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View Full Version : Christ this religious/cultural honour nonsense needs to stop!

05-Nov-2012, 03:06 PM
Watch this and tell me it doesn't bring anger to your heart and a tear to your eye!


Mr. Clean
05-Nov-2012, 05:13 PM
I think it's funny the husband makes an attempt to blame it all on the wife in the end. It'll take 100+ hundred years to make such a change to a culture once they begin the path. Look at Racism within the US. The thirteenth amendment to our constitution which made slavery illegal was adopted in 1865. 147 years later.... and the US still struggles with racial issues. Oklahoma is voting on banning Affirmative Action tomorrow which is awesome. Attempting to prevent racism with racism is bullshit.

05-Nov-2012, 06:03 PM
We in the West need to be very careful how we choose to interpret these kind of actions. Calling something like this "religious" or "cultural" is wrong, IMHO, as the implication is that it is an accepted widespread occurrence and despite the dubious glee with which western media revels in such things, to all intents and purposes they aren't. The vast majority of Muslims or people of Islamic faith would be absolutely abhorred by this and it can hardly be considered cultural, because the barmy f*ckers have been arrested for it. There isn't any Islamic culture that tolerates these so called "honour killings" (though I don't think the object was to kill the girl in this case). It is a naturally disturbing act to anyone, Muslim or otherwise.

In saying that, I despise all religions. Some of the most intolerant people I have ever met have been people of religion, despite the fact that in nearly all faiths "do onto others" is a staple tenet.

But taking these isolated cases and labeling them "cultural" is the same as looking at things like the Fritzl case and considering that in the same way.

These actions are the products of warped minds.

But what disturbs me even more is how the media latch onto these stories and sell them to people in the west. It's gotten to the point now where one ONLY hears negative stories about Middle East, or some Asian countries from western media organisations and that in itself is suspicious.

These people are not right in the head, probably from an extremely poor background and possess little or no education and unfortunately, in poorer societies (regardless of their religious outlook) women are often treated as dirt by disenfranchised males.

06-Nov-2012, 10:24 AM
We in the West need to be very careful how we choose to interpret these kind of actions. Calling something like this "religious" or "cultural" is wrong, IMHO, as the implication is that it is an accepted widespread occurrence and despite the dubious glee with which western media revels in such things, to all intents and purposes they aren't. The vast majority of Muslims or people of Islamic faith would be absolutely abhorred by this and it can hardly be considered cultural, because the barmy f*ckers have been arrested for it. There isn't any Islamic culture that tolerates these so called "honour killings" (though I don't think the object was to kill the girl in this case). It is a naturally disturbing act to anyone, Muslim or otherwise.

In saying that, I despise all religions. Some of the most intolerant people I have ever met have been people of religion, despite the fact that in nearly all faiths "do onto others" is a staple tenet.

But taking these isolated cases and labeling them "cultural" is the same as looking at things like the Fritzl case and considering that in the same way.

These actions are the products of warped minds.

But what disturbs me even more is how the media latch onto these stories and sell them to people in the west. It's gotten to the point now where one ONLY hears negative stories about Middle East, or some Asian countries from western media organisations and that in itself is suspicious.

These people are not right in the head, probably from an extremely poor background and possess little or no education and unfortunately, in poorer societies (regardless of their religious outlook) women are often treated as dirt by disenfranchised males.

It has to be a cultural issue. I'm not willing to pin it on religion, because, as you said, there are many Muslim around the rest of the world who would never consider such action. But, within certain cultures (backgrounds/countries) this sort of madness is more prevalent...

We've had similar honour killings here in the UK, and typically the parents have been from places (cultures) such as Pakistan.

So again, I see it almost entirely a cultural issue...