View Full Version : Should there be a competency test before you can vote?

07-Jul-2006, 01:58 AM
Every election year in America there is a spat of "get out the vote" advertisments on TV, radio, papers, and anywhere else they can stick them. All this advertising to vote, but no advertising to actually educate yourself before you do vote. What good is it to say "I'm voting for Bush/Kerry because my mom is"?

I believe the country would be in much better shape if we, as a whole, learned about the political situation prior to voting. Bush likely never would've been elected, he would not have even gotten the nomination from the GOP I bet, and Kerry certainly wouldn't have been running against him. If we were educated and we could weed out the morons and the liars, we'd have a much stronger field of future leaders, like Colin Powell and Joe Lieberman. A few questions that should be answered before someone can vote are...

1) How many states are in the USA?
2) As an American citizen, your rights are explained and guaranteed by what bill?
3) The two major political parties are _____ and _____?
4) There are how many Justices of the Supreme Court?
5) What is the US capital?
6) July 4th is what US holiday?
7) Did you complete this form in English, without aid?

I believe #4 is the least important question, but #s 7 and 2 are the most important questions to be asked. If anyone cannot answer these questions without googling it or asking someone, you should not be voting in the US.


07-Jul-2006, 02:05 AM
I was watching Fox and friends this morning. One of their reporters just became a British citizen. I learned today it is required that you know how to speak english there. Why can't we do that here ?

#7 should be mandatory.

07-Jul-2006, 02:11 AM
There is no point in its not being mandatory, save allowing our elected officials to pander to those who wish to become Americans only in name.

07-Jul-2006, 02:29 AM
wait those are meant to test people?!?!, im british and i know all that, i thought everyone did, like big bens in london and all that trivial pursuit crap.:rockbrow:

hey post 1,111 ,and itll never happen again.

07-Jul-2006, 02:30 AM
The problem with competency tests is that they can be abused, and since our in-power politicos (both wretched parties) are so adept at twisting the system I have, what I feel to be, well placed fears were such a system to be put in place nationwide.

07-Jul-2006, 02:33 AM
bet you half the politicians would fail that test.

jay Leno thinks its funny when people don't know who the vice president is. I think it's tragic.

While I think peoplw who try not to learn the language are annoying, I would rather have someone who barelt speaks english but understands the US, our customs and ideology than a native whose a total jackass.

Most non speakers are not citizens, except for many (dominicans ecspecially) who say they are from Puerto Rico. They BS their way in.

07-Jul-2006, 02:39 AM
It's not just a matter of competency, it's a matter of interest as well. Take any group of people in this country and ask them about political matters, then ask them things about American Idol, and see how much they know about the latter. Believe me, I had it happen in a politcal science class a few weeks ago.

07-Jul-2006, 02:41 AM
Just as bad is when people have beliefs and when questioned, they have no idea why they believe that way or what it means. I had that happen in a poly sci class years ago.
Uh Cause I do.duh.

07-Jul-2006, 03:19 AM
Isn't that what a philosophy class is for? People to spout off their ill-formed beliefs and then not be able to back them up (of course, complaining later that the prof is a "Godless Liberal" and that's why they couldn't explain themselves). ;)

By the way, I think a more important question should be...shouldn't people have to apply for a license to have children? Talk about needing to prove competency...

07-Jul-2006, 04:42 AM
By the way, I think a more important question should be...shouldn't people have to apply for a license to have children? Talk about needing to prove competency...

Yes, because making laws that restricts individual liberties to correct a problem is the best way to handle any situation :rolleyes:

07-Jul-2006, 05:01 AM
The problem with having any kind of test requirement to vote is that:
a. It's against the law.
b. The mere presence of such a test, even if made legal, would be used to challenge the outcome of every election from then on.

In the past, there have been tests to keep certain elements of the population from voting. These tests were mainly in the South, where white Democrats used them to keep Negroes from voting once they'd re-established a firm control over the land conquered by the Yankees.

The only purpose of having such a test is to exclude people from voting and not to include people in the vote. That's the way it would be seen....and that's what would be used to challenge the outcome of every election.

07-Jul-2006, 10:49 AM
Now as you know I'm not an American, but I've seen enough of your TV to know stuff...so let's see if my couch potato ass paid off...

