavior, from lackadaisical to most-frenzied and STICK WITH IT. Don't keep reinventing the wheel when it comes to how Walkers behave. This isn't a Romero movie, so we don't need notions of an evolution in zombie behavior to muck up an already-awesome setting.

05-Nov-2012, 10:58 PM
We didn't see Lori get shot and we didn't see what happened to carol.... Does anyone remember carol cutting open the walker.... If Lori was to survive they sure wouldn't show it in the previews.... I don't think kirkman is stupid enough to kill her off just yet. My two cents

05-Nov-2012, 11:33 PM

- - - Updated - - -

We didn't see Lori get shot and we didn't see what happened to carol.... Does anyone remember carol cutting open the walker.... If Lori was to survive they sure wouldn't show it in the previews.... I don't think kirkman is stupid enough to kill her off just yet. My two cents Lori's dead! Not sure about Carol. But there's no way Lori survived. The Talking Dead had her in the memorial piece. And Carl shot her.

06-Nov-2012, 01:36 AM
I disliked this character (despised her actually), I thought I would be overjoyed if she died at some stage...but she died well. Kinda sad now.

R.I.P. Lori & T-Dog

06-Nov-2012, 10:18 AM
I think that Merle is more concerned with finding the "...prick that cuffed me to the rooftop".

I reckon the mid season finale nonsense will end with Merle showing up at the prison.

You could be right, I was considering the same sort of thing myself. With so much blood shed already, we can't really afford to have another big loss (perhaps if T-Dog or Lori hadn't died in this episode, one of them could have been 'saved up' for 3x08) ... a possibility could have been Lori being on the verge for a few episodes, and then zombifying in 3x08 - at which point we could have had a really emotional moment. I think that's something we need to see again - enough time to be spent with a dead loved one, and a really sad encounter with them zombified, to help ground it further that these were once people with families. I know that our group is much more efficient now, but they've not had to face one of their own dying for months.

I guess we'll get a good dose of mourning in 3x05, but I would like to see a face-to-face encounter where it's a real struggle for them (think along the lines of Morgan with his undead wife in his rifle sights).

I disliked this character (despised her actually), I thought I would be overjoyed if she died at some stage...but she died well. Kinda sad now.

R.I.P. Lori & T-Dog

I mentioned earlier, but I never had a big problem with Lori - yes, she made some ruddy stupid decisions at times, but I did feel that there was a bit of overkill going on in some quarters of the internet fanbase regarding her character (good that she stood up for Lori at Comic-Con :)). It's interesting to see some reactions coming in from people who disliked Lori (or actively hated her) now that she's dead. Like her or loathe her, she made a real impact.

I was watching one of the behind the scenes videos relating to the episode that AMC put up every week, and Callies was talking about that scene where she says goodbye to Carl, and she said that this was a speech that Lori had been rehearsing for months - I'd never even thought of that - and that just gave it even more punch. She wanted to make sure she had the perfect thing to say to her son in what would no doubt be the toughest moment of his life ... there's also a mournful sense of inevitability to that for Lori as well, as if she was constantly and painfully aware that she was going to die, regardless of what Hershel or anyone else assured her of.

@Wyld - good call on Chandler Riggs' acting. While all the adults pulled off excellent performances, it's even more impressive for Riggs who doesn't have the years of experience (in life and in acting) that his colleagues do. His shell-shocked stare was superb. They really got themselves a win with Riggs.

I was watching the final scene again, and just that moment when Rick says "oh no" (in that way he does) when he bends down and looks at Carl's face, man, that moment just kills me. It's hard to explain, but the way he says it is just killer. Looking forward to seeing how Daryl copes with this horrific revelation now that he's Vice President of the Ricktatorship, so-to-speak - I'd imagine this will tie them closer still.

I'm also wondering if we'll have a moment where Rick visits Lori's body - surely we must have that scene - by the looks of the preview he takes revenge upon Andrew's body (this is what I assume, anyway), but it'd be really good to have a really heart-wrenching moment between Rick and his dead wife who he not only wasn't able to fully patch things up with, but he missed the birth of (maybe) his 2nd child, and he wasn't there to save her or put her down himself - or just generally be there to witness her death himself and actually say goodbye.

