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16-Jan-2013, 04:30 PM
I've never rocked a mullet, but I know we have some people a little older than me who came of age in the 70s, and a few members younger than me that grew up in an age where personal grooming didn't matter and some members from the South, so I figured I'd post this as a community resource. A safe place where you can admit, if to no one but yourself, your...situation.

Mr. Clean
16-Jan-2013, 06:27 PM
My brother graduated HS in 93' and rocked the mullet. He refuses to admit that it was a mullet but it was and I get his sons to call him out on it all the time. FUN to watch him get mad over a hairdo. :lol:

16-Jan-2013, 06:41 PM
Mullets are for wussies! If you're going to have long hair as a dude, COMMIT, dammit! :lol:

I've had my hair all one length (currently about 1/2 way down my back) since 9th grade. No mullet here. :D

16-Jan-2013, 06:58 PM
I have never owned a mullet, but I must admit to having long hair (currently just a couple inches above the middle of my back, formerly arse-length), which I mostly tie back in a pony tail. I'm coming around to thinking that a pony tail is only a few steps down from mullet on the sketchy burnout-ometer, but my hair is almost Chinese-level straight so it moves around very freely and gets in my face/blocks my vision whenever I wear it untied. I'd get it cut shorter, maybe Sawyer-from-Lost length, but I know what barbers think of guys with long hair, and I'm terrified they'll cut it into a girlie bob or something just out of spite, if I go in and ask them to lop some off. :p

16-Jan-2013, 07:04 PM
kraken - that's pretty much me, too. My hair is straight with zero body whatsoever and zero curls. Just straight, so I keep mine in a pony tail too. When I need mine cut, I just go wash my hair and walk out of the bathroom with scissors in hand and hand them to my wife. She'll do a quick cut straight across the back and I'm ready to go.

My 'burnout-meter' is always pegged to the max. :lol: :D

16-Jan-2013, 07:14 PM
kraken - that's pretty much me, too. My hair is straight with zero body whatsoever and zero curls. Just straight, so I keep mine in a pony tail too. When I need mine cut, I just go wash my hair and walk out of the bathroom with scissors in hand and hand them to my wife. She'll do a quick cut straight across the back and I'm ready to go.

My 'burnout-meter' is always pegged to the max. :lol: :D


How I like to think having long hair makes me look:

How I actually look with long hair:


16-Jan-2013, 09:17 PM
Mullets are for wussies! If you're going to have long hair as a dude, COMMIT, dammit! :lol:

I've had my hair all one length (currently about 1/2 way down my back) since 9th grade. No mullet here. :D

Fuck yo' couch nigga. :fin:

I gues I sort of had one, back before there was such a thing...it was a long-ish flat top on top (a la Arnold in T-2, but I could spike it like Kieffer in Lost Boys as well), & long in back.

Now I'm bald as fuck on top, so I don't give a shit what I look like anymore. :lol:

17-Jan-2013, 12:28 AM
Not sure, people have told me a few of my teenage do's were teetering on mulletness, but I'd disagree, I was more the Billy Idol spiky hair kind of guy. I don't think I ever truly rawked the mullet.
But, then again, does anyone really rawk the mullet, or does the mullet rawk them?!?
Also, used to have hair down to my ass through my twenties, but now it just makes my beginning bald spot look worse, so I keep it short. Don't want to hasten that schnizz.

This is what happens to mulleteers. Always on the way down...

17-Jan-2013, 01:19 AM
How I like to think having long hair makes me look:

I don't know, Kraken, you look kind of dreamy...you just need a personal assistant out in front of you everywhere you go with a fan to blow those flowing locks all about.

And Lou...I would never have guessed you had long hair. I don't mean that In a bad or a good way, I just never would have guessed it. Kind of like how I assumed Bassman was a big time hobby fisherman based on his screen name, turns out he likes bass guitars :)

- - - Updated - - -

But, then again, does anyone really rawk the mullet, or does the mullet rawk them?!?

This is what happens to mulleteers. Always on the way down...

17-Jan-2013, 07:57 AM
Had hair down to my arse when I was younger and obsessed with metal/hardcore blah blah. But never a mullet. I had a sort of bob, though, after that. But...erm...that's best consigned to the memory bin. Now, it's just cropped tight.

However, there was this guy I knew at school that had a serious mullet for years! It was like a flattop at the front and straight down at the back. Everyone thought it was weird.

I wonder how the haircut got its name though. Isn't a mullet a fish?

17-Jan-2013, 12:21 PM
And Lou...I would never have guessed you had long hair. I don't mean that In a bad or a good way, I just never would have guessed it. Kind of like how I assumed Bassman was a big time hobby fisherman based on his screen name, turns out he likes bass guitars



17-Jan-2013, 01:25 PM

Not everything I type has a layered meaning or is meant as some sort of frivolous joke. Only about 90%. :)

17-Jan-2013, 02:10 PM
Not everything I type has a layered meaning or is meant