1) How many states are in the USA? - 50
2) As an American citizen, your rights are explained and guaranteed by what bill? - The Constitution
3) The two major political parties are _____ and _____? Democratic & Republican
4) There are how many Justices of the Supreme Court? 12?
5) What is the US capital? Washington
6) July 4th is what US holiday? Independence Day
7) Did you complete this form in English, without aid? Yes

I also think there should be some sort of competency test, the thickness of some people who are fully eligible to vote is scary ... not to mention a bunch of 18 year old idealists who haven't lived at all falling for the liberal dream (which is just as hypocritical as any party) and so forth...

As for people learning the native language - DAMN STRAIGHT. Here in the UK a politician (unfortunately it was an old Conservative, however a young black guy said the same thing - which the papers ignore it seems) said that Muslims must get over the idea that we (Britain) would EVER become an Islamic state. They should also learn our language and live by our laws and ways. If they don't like it, f*ck off.

And you know ... damn straight ... I think they should be entitled to continue with their religion, I don't really see a problem with them wearing Burkhas and all that stuff, but complaining that we have piggy banks and moaning about BRITISH things is just beyond the pale - live by our laws, rules and society or f*ck off home - if we were living there, we'd HAVE to live by their rules. The problem is in the UK we've got too many political correctness agencies and typically enough the Race Equality bunch came out guns blazing - it was a sensible thing to say (just said kinda gruffly) ... and like a guy on Penn & Teller Bullsh*t said last night - 'we're sleeping and we need to wake up before it's too late' (yes, that was in the one about Creationism though, but the theory remains the same).

07-Jul-2006, 11:29 AM
Alright, Minion. You don't get to vote. Silly Brit. :p

I think he meant the Bill of Rights.
But I have no effing clue how many justices there are. Too many conservative ones in my opinion. (9?)

Tests to have kids? Utah's birthrate would drop to zero. And what are you going to do to enforce it? Forced sterilization? shivers As much as I hate a world full of morons you've got to take the good and the bad.

****as a side note**** My parents live in Idaho and yesterday another woman left her baby in a car for two hours in 90+ degree heat. It is apparently so common there that they have 5-10 a year. Jesus Christ! How do you forget that your kid is in the car?????

07-Jul-2006, 11:39 AM
Let me answer these for you like most americans/voters would.

1) How many states are in the USA?
2) As an American citizen, your rights are explained and guaranteed by what bill?
3) The two major political parties are _____ and _____?
4) There are how many Justices of the Supreme Court?
5) What is the US capital?
6) July 4th is what US holiday?
7) Did you complete this form in English, without aid?

1) 51
2) The Constipation
3) Republican and Republican
4) 1
5) The White House
6) The day of fireworks and heavy drinking
7) Que?

:D :D :D

07-Jul-2006, 12:00 PM
A few questions that should be answered before someone can vote are... <snip>

7) Did you complete this form in English, without aid?


I believe this one is the most important, because without a working knowledge of English you have no hope of being informed in this country. This is not a bad thing, as English is our language, despite the farbiling in Congress over establishing it as such.

As pointed out in other posts though, voting tests and poll taxes and such impediments to voting are illegal. I just don't see the reason for having to print ballots in Farsi, much less Spanish.


07-Jul-2006, 02:09 PM
FYI there are Nine(9) supreme court judges, hence all the 5-4 decisions :)

an even better question would be to name just one of them (Alito, Scalia, Thomas, ect), or ask how many members of the house or senete there are. :cool:

It also make me want to puke when I hear people say they don't know who the Vice President is, that goes way beyond ignorance as that can be fixed, that is just plain stupidity which can't be fixed :dead:

07-Jul-2006, 02:29 PM
Another problem with the competancy test idea is that it would be a freat excuse to make the schools even crappier. Ignorance of govt works to many politicians advantage as it is. Even a little knowledge can make the propaganda transparent.

People literally don't want to know about their world. When I was a kid in the 80s, if you talked about politics or govt, even in the most absolute general way, alot of people would get really angry. Not at the ideas, but that you brought it up at all. Rather than think, "damn, I'm ignorant, I should learn something", they just insist that you be as stupid as they are.

