View Full Version : Santa Tracker

Mr. Clean
24-Dec-2012, 12:13 PM

Just thought I would share this with others with children. It's pretty neat!

Merry Christmas

24-Dec-2012, 07:34 PM
We monitor the jolly old elf's progress on that site every year. Merry Christmas to all!

Mr. Clean
25-Dec-2012, 10:49 PM
Just curious but what did everyone's kids ask for and how old are they?

My 4 year old asked for Bruticus. Which is a huge transformer made up of 5 other transformers. My 2 year old daughter is still a little small but was still pretty excited and happy with what we got her which was movies and princess stuff. She didn't quite care for her fairy wings til I put them on and wore them around the house for about an hour. Then, I almost took out the trash in them and realised that I might look a little funky carrying out the trash with Tinker Bell Wings on my back. :p :lol:

26-Dec-2012, 01:50 AM
Got a 7-year-old boy. He mostly asked for Lego Ninjago stuff. He got a bunch of that plus a quiver and some arrows for archery, some books and clothes, and an iPod.

26-Dec-2012, 06:49 AM
This is something amazing as a Christmas gift :D
Merry Christmas