Mmm ... quite an impactful episode! :stunned:

06-Nov-2012, 12:01 PM
I don't think the mid season break will be Merle at the prison. I doubt the Woodbury residents will get to that point until sometime at the end of this season or the next(they're saying two season for the prison arc). If I were to guess, the mid season finale will be Rick's group attacking Woodbury to ahem....retrieve some things.

06-Nov-2012, 01:29 PM
I think the initial reactions are probably as satisfying as seeing this episode (and not having it spoiled :D)!

Now that was good television!

Jesus Christ monkey balls.

Wow, That'sa Spicy Meatball!


God damn, Carl is well hard.

Well holy shit!

WOW!! What the hell was that???

Holy Jaysis, what an episode that was!


As I said before best show in the history of my life.

And guys? We've made it. We've finally made it. The Walking Dead hit the ground running from the series premiere and while it has stumbled a bit here and there, you can't deny it's been picking up speed all season. Feels good, brahs. Feels good.


Hell yeah! :thumbsup:

So you guys agree, it was better than Cats?

06-Nov-2012, 03:32 PM
Ok, for someone who on a regular basis criticised acting/dialogue on this show I found it a not unpleasant surprise to find myself with tears in my eyes during the final few scenes of this episode.
Hot damb that was awesome television.

Now slow the hell down Mazzara and co. Series runs the risk of losing all emotional impact if they keep up this pace.

06-Nov-2012, 04:09 PM
Now slow the hell down Mazzara and co. Series runs the risk of losing all emotional impact if they keep up this pace.

I couldn't agree more with this. Even though I've loved things so far, I said the same thing after last episode and feel even more strongly now. I don't think they need to lock it down like 1st half of season 2 (that would be a mistake), but they need to watch their pacing or risk the show running away from them and becoming a tangled farce with less opportunity for emotional buy-in on the part of the audience.

Anyone think they're trying to get certain storylines in before Carl sprouts up to 6 foot 2 with a full beard?

06-Nov-2012, 04:31 PM
Anyone think they're trying to get certain storylines in before Carl sprouts up to 6 foot 2 with a full beard?

Kirkman has said that Carl will definitely grow much older within the TV series compared to where he's currently at in the comic. However, I don't think they're trying to rush the story along for that reason. He'll just be an older Carl and eventually a grown man in the show. Which I think gives them the liberty to.....dare I say it....kill off Rick. Let's face it, no matter how long the comic series has run with the character, TV series often lose their leading man after so many seasons. Not that it will happen anytime soon, but I could see it being a possibility....

Moon Knight
06-Nov-2012, 05:05 PM
I love how the title "The Killer Within" serves double meaning. Nice touch.

06-Nov-2012, 07:21 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but im pulling for Merle now. Now we've seen him when he's not on the marching powder, he's a likeable but tough character who seems very concerned about his brother. I would absolutely love him to betray the Governor and join Ricks group. More Michael Rooker is good by me.

06-Nov-2012, 07:24 PM
I get the feeling he's only more mellow now because The Governor has put him in his place and he won't dare cross him again. I also can't help but feel that not only does he want to find his brother, but he wants to find Rick to get his revenge.

06-Nov-2012, 07:55 PM
Yeh...I'm with Bassman on that.

The guy's not mellowing. He's scheming.

06-Nov-2012, 09:04 PM
I get the feeling he's only more mellow now because The Governor has put him in his place and he won't dare cross him again. I also can't help but feel that not only does he want to find his brother, but he wants to find Rick to get his revenge.