I can't stand how if you say that people should learn even rudimentary English and gain some familiarity with our customs, it suddenly becomes racist. But if you go to South America and won't try to speak Spanish or Have a beer in Saudi, YOU are the insensitive cultural imperialist. When you go into target and every aisle marker is in Spanish and every product label is in Spanish, that's a huge problem.
You can tell the attitude change by this. 15 years ago your average liberal type would say "English only, that's racist!" as a knee jerk reaction.
Now it's "that's annoying as hell. They should take a class". I think it's treated like some wierd secret club of elitism. I can't see how Speaking the language, not screaming all day and turning down your friggin radio is "forced assimilation".
If I went to central American with a big stupid USA shirt and had 10 Old glorys waving on my car,blasting George Jones erevywhere I go I would be a total idiot. But he inverse is OK? Guess what it Ain't.

And question 2 is the Bill of rights.
A better question than some of those might be
What are the 3 branches of Govt?

Funny thing is, your average European knows waaay more about US, than we know about ourselves.

07-Jul-2006, 04:40 PM
Poll taxes and similar voting tests were used to disenfranchise the poor and minorities from the pre-civil war era into the 1960's. See the 14th and 24th Amendments to the US Constitution for details.

07-Jul-2006, 05:10 PM
1. You can not have a test to vote, they are not related. I think our fore-fathers understood some people voting would be less informed than others. They understood also it was more dangerous to exclude people from the voting process than including people. Also, who makes the test? Who decides what is relavent? What if you or I fail the test?

Voting is a right not a privilage!

2. As far as child bearing goes...that is a right, no government should have the ability to take it away no matter your situation.

3. English is not the official language of the US and it should not be. USA is not a English country, a christian country nor a white country. If someone is happily existing in the USA without speaking English good for them, it is none of my business. If products are labeled in Spanish and English great, the company pays for the labeling not the taxpayers. However, there is another side of the coin. It should not be a law that any product has to be written in any langauge (example: you cant force Pepsi to label in English and Spanish) As for things that taxpayer does pay for it depends. (Remember Spanish speaking citizens are also paying the taxes) it should depend on the community.Schools should help young children learn English.
Most upwardly mobile adults will choose to learn the main languge of the area they live and that language is English.

-There should be no law establishing a national language.

07-Jul-2006, 05:54 PM
1. You can not have a test to vote, they are not related. I think our fore-fathers understood some people voting would be less informed than others. They understood also it was more dangerous to exclude people from the voting process than including people. Also, who makes the test? Who decides what is relavent? What if you or I fail the test?

Voting is a right not a privilage!

Hmmm, must have been why back then only White, Male, Landowners could vote... :rolleyes:

also, those under 18, convicted criminals, non citizens and those not registered to do so are barred from voting, so voting is a privilage NOT a right.

07-Jul-2006, 06:29 PM
Voting is a right with strings attached.

Or maybe it's a left...I dunno..

07-Jul-2006, 06:47 PM
3. English is not the official language of the US and it should not be. USA is not a English country, a christian country nor a white country. If someone is happily existing in the USA without speaking English good for them, it is none of my business. If products are labeled in Spanish and English great, the company pays for the labeling not the taxpayers. However, there is another side of the coin. It should not be a law that any product has to be written in any langauge (example: you cant force Pepsi to label in English and Spanish) As for things that taxpayer does pay for it depends. (Remember Spanish speaking citizens are also paying the taxes) it should depend on the community.Schools should help young children learn English.
Most upwardly mobile adults will choose to learn the main languge of the area they live and that language is English.

-There should be no law establishing a national language.

I have lived in Latin neighborhoods about 90% of my life, so it's not like I'm some dude on a hill looking down having zero experienc, driving past going "oh my". I had mixed feelings about this sort of thing for a long time but got fed up.

When I can't get a tire fixed, get directions,order food, call a local govt agency or barely understnad what up to 73% of the people in some areas where I live are saying, it IS my business. It is not specialty stores, it is everything. What people do in their home is their buisness, but imposing it on ME (like learning their language is my responsibiltiy) when they are the guest is a problem.. This isn't some tempoery trend, it's been going on for like 40 years plus. Of course White and Christian are lumped in by many, but It's not the same thing. I don't think it's a christian, English or white country. But it is, de facto, an English speaking country. For that matter I don't care if a jillion immigrants come here , legal or not. I just don't like People who come here only for $$ and are, frankly, hostile to the native of all varieties. It exists, alot from my experience, and I am sick of getting treated like the foreigner in my own country.
To many, I think that the adversion to (as opposed to the inabilty to) learn english is a slap in the face to all Americans. Obviously many disagree completely as is their perogative. Frankly , I think it's downright rude and they are accomadated way to much. Mutilanguage in Basic services is one thing, but in everything, often to the exclusion of the native langusge? No other country tolerates that.
I think blending of cultures is a great thing, but I don't want to live in South America. If I did I would move there. They want to come here? Groovy and do your Latin stuff all you want, but don't try to force me to do it too and don't treat me like crap because it's not my thing. You can't force it on people, but the "speak english, get a green card" it a start. A positive incentive is more helpful.

