View Full Version : Happy Frakin New Year!

01-Jan-2013, 11:30 AM
So spoken by a rather grumpy dude this first morning of 2013 - disappointingly sober and shagged out from workin last night ( and today as well. )

While I enter the New Year, kind of annoyed at it all, still I wish you all well for the 13th year of this new millenium. Get drunk, get laid, get off in whatever way will get you through it with an occasional grin at the absurdity of it all.

Spurn the resolutions which we'll happily toss aside a few months down the road, but stage a revolution of self instead. Think of what that great philosopher of my generation, Lucy Van Pelt once said: "This is the world you live in. And as far as you know, there's no other worlds but this one? Then start Living in it. "

Shake the pillars of heaven, gang, but leave the weapons at home - at least until we see what's what.

Wayne Z
"I believed in causes too, I had my pointless Point of View, but Life went on no matter who was wrong or right. "

Billy Joel, Angry Young Man.

Mr. Clean
01-Jan-2013, 02:49 PM
I actually have quite a few goals for 2013.

1. Dive Certification - I plan on getting dive certified and pulling sunken boats and such out of fresh water. Start out as a hobby then turn into a business in a few years.

2. Buy Bow + equipment - I plan on giving hunting on public lands a try this year and killing a few wild animals to save a little money on a grocery bill plus enjoy the hunt.

3. Build Storage Building - The house I bought last year has literally no room for storage. When we bought it, I took plywood and made it possible to store small stuff up in the attic and now my garage is filling up so I want to build a shed in the backyard.

01-Jan-2013, 03:39 PM
Happy New Year fine folks of HPOTD.

For the last few years I've headed off to relatively sedate house party gatherings, but this year I went for a pub crawl with the lads and had a bloody good laugh. Although good lord, there were so many young, fresh faces out and about ... a decade ago I was one of them ... although I still got carded for ID when buying some booze a few months ago, so I can't be doing too badly, haha! Mind you, I swear one guy was closer to 9 than 18 years old. He simply didn't look anywhere remotely close to being an adult ... and another observation from last night was there were numerous really tall girls strutting around (well over 6ft in their heels ... like ruddy Gandalf pottering about Bilbo's cottage :lol:), and a whole bunch of rather diminutive blokes (some of them circling 5ft). Something odd in the water, perhaps. :p

Anyway, after the clock ticked over, naturally some plonker tried to climb the town flag pole, but failed almost immediately, and - of course - some silly bugger got into a punch up with four coppers as he screamed his girlfriend's name. :lol:

Then I hoofed it home in the pitch dark, listened to some Alice Cooper, and got some much-needed kip ... although I've still been yawning all day. A Roast Beef dinner should sort that out though, oh yes ... my mouth's watering already.

Any New Year's resolutions? Why bother, I just go by the rather vague, general and all-encompassing goal of "do better at stuff than I did last year". :D


Mr Clean - sounds like you've got some cool goals for 2013 with the diving and bow hunting. :)

01-Jan-2013, 04:22 PM
2. Buy Bow + equipment - I plan on giving hunting on public lands a try this year and killing a few wild animals to save a little money on a grocery bill plus enjoy the hunt.

Hey, same here. Though for target shooting, not hunting. No one in my family hunted when I was growing up, so I have no one to learn from. Got my son a cheap youth bow set in November, so I'm looking to get him a better one sometime this year, plus one for me. I'm looking at traditional bows -- longbows or recurve -- rather than compound.

01-Jan-2013, 06:53 PM
i drank quite a bit the night before new year's eve, so last night i didn't even bother with the boozing. i did what i've done the last five years or so, which was play poker with some friends and family and eat mad amounts of chips n salsa, cheese balls n ritz crackers, and various fingers foods.

not making any resolutions for 2013, i really don't bother with those sort of things.

going to spend the evening with my family eating birthday cake (two this year, one red velvet and one chocolate) and perhaps then i'll have a glass or two of wine.

happy 2013 everybody! only 39 days till new episodes of the walking dead start!

01-Jan-2013, 08:07 PM
I was a designated driver for a bunch of stupid idiot heads.
Either way, I'm cool with not drinking last night. Let everyone else have the hangover from hell. I was happy burning a pre midnight spliff and playing pool for a couple of hours.
(Them, not you guys.:sneaky:)

Mr. Clean
02-Jan-2013, 03:23 AM
Hey, same here. Though for target shooting, not hunting. No one in my family hunted when I was growing up, so I have no one to learn from. Got my son a cheap youth bow set in November, so I'm looking to get him a better one sometime this year, plus one for me. I'm looking at traditional bows -- longbows or recurve -- rather than compound.

That's sorta where I'm leaning towards at the moment. I gotta do some more research on it though before I commit.

03-Jan-2013, 07:20 PM
I was happy burning a pre midnight spliff and playing pool for a couple of hours.

Exactly what I did. No drinkin', just some smokin' with friends and a mellow new years eve. Doesn't get any better than that. :thumbsup:

As far as new years resolutions? Not my thing. Actually, I did make one resolution: not to make any new year's resolutions! :lol:

Hope everyone has a great 2013, despite the rocky road ahead for all of us this year in general. ;)