^^^^This, this, this. 100% agree, this. ;)

06-Nov-2012, 09:36 PM
Some great stuff and some stupid stuff. I like the way the shows kills off characters, but with so many characters going down the drain in such a short time it almost takes away from the suspense. I'm no longer that surprised when somebody is killed. Almost as if the show has gone too far in the other direction. I remember when Dale got offed - That was big. Shane was expected, but still dramatic. These two deaths? One was expected, the other was uneventful. But I've noticed that what I like about this show is usually not the episodes themselves, but rather my interest in how all these shifts and changes will change the show and the group.

Speaking of the group, the Group is a character is way more interesting than any one particular character in the show. There aren't really any great characters except for maybe Daryl and Carol. But the group is what's fun to watch develop. Especially with all the deaths going on, and the recent injections of fresh blood via the two prisoners. I welcome them warmly!

Michonne had one big scene in this episode. I don't know why, but for some reason the showrunners have decided to play her character as if she was on a daytime soap. Seeing her being snorty to the Governor in that one scene just made me want to fast-forward until a time when this character was no longer on this show. Such horrible dialoge and such horrible acting. Needless to say, the Woodboro stuff doesn't interest me at all - even if it's mostly about Andrea (another lackluster character, by the way).

The Walker "reveal" was kinda cheap IMO. How come Rick and the guys failed to notice those zombies? It annoys me that the show keeps making these simply oversights (see the "play dead" walker in episode 1).

07-Nov-2012, 12:40 AM
Minion zombie I am I'm complete agreement on the acting performed by Rick when he says "oh no". I'm not sure why but I understand exactly where he was coming from. I mean the overwhelming power of that situation was nailed by Lincoln. I cant form the words to justify how that moment was so damn heart wrenching. It's obvious he still loved Laurie they just lost their way as a couple. Again just amazing acting.

My concern now is will the success of the show be its demise. By that I wonder if the actors, and there are some good ones, are going to use this show as a springboard to greener pastures? They are going to be a marketable group. I hope AMC will fund everyone and everything to keep this the best zombie story ever

07-Nov-2012, 02:53 AM
Now that the comics storylines are mostly diverged from the television show I find myself strangely content. Whoever dies next just dies...........

07-Nov-2012, 10:23 AM
Minion zombie I am I'm complete agreement on the acting performed by Rick when he says "oh no". I'm not sure why but I understand exactly where he was coming from. I mean the overwhelming power of that situation was nailed by Lincoln. I cant form the words to justify how that moment was so damn heart wrenching. It's obvious he still loved Laurie they just lost their way as a couple. Again just amazing acting.

The "oh no" moment works on different levels too. He realises he's lost his wife, he knows he wasn't there for her, he realises that Carl had to lose his mother, help deliver his sibling, and shoot his own mother in the head, but it's also like there's an almost child-like quality to Rick's breakdown - by which I mean, that all-consuming disbelief in something happening in a way that you'd never wanted it to, and then his entire body just giving up and him crumpling into the foetal position ... it was extremely powerful stuff!

I've watched that scene several times now and I just marvel at it. Cohan, Riggs, and Lincoln were just bringing it by the truck load in that scene (and a big old hats off to Callies, whose final speech was simply heart-breaking - any son or daughter, or mother/wife, or even father/husband, can be affected by that moment and relate to it in different ways - "what if it was my mother/wife/me?" you know?

Powerful, powerful stuff. I'm going to be thinking about this all week, that's for sure - a sign of great television.

07-Nov-2012, 10:51 AM
@Whoever mentioned Rick taking vengeance on Andrew's body:
If Andrew were a Walker it would make a great scene, but Oscar shot Andrew in the head with Rick's .357. I always keep track of whether someone dies by head trauma or not, because if they DON'T die by head trauma my brain is compelled to begin a "Time until reanimation or human prevents reanimation of corpse" countdown. At least for me, I would almost feel cheated after losing so much because of one person...and have to shoulder part of the blame myself, AND not even be able to take my revenge on them in a meaningful way...