Felons, not any criminal, loses the right to vote, but only in SOME states.

"mmm, must have been why back then only White, Male, Landowners could vote."
Forgot over 21.
In college a teacher discussed that and asked anyone who fit that desription to raise their hand. Not one did.

07-Jul-2006, 07:49 PM
And there should also be a competency test before you're allowed to post on homepageofthedead forums too. If you haven't ever seen deathdream, house of seven corpses or bloody new year, and if dawn '04 was your cherry zombie genre film, then you shouldn't really be here, should you?

07-Jul-2006, 07:53 PM
Every election year in America there is a spat of "get out the vote" advertisments on TV, radio, papers, and anywhere else they can stick them. All this advertising to vote, but no advertising to actually educate yourself before you do vote. What good is it to say "I'm voting for Bush/Kerry because my mom is"?

I believe the country would be in much better shape if we, as a whole, learned about the political situation prior to voting. Bush likely never would've been elected, he would not have even gotten the nomination from the GOP I bet, and Kerry certainly wouldn't have been running against him. If we were educated and we could weed out the morons and the liars, we'd have a much stronger field of future leaders, like Colin Powell and Joe Lieberman. A few questions that should be answered before someone can vote are...

1) How many states are in the USA?
2) As an American citizen, your rights are explained and guaranteed by what bill?
3) The two major political parties are _____ and _____?
4) There are how many Justices of the Supreme Court?
5) What is the US capital?
6) July 4th is what US holiday?
7) Did you complete this form in English, without aid?

I believe #4 is the least important question, but #s 7 and 2 are the most important questions to be asked. If anyone cannot answer these questions without googling it or asking someone, you should not be voting in the US.


while i totally agree with you on this one i don't think i would support such a measure. i think it would violate the equal protection under the law clause that all citizens of the US are entitled to. otherwise, i would be all for this. if we truely want to live in an open, free society, idiocy is one of the unfortunate things we must deal with.

07-Jul-2006, 07:59 PM
and as has been evident from various things I've read today, Idiocy is quite common.

I agree with the majority of those statements (albiet only part of me does) but I'm conflicted.

07-Jul-2006, 09:13 PM
I have conflicted feelings about this stuff too. One side of me is reactionary in a "Ahh, everybody sucks", then I get all bleeding heart "Aww, he isn't that bad, leave him alone."
Someone once told me thats a virgo thing, but since I know zero about astrology KI can't really say.

If you haven't ever seen deathdream, house of seven corpses or bloody new year, and if dawn '04 was your cherry zombie genre film, then you shouldn't really be here, should you?
I haven;t heard of deathdream, saw 10 minutes of House of 1000 corpses, and though it sucked. Bloody New year? You mean that bloody awful 80s slasher junk?
Oh wait , you can't reply.
Oh snap!

07-Jul-2006, 09:22 PM
Yea, I know what you mean. The part of me, that I shall call ****ed off conservitive redneck, goes "suck it up you pansises, you are foreigners, do what we say" Not exactly how it goes, but that is a basic thought process.

Then my other part, who I shall call old liberal hippie douche, goes "They're just here to provide for their families, let them stay"

ahh well, such is life.

oh, and that was hilarious. :lol:

07-Jul-2006, 09:27 PM
I have conflicted feelings about this stuff too. One side of me is reactionary in a "Ahh, everybody sucks", then I get all bleeding heart "Aww, he isn't that bad, leave him alone."
Someone once told me thats a virgo thing, but since I know zero about astrology KI can't really say.

I haven;t heard of deathdream, saw 10 minutes of House of 1000 corpses, and though it sucked. Bloody New year? You mean that bloody awful 80s slasher junk?
Oh wait , you can't reply.
Oh snap!

Oh snap! I can to reply.

