View Full Version : holy crap! check out this incredible cybernetic arm!

08-Nov-2012, 08:30 AM

Hell of a jump from the hooks or wooden carved hands people used a century ago no?
just imagine if they would get more efficient motors for a more nerv level instant response time, hell the logical next step in the long run is some kind of nerv interface that actually allows the person to feel tactile interactions with the hand like their original palm.

Is it not kind of amazing we live in the time where sci-fi becomes actual real stuff? :D

08-Nov-2012, 07:21 PM
That's awesome!
The only thing though is that it maybe needs a membrane over it. As he was cracking those eggs I started thinking about all the crevices on the device that could trap bacteria and other nasties.

But realistically, just amazing!! I just wonder what something like that cost? And how many insurance companies would cover it?

12-Nov-2012, 12:58 PM
Really clever stuff, and much needed as well seen as there are hundreds of young men that have been left without limbs after tours in Afghanistan & Iraq, I presume those chaps are the reason the technology has jumped so quickly in the past few years. The cost shouldn't matter in these cases as the respective governments of each country who sent these men off to war should cover any costs for these artificial limbs. The Genium C leg and Biom ankle are impressive as well.

13-Nov-2012, 12:37 AM
The cost shouldn't matter in these cases as the respective governments of each country who sent these men off to war should cover any costs for these artificial limbs. Well, that's how you'd think it would be, and how it really should be. But that's just not the reality in most cases. I can't say for sure. But in the US our gov't tries to get out of the responsibility to care for veterans in any way they can. Our insurance companies will use any tactic possible to get out of covering people.
Because it's about their profit, not about the persons quality of life.