They didn't just traumatize/crush Rick emotionally. They did that, and then penned him in that emotional Hell with no easy scapegoats/ways to hide from the pain via retreating into fury. Yes, madly bashing Walkers might help somewhat (however incredibly dangerous such an activity would be in such an emotionally compromised state)...but it would (again, at least for me) lack the visceral relief of emotional torment being released via physical retribution upon the person/thing that hurt you. Random Walkers make great in-general consequence-free (morally I mean) targets, but it just isn't the same as splitting an Andrew-Walker's head open would be.

Unless they want to pull some cheap-ass, totally-lose-my-respect "Yea, Oscar's headshot killed Andrew, but didn't do enough damage to keep him from reanimating and getting up/wandering around" schtick. I could see an Andrew-twitcher/brain-damaged-Walker, but please, PLEASE no more "Headshot, but still active and full-speed dangerous Walkers."

As for Merle, agree 100% he's scheming, not mellowing. He knows he doesn't have the Governor's a) brains, b) support-base/firepower, c) other resources, including reputation/hold on the Woodbury citizens...so Merle is laying in the weeds waiting for his chance. Again, agree if he re-encountered the group it would just devolve into a firefight with Rick...and devastating consequences to the Ricktatorship when Daryl implodes after Merle got dead.

Best if Merle just doesn't manage to quite catch up with them.

07-Nov-2012, 11:30 AM
I think if Rick does take vengeance upon Andrew's body, it would be to simply desecrate it, and a version of punching a wall out of frustration for instance. Andrew took a headshot, he won't be coming back as a zombie. In the 3x05 preview, it seemed as if Glenn was shocked by what Rick was up to (Rick being covered in blood and angry) - plus we saw him, in the preview, grab his axe and start in the direction of their cellblock.

I'd wager we see him take out his fury on Andrew's totally dead body - a "fuck you" statement, if you will - and then Glenn will convince him that Lori wouldn't want such action from Rick (who is clearly in a state of temporary insanity at worst, and total emotional upheaval at best), and Rick will visit Lori's body. That's what I imagine will happen/hope will happen.

As for Merle, there's many possibilities - naturally I'm inclined not to trust him and be very wary of his motivations.

10-Nov-2012, 01:24 AM
This seemed to be the most explosive episode yet. But the discussion on it seems be slower than previous episodes.:shifty:

10-Nov-2012, 03:29 AM
This seemed to be the most explosive episode yet. But the discussion on it seems be slower than previous episodes.:shifty:

I noticed there was less debate, as people seem to be agreeing on a lot more things on this episode, at least the surface aspects. This seemed, to me anyway, to be probably the most approved of and least contentious episodes to date. Heck, I was just really happy that so many of us appreciated it in such thorough a fashion.

10-Nov-2012, 06:54 AM
I noticed there was less debate, as people seem to be agreeing on a lot more things on this episode, at least the surface aspects. This seemed, to me anyway, to be probably the most approved of and least contentious episodes to date. Heck, I was just really happy that so many of us appreciated it in such thorough a fashion. Agreed. What about Carl and the hat still? He's fucking glued to it!!! Makes me wanna kick him in the chest and take it and burn it.

10-Nov-2012, 11:49 AM
I noticed there was less debate, as people seem to be agreeing on a lot more things on this episode, at least the surface aspects. This seemed, to me anyway, to be probably the most approved of and least contentious episodes to date. Heck, I was just really happy that so many of us appreciated it in such thorough a fashion.

I was interested to see some folks who had previously slammed Lori felt a sense of guilt or whatever after her death scene, and it was also good to see that everyone took the episode to heart and was fully emotionally invested in it. This is a prime example of treating the genre with respect and giving it quality scripts that are in-turn given life by high quality actors - strive for the best, not for the lowest common denominator. If you give the audience something to really chew on and invest in, they will readily do so. :)

Agreed. What about Carl and the hat still? He's fucking glued to it!!! Makes me wanna kick him in the chest and take it and burn it.

Awww, no way, that's an iconic image from the comics. I dig it. For one thing, it's an interesting little sign that - despite everything going on - this is still a child, and a child who looks up to his father, and wants to be like his father when he grows up (relatively speaking).