Bloody New Year is an English zombie movie and so is house of SEVEN corpses. Jesus Christ, you really are zombie illiterate. I wouldn't be one bit surprised that Dawn '04 really was your first zombie movie.:elol:

07-Jul-2006, 09:55 PM
You should learn spanish...Do you expect store owners to cater to you becaue you were born here? They are going to follow the $ every time, the American way. A citizen is a citizen doesnt matter if you were born here or not(except becoming the Prez and maybe a few other small things 99.9% need not worry about).

But back to what we said...Should only English speaking citizens be allowed to vote? No...it is obvious all citizens over 18 should be allowed to vote. I think even felons but that is a whole other arguement.

07-Jul-2006, 10:06 PM
1) How many states are in the USA?

I **** you not, recently I got in an argument with not one but TWO friends about the number of states there are. They kept telling me there are 52 states. "50 continental states plus Alaska and Hawaii, making 52." It was so hard not to smack them silly. I'm getting angry just thinking about it! :mad:

07-Jul-2006, 10:06 PM
Oh snap! I can to reply.

Bloody New Year is an English zombie movie and so is house of SEVEN corpses. Jesus Christ, you really are zombie illiterate. I wouldn't be one bit surprised that Dawn '04 really was your first zombie movie.:elol:

Oh, I misread something. gawd, What IS wrong with me?!?!
Please God, Help!
I saw NOTLD in 1974 , I used to buy the gore gazette(late70s/early 80s Splatter zine) I saw DOTD in a theatre in 1979 in it's original run.not that it matters. I think we are all some degree of geek here. Now play nice before something...
uh never mind. Venomous, I mean Trioxin.

I guess I'll Look up This Bloody New Year. I was thinking of New Years Evil.

"You should learn spanish...Do you expect store owners to cater to you becaue you were born here?"
Yeah, why not? and I do know some. I wouldv'e learned more but In spanish class, 95% of the kids spoke spanish already and it was intimidating, the hilarity of my accent and all. That whole Speak English is contreversial. It used to be more liberal/conservative. But there aren't those lines on this anymore which is interesting to me. I guess the point is if you want to be engaged in a country, don't have one foot out the door. Either be here or not. Don't complain if you are shut out if your not willing to be part of it and purposfully segregate yourself. I sort of went off on a tangent, there.

"But back to what we said...Should only English speaking citizens be allowed to vote? No...it is obvious all citizens over 18 should be allowed to vote. I think even felons but that is a whole other arguement."
Evryone, Over 18, including felons, should be allowed to vote. Citizen=vote.

07-Jul-2006, 11:31 PM
Im all for less govt. I dont think anything is solved by making a national language or punishing people that don't speak English. To be upwardly mobile in the USA you need English but if you want to be a day laborer or Dishwasher you really dont need English. If a bussiness owner wants to cater to the Spanish speaking Americans and ignore not speak English, no problem but he is losing a bussiness.

07-Jul-2006, 11:51 PM
Wow, this thing took off. The problem with just saying "it's illegal, so we can't do it" is that at one time it was illegal to raid someone's house without a warrant; now in certain cases it is legal. I was also once legal for the army to make themselves at home in your home if they so chose. Also, need I remind you, it was also illegal once for blacks to vote, so to pass the argument by saying "it's not legal" doesn't really answer the question.

Do I think legislation such as this would ever be passed? Not in a thousand years. Both sides benefit greatly by having the majority of 'mericans ignorant of current events, going to the ballot box with slogans and catch phrases dancing in their heads. To force a semblance of competency in the voting public is anathema to these fools, most of which shouldn't even be able to get jobs in the DMV, let alone Congress or the Senate!

I do think it'd help to improve our country greatly, especially the last one. When I see third-generation Latinos who can't speak passable English, I get angry. When my family came from Germany they had to learn English, otherwise they were SOL; same with the Irish side of me familia. Brogue is enough like English, I guess, but they learned anyway.

Today there are zero incentives to learn the language and culture of the US, and so many reasons to stay the same. No one speekee Spanni? Fine, point to what you want! No in the court room hablas some weird dialect that only 25 people in Peru do? Get away with stuffing your baby in a Dumpster! (happened in FL a year or two ago).

Geez, when I go to S. America I hope everyone there speaks English...

And to tell people "You live in a Spanish area, speak Spanish" :lol: You're telling THEM to do exactly what you're saying we can't tell non-English speakers to do, in their own country no less! :lol: If I wanted to learn Spanish so I can speak to my neighbors, I'd move to somewhere where that was the language.

