View Full Version : DayZ standalone (video game)

27-Dec-2012, 11:29 AM
Coming out 2013 - Should be interesting!



I nearly got the mod, but I'm waiting for the standalone version now!

16-Jan-2013, 08:57 PM
Delayed for groundbreaking changes...


19-Jan-2013, 09:13 AM
Is this going to be multiplayer only?

Rancid Carcass
05-Feb-2013, 11:23 AM
Video Dev Blog - new clothing system, loot spawns and areas. It's all sounding rather tasty:


Also, mod patch with some interesting new additions:



05-Feb-2013, 12:16 PM
^^ Does look pretty!

15-Jun-2013, 08:25 PM
PC & PS4, but not XBoxOne?

Open-world survival horror game DayZ will be coming to the PlayStation 4 as well as PC, but might not grace the Xbox One.

“We’re happy to see DayZ on any console but there is a… I guess one problem,” Creator Dean Hall told Edge Online. “The console needs to not charge for us to do updates and it needs to be indie title friendly.”

The cost to update games on consoles has been notoriously expensive—especially on Xbox consoles. According to Hall, Sony is no longer charging for these updates, while Microsoft is.

“As far as I’m aware, Microsoft is, Sony’s not,” Hall said. “And Sony allows you to self-publish. But who knows? Maybe Microsoft will change. From our perspective, we need self-publishing because DayZ would be a great digital download title.”

So another reason to go PS4 and not XBoxOne

16-Jun-2013, 08:31 PM
thats not an xbox one thing unfortunately its a microsoft thing, its why so many indie devs like jonathan blow and phil "biggest douche in the universe" fish tried xbla once and got burnt because microsoft actually charges THEM for bug fixes. I would bet good money thats why the ps4 could even have a indie devs portion of their e3 conference because its the more viable platform of the two for these beginning devs.

23-Aug-2013, 09:19 PM
Delayed due to network coding issues - http://www.cinemablend.com/games/DayZ-Standalone-Delayed-Due-Server-Infrastructure-Problems-58518.html

The awkward thing is the only thing we're waiting on is the core network architecture. That's the kind of thing only a few people can work on. It's very specialized," .... "It's like, you can't throw more pilots at a plane. You put a thousand pilots in a plane it's not going to fly any faster."

19-Dec-2013, 03:51 PM
Although only on alpha release, it sold two copies a second during the first 24 hours... 172,500 copies! - http://www.cinemablend.com/games/DayZ-Sells-172-500-Copies-24-Hours-61125.html

Review of alpha - http://www.gamerheadlines.com/dayz-standalone-review/

In its current state, I really can’t recommend the game for anyone new to the DayZ universe. It’s buggy, difficult and often frustrating.

09-Nov-2014, 10:04 PM
Got this on Friday and have been having a decent amount of fun with it.

It's got a lot of bugs though, but it's still Alpha. But, it seems that a lot of bugs have been ironed out too.

It's great that it's in Russia. I haven't a clue where it is I'm going, but once you get a map and a compass, it's possible to figure out where you are. The map is huge too. A lot of the areas are pretty lonely though, which is quite atmospheric and some of the towns can be murderous, with both zombies and wankers.

Most players seem to be friendly, but I did witness some poor git being chased by a few bandits. They sounded eastern european over the mic and your man was screaming to be left alone..."what do you want???? I have nothing!!!".

Feckin gas.

I walked away. I wasn't tackling those creeps. Besides I had nowt on me.

Right now, I'm on my 3rd or 4th character and I'm pretty tooled up, with a good bit of food to keep me going. I'll hate it when he dies though.

The worst thing about the game though os the collision detection. It's DIFFICULT to down a zombie in a melee and server lag can be an issue too. All too often I thought I was dodging an attack, but then saw a hit register. I now only go on servers with a 30 ping or less and make sure I arm myself with one hit/one kill weapons like the firemans axe. I found a gun too, an old Winchester, which will stop anyone. But shooters are very hard to find and ammo even more so...which is great and a pain all at the same time.

I've spent a lot of time simply walking down roads from town to town avoiding attracting too much attention. The immersion can be great and very Walter Mitty(ish). The best thing I've seen yet was being chased by a human character with a machete. He obviously didn't see that I had a gun. I ran into a house and unshouldered the rifle and hid behind a door. Sure enough he came flying in and I said "Don't move". He stopped and put his hands up, then suddenly started at me again and I shot him and ran out the door. He didn't persue. Wise choice, cos he would have been finished. I reckon he had no first aid on him and was bleeding from the gunshot wound. Bleeding in this game is dangerous and can lead to passing out and death very quickly and when you're dead, you're dead. It's back to a blank character. So, he must have decided that I was best avoided.

That was tense in an absolutely brilliant way.

10-Nov-2014, 07:30 AM
So having to restart completely each time you die isn't too painful?

10-Nov-2014, 02:53 PM
It's painful enough. After you build up you possessions, especially weapons, you get precious and you tend to avoid risks. When you get killed, it really can be a bitter moment, especially when your char has been around for a while. Stuff is scarce (depending on server), so you horde and use sparingly. Every fresh apple becomes a succulent meal and every bullet is used with great care.

At the moment I will be super pissed off if my lad gets whacked. He nearly did last night. I stupidly tried to take on three zombies and got cut to pieces, so I ran and ran (luckily I avoided an infection, there's a small percentage chance of becoming infected and that = dead). Bit of a '28 Days Later' moment as the zombies are all runners. I was seriously buggered and had no first aid or stitches, so blood was literally spurting out of me. Luckily I, eventually, found a sewing kit and stitched myself up and ate some grub and had a coke.

Then I went into a house, sat on my ass and switched off the game for a bit.

If I had died, all my gear would have been gone and it's back to jeans, tee shirt and a torch, which means you won't be taking on any zombies and are really vulnerable to bandits.

Personally, I think if you are killed, you should be kicked from servers for an hour or so. That will really spice things up a lot.

10-Nov-2014, 06:22 PM
Must be frustrating a lone sniper or group of folks can "troll you" so easily?

10-Nov-2014, 07:33 PM
Well, you could say that.

Just got off'd by a few dicks while running away from 4 or 5 zombies. Took one of the feckers with me.

Frustrating, but great at the same time?

Rancid Carcass
11-Nov-2014, 01:09 PM
Personally, I think if you are killed, you should be kicked from servers for an hour or so. That will really spice things up a lot.

The WarZ (or whatever it's called now), does this apparently, boots you for four hours or something. It's not very popular by all accounts. Log in, get sniped five minutes later, super-epic long wait to get back in. Fun times! :p

Not played DayZ since it's mod days, started to feel like a regular pvp game with a few zombies thrown in for good measure to me. Not the game's fault, but most people I encountered would just murder you on sight, that desperate sense of surviving the apocalypse, forming random alliances to overcome formidable odds, or dealing with rogue elements has gotten lost.

11-Nov-2014, 03:45 PM
You see though, I'd eliminate the sniping weapons, cos they're a pain in the arse generally. If you can hit a target from a large distance using iron sights, then far balls to ya! I'll happilly take the waiting time.

One thing I cannot stand in online gaming is wankers that just go around all guns blazing and not giving a tinkers cuss if they get killed themselves. It can be ok sometimes like on BF2, but in other games it's a load bollocks.

12-Nov-2014, 06:41 AM
Had the zombies not been runners, I might have given it a go.

12-Nov-2014, 02:22 PM
TBH Neddy,

If they were shamblers, it would have made the game far too easy in its current form.

However, personally, I'd then them as such, but with far more numbers, which would lead to playing issues for a lot of people I'd imagine.