10-Nov-2012, 11:54 AM
From here on out, Carl is like Indiana Jones - the hat and the character are one.

10-Nov-2012, 10:22 PM
I watched it again. This episode was INTENSE, really strong season so far. Really nailing the intensity of the comic, for once.

Only complaint is Andrea. I don't like that actresses personality. It's...generic snobby bitch. Usually I kind of ignore her on episodes, just thinking "Don't worry, they'll make her the badass, lovabale sniper eventually." But I actually paid closer attention to her this episode, and the way that actress acts is so annoying. The exaggerated head movements, the snarky tone of voice, the way she whores it up with the Governor and Merle...I don't know, terrible choice to portray one of my favorite characters from the comic. Thinking back, she's always annoyed me, but I really paid closer attention this time, and she just seems like such a generic actress for a drama, from the mannerisms and the attitude to the body language and timing.

It reminds me of that Mortal Kombat reboot. You know, when they did "Mortal Kombat: CSI" online? And it was all "gritty and realistic" because everyone was so obsessed with the Dark Knight at the time? They had Sonya Blade being played by Jerri Ryan. Her acting...it took me out of that Mortal Kombat short, really pissed me of and rustled my jimmies. I liked her in other things, but the way she portrayed Sonya Blade...it felt so fake, generic, and cookie-cutter. Here, I'll post the scene so you guys can tell me what you think.


Skip to 6:30. That shit is just so corny, so horribly bad. (Walks in, slams down file report, acts like a smug cunt, rinse, repeat.) Reminds me EXACTLY of what annoys me about Andrea. The exaggerated facial expressions. The condescending attitude. That smug face, and over-acted dialogue. It's annoying as hell, brahs

10-Nov-2012, 10:50 PM
I watched it again. This episode was INTENSE, really strong season so far. Really nailing the intensity of the comic, for once.

Only complaint is Andrea. I don't like that actresses personality. It's...generic snobby bitch. Usually I kind of ignore her on episodes, just thinking "Don't worry, they'll make her the badass, lovabale sniper eventually." But I actually paid closer attention to her this episode, and the way that actress acts is so annoying. The exaggerated head movements, the snarky tone of voice, the way she whores it up with the Governor and Merle...I don't know, terrible choice to portray one of my favorite characters from the comic. Thinking back, she's always annoyed me, but I really paid closer attention this time, and she just seems like such a generic actress for a drama, from the mannerisms and the attitude to the body language and timing.

It reminds me of that Mortal Kombat reboot. You know, when they did "Mortal Kombat: CSI" online? And it was all "gritty and realistic" because everyone was so obsessed with the Dark Knight at the time? They had Sonya Blade being played by Jerri Ryan. Her acting...it took me out of that Mortal Kombat short, really pissed me of and rustled my jimmies. I liked her in other things, but the way she portrayed Sonya Blade...it felt so fake, generic, and cookie-cutter. Here, I'll post the scene so you guys can tell me what you think.


Skip to 6:30. That shit is just so corny, so horribly bad. (Walks in, slams down file report, acts like a smug cunt, rinse, repeat.) Reminds me EXACTLY of what annoys me about Andrea. The exaggerated facial expressions. The condescending attitude. That smug face, and over-acted dialogue. It's annoying as hell, brahs

I hear you.
I find the actress really attractive to look at but i've been struggling with her performance for a few seasons now. She seems to be playing it sassy which really seems out of place to me.

11-Nov-2012, 01:36 AM
I hear you.
I find the actress really attractive to look at but i've been struggling with her performance for a few seasons now. She seems to be playing it sassy which really seems out of place to me.

She is pretty good looking, despite her grand canyon-esque dimples of peace. In fact, she looks JUST LIKE a girl I had the biggest crush on for many years, but that girl and me didn't end on good terms, and thus, is not a good person to be reminded of for me :p

She is playing it way too sassy, and she always has this....sarcastic looking smile on her face. Like she thinks she's hot shit. Maybe her condescending mannerisms stem from the fact she's one of the few remaining females on Earth that has makeup in the apocalypse ;)

Seriously though, Andrea needs to shape up, or get eaten. And NOT by the governor.