08-Jul-2006, 12:15 AM
hey, we agree. Who'd a thunk it:D

08-Jul-2006, 01:04 AM
I politics, people disagree; in common sense, only those without any see a different view, my friend. ;)

08-Jul-2006, 11:42 AM
Every election year in America there is a spat of "get out the vote" advertisments on TV, radio, papers, and anywhere else they can stick them. All this advertising to vote, but no advertising to actually educate yourself before you do vote. What good is it to say "I'm voting for Bush/Kerry because my mom is"?

I believe the country would be in much better shape if we, as a whole, learned about the political situation prior to voting. Bush likely never would've been elected, he would not have even gotten the nomination from the GOP I bet, and Kerry certainly wouldn't have been running against him. If we were educated and we could weed out the morons and the liars, we'd have a much stronger field of future leaders, like Colin Powell and Joe Lieberman. A few questions that should be answered before someone can vote are...

1) How many states are in the USA?
2) As an American citizen, your rights are explained and guaranteed by what bill?
3) The two major political parties are _____ and _____?
4) There are how many Justices of the Supreme Court?
5) What is the US capital?
6) July 4th is what US holiday?
7) Did you complete this form in English, without aid?

I believe #4 is the least important question, but #s 7 and 2 are the most important questions to be asked. If anyone cannot answer these questions without googling it or asking someone, you should not be voting in the US.


I agree that voting requirements should be more difficult. Just to ensure that anyone who wants to vote has put at least a couple of minutes of thought into it. I'd like a basic literacy test. The tricky thing is making sure it's neutral. Literacy tests have been badly abused in the past. I think it'd be possible to check the worst abuses these days, though.

If they ask civics questions, the questions should be publicized in advance. You know exactly what you're going to be asked, so you have no excuse for not getting the answers right, other than sheer laziness and apathy. Which makes you unqualified to take part in choosing a government for those of us who care.

09-Jul-2006, 12:10 AM
Nice, Publius. Tell the plebs they will be asked about 5 questions, but have around 10-20 possible questions to be asked, kind of like tests in school. They tell you "The test will be between chapter 5-10" but you have to read the whole thing.

It's just another idea of mine to make the country run a little better. Make people smarter and they will learn how better to govern themselves, rather than relying on liars, thieves, and imbeciles.

09-Jul-2006, 11:02 AM
Nice, Publius. Tell the plebs they will be asked about 5 questions, but have around 10-20 possible questions to be asked, kind of like tests in school. They tell you "The test will be between chapter 5-10" but you have to read the whole thing.

That sounds perfect. The feds have sample citizenship tests that they give to legal immigrants. They could just pick a batch of questions from those.

It's just another idea of mine to make the country run a little better. Make people smarter and they will learn how better to govern themselves, rather than relying on liars, thieves, and imbeciles.

Mark Twain wrote a short story called "The Curious Republic of Gondour" that contained his own little utopian government scheme. He knew people get upset at any suggestion of "restricting" the right to vote, so he proposed "enlarging" it instead. Everyone gets one vote, which can never be taken away. But graduate from high school, and you get a second vote. Graduate from college and get a third, etc. A bit drastic, but it's an interesting read. It's available online from any number of sites.

10-Jul-2006, 05:58 AM
LoL, I love it.

10-Jul-2006, 12:55 PM
I knew alot of stupid, really stupid, people in college. So that wouldn't work. I knew really smart people who didn't finish high school. That's just a class issue, ecspecially since college costs way more $$$ than when I went. Plus the real lack of fund opportunities. If I was 17 today, I probably couldn't go.
maybe if, instead of a test, a requirement that everyone votes, or maybe get a fine. I bet the ladscape would change alot. Alot of people who don't vote don't because they see no representation. I bet the 2 party fake democracy would be Kaput.

12-Jul-2006, 08:16 AM
Hmm, I don't know about that. I want fewer stupid people voting, not more. The people who *do* bother to vote are dumb enough, what makes you think that the people who don't vote are better qualified on average?

12-Jul-2006, 02:00 PM
Hmm, I don't know about that. I want fewer stupid people voting, not more. The people who *do* bother to vote are dumb enough, what makes you think that the people who don't vote are better qualified on average?