What did you think of my comparison to Jerri Ryan? I feel like they are both playing the exact same caricature, and it's almost as shitty as the "Alice" from the Resident Evil movies Mary Sue caricature.

BUT AGAIN, I loved this episode and this season. I'm really nitpicking this one ;)

11-Nov-2012, 01:55 AM
...Only complaint is Andrea. I don't like that actresses personality. It's...generic snobby bitch. Usually I kind of ignore her on episodes, just thinking "Don't worry, they'll make her the badass, lovabale sniper eventually." But I actually paid closer attention to her this episode, and the way that actress acts is so annoying. The exaggerated head movements, the snarky tone of voice, the way she whores it up with the Governor and Merle...I don't know, terrible choice to portray one of my favorite characters from the comic. Thinking back, she's always annoyed me, but I really paid closer attention this time, and she just seems like such a generic actress for a drama, from the mannerisms and the attitude to the body language and timing.

...and like on the 'World War Z' thread, I find myself in complete agreement with you again.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been irked by the way this actress moves. It's way too forced and it's really bugging the shit out of me. Nobody moves like that. What the hell is that all about?

But, she's not the only one doing it. Yer one who plays Michonne is at it as well.

I think they just need too be told to quit it.

11-Nov-2012, 01:59 AM
Andrea (IMHO) lost her way after Season 2 ended,
The stuff with her and Michonne on their own was ok, but on the way down...for reasons stated more eloquently by other. After Andrea and Michonne get co-opted into the Woodbury group however, it's like the actress portraying Andrea is just phoning it in. I don't know whether that's the fault of the scriptwriters or the actress at this point. After all, it's not like they've given her much opportunity/evidence to substantiate Michonne'e suspicions...so how is someone who was on death's door before the medication from Woodbury saved her, supposed to react with nothing but vague suspicion to go on?

The absolutely maddening thing is, for anyone who's seen The Mist they know that the actress portraying Andrea is capable of at least good (if not great) performances. If she were a total loss talent-wise it'd be far easier to write her off. That isn't the case though. She's got the mojo to make it work, but for reasons yet to become clear just hasn't been bringing it since the third season got underway.

Personally, once Shane taught her how to shoot I saw a lot of potential open up in front of the Andrea-character. In hindsight, however, I don't believe the character had been well established enough as yet to be the "left behind member" of Rick's group. It wasn't clear what she stood for, wasn't clear where/when she draws the line about basic moral decisions...and overall her character just hadn't solidified enough (IMO) to be the foil to the Governor's deceptive-charming facade masking his evil.

Perhaps this isn't so much an Andrea-specific problem. Other than Rick, the late Shane, Dale, Glenn and Daryl...with Carl BEGINNING to get there, the others have been rather flat...not to the point it really shows when the group is together, but it's something that comes into relief whenever these less developed characters become the focus of individual attention. IMO, it's definitely something that needs to be addressed if they want to shore up the individual performances of the "satellite members" of the group.

11-Nov-2012, 05:12 AM
BLUFF: I do not like the TV version of Andrea. However, I read somewhere that the actress hurt her back during shooting. That the reason she played sick, weak and frail the first half of this season.

11-Nov-2012, 06:12 AM
yeah, i've been complaining about andrea for some time now. i watched just a couple of pre-season interviews about the making of TWD and whatnot, along with new cast members, and if i recall, the actress playing andrea used the word "sexy" to describe at least two of her cast members.....okay, we're dealing with a show about a living-dead pandemic, not fucking desperate housewives.

seems like that's my main gripe, she is always looking like she's wearing lots of make-up, making that duck-face, being coy and flirty with people (that scene with the her and governor was eye-rolling), and on top of all that, just being having a cunt-attitude. even from her very first scene in the 2nd episode of the show, it just struck me that they got the wrong actress to play andrea. and since the 2nd half of season two, with the stand-off with lori in the kitchen and then the bit where she went against everybody's advice and took the shot on daryl with four of her fellow group members only feet away, she's been my least favorite character on this show. hands down.

i seriously hope they kill her off next. i think i'd start a slow clap.

11-Nov-2012, 07:05 AM
Actually, I find Carol's flirting alot creepier.
Gray pubes, ew.
Run, Daryl, run.

11-Nov-2012, 10:49 AM
I always thought that Andrea was pretty sassy and forthright in the comic books, even to a fault at times. I think it's part of her character. Like some of the bitching that befell Lori, I don't understand some of the sheer bother some folks here are experiencing with Andrea.

I do think we need to see more from her, definitely, as so far this season she hasn't been able to live up to the woman we saw slogging for an ENTIRE DAY through the woods, exhausted, being chased by walkers - that was hardcore and made her mightily impressive - at the moment she's a bit underused/underwritten, but then neither her nor Michonne have had much screentime compared to our prison folk ... which is understandable as there's a LOT going on there, and the majority of the group is there.

11-Nov-2012, 11:59 AM
To professorchaos I to saw her taking that long distance, attempt at ego boost, rifle shot as the point in which I started to care less of Andrea. Daryl had every right to knock her the F out. Who knows maybe she will be the focus of a major heroic act and redeem herself similar to Lori's exit

11-Nov-2012, 01:19 PM
Actually, I find Carol's flirting alot creepier.
Gray pubes, ew.
Run, Daryl, run.

I KNEW i wasnt alone on this one!! :D :lol:

11-Nov-2012, 08:51 PM
I always thought that Andrea was pretty sassy and forthright in the comic books, even to a fault at times. I think it's part of her character. Like some of the bitching that befell Lori, I don't understand some of the sheer bother some folks here are experiencing with Andrea.

I do think we need to see more from her, definitely, as so far this season she hasn't been able to live up to the woman we saw slogging for an ENTIRE DAY through the woods, exhausted, being chased by walkers - that was hardcore and made her mightily impressive - at the moment she's a bit underused/underwritten, but then neither her nor Michonne have had much screentime compared to our prison folk ... which is understandable as there's a LOT going on there, and the majority of the group is there.

Yes, but in the comics she always retained a sort of college-aged naivete. In the TV show, she has the middle-aged, condescending vibe that ruins her character. She wasn't in her late 30's in the comic, she was college aged. And not only that, but her body language in the show is extremely exaggerated. Always doing unnecessary head swivels, like she's about to say "No she dint, uh UUHHHH!" It's really annoying. The perfect representation of a similar portrayal by an actress is that Jerri Ryan in the Mortal Kombat video. Same EXACT problems I see with Andrea are in that 30 second - 1 minute performance. For some reason, that style of acting....generic, cookie-cutter BITCH....just really rustles my jimmies. Especially when it's used to portray the sweet, kind-hearted but takes-no-bullshit Andrea from the comic.

Maybe if the actress was younger I wouldn't feel like it was so out of place, but she feels completely off.

I KNEW i wasnt alone on this one!! :D :lol:

You know, its funny you guys mention Carols flirting being creepy, because now that I think about it the actress playing Andrea would have been PERFECT to play the Carol from the comics. I'd love to see that actress portray a more mentally unstable character, as opposed to the "I think my shit don't stink" Andrea we are presented with. They should have cast her as Carol (giving Darly a reason to want to smash) and picked another actress entirely to portray Andrea. Someone with freckles ;)

20-Nov-2012, 12:05 AM
Still can't figure out the governor's gig. He likes being in charge of his little town obviously. He's a nutso surely. He seems to want his town to be like the "Roach Motel" where roaches check in, but they don't check out. Very odd and that's all Andrea needs in a man to bend waaaaaay over.... again lolz.

24-Nov-2012, 10:22 PM
Was that Greg Nicotero doing a cameo zombie (aka the Swing Bridge zombie in 'Land' & the Dr. zombie in 'Diaries') taking a chunk out of T-Dog as he closed the fence gates?