I don't, But I know smart, informed people who don't vote. I thought , for better or worse, it wouldbe more representative of the population as a whole. But a lot of people don't care at all. I don't know if it's because they think it doesn't matter (common refrain), the vote itself doesn't matter, they believe the systems beyond fixing, or plain old ignorance.

I do meet a really large amount of profoundly dumb people, though.

12-Jul-2006, 09:50 PM
That's the point of the voting test, Coma. Stupid people voting is actually far more dangerous to the country than fewer, yet more informed, people voting. If you have a job that requires 100 skilled workers to do, would you instead employ 1000 unskilled workers to do the same? No, it's unsafe and unwise to do so. But the same is not true about voting, the most important job in the country?

My greatest fear about this comes from a personal experience during the '00 election. I arrived at the polling place to vote with my friend, who had yet to turn 18. A woman approached me with a stack of flyers and offered us each one. She asked if it was my first time voting and I said yes. "Here, when you go into the booth, just vote like this," and she handed us a flyer with Gore/Lieberman and all of the other democrat runners on it. I told her what she was doing should be illegal and that she should be ashamed of herself (not in such nice words). She then told my friend to vote, saying "If you say you don't have your card, they have to take your vote."

Now multiply that by many, many thousands of people across the country and you can understand why I loath the idea of uninformed people voting. They also tried to do the same thing this last election, but I turned them in to the "voting police..." They got rid of the Republican guy, but not the democrat. Then they parked a big ole KERRY sign across from the polling station.

In that environment, who would you vote for if you knew nothign about politics, I wonder?

12-Jul-2006, 11:50 PM
maybe if, instead of a test, a requirement that everyone votes, or maybe get a fine. I bet the ladscape would change alot. Alot of people who don't vote don't because they see no representation. I bet the 2 party fake democracy would be Kaput.

People would vote out the people who passed that law then warn the next batch to repeal it or get voted out next time. Trust me on this, nothing will **** off voters quicker than making the responsibility mandatory. The voting out would continue until both parties ran out of candidates or did as they were told.

For the record... I've tested out at 160 I.Q. and I vote. Regularly:p .


13-Jul-2006, 03:46 AM
Heh, Marie, got you beat by 20 points! :p

I agree with the idea that the people would be voted out; that's why this would never even be atempted--unless I ever ran for president. Then watch out! Gonna be a lot of changes happening... :mad:

13-Jul-2006, 11:15 AM
Perhaps they could just make voting less appealing to the sort of folk who think eating Drive Thru is fine dining? Problem solved. :D

I've no idea what my IQ is, so I can't boast smart numbers ... but I'm certainly no dumb-dumb ... just a product of British education...:rockbrow:...oh dear. :lol:

13-Jul-2006, 12:00 PM
Heh, Marie, got you beat by 20 points! :p

Depends on the test, but I've gotten numbers that vary as much as thirty points or so.

We BOTH beat the average poll worker. Easily.


13-Jul-2006, 02:31 PM
You smarty pants you!

When It comes to a test I just thought of a problem. Instead of strait foward question, they could be loaded to elimate people based on ideology

. Heres an example from My experience.
In college I took a class called "The Psychology of Mind Control". I thought it would be about Brain washing, propaganda etc. Sounded good. It was more about advertising. Turned out the Teacher was a Evangelical Christian and had an axe to grind.
In a test there was this question;
" Is God an abstract or a concrete concept",
I thought it odd, but answered abstract, because like Love, it is intangable.
I got it wrong. When I questioned this score, he got really mad and wouldn't discuss it. It was a hidden litmus test to determine your faith. My argument was , not only is faith irrellevent in this subject context, but one could have faith and still think it's abstract. (and I'm an athiest, so I was really ****ed at this discrimination)

Suddenly I started getting Ds and Fs on every test and paper. Now, I got a free ride to school based on my essays and English skill (another smarty pants:barf: ). I never got less than a B in my life on an essay, usually an A. I shouldv'e reported his ass. But I was young. Got a D-. Arrrg. Non tranferable credit and screwed my average. Ended up with a 3.8. Wouldv'e been a 3.9 or even a 4 without that. Ugh:barf:

13-Jul-2006, 09:09 PM
No, they shouldn't be required. People are given the right to vote in the constitution. Although I agree that there are things that all Americans should know, knowledge is not a requirement to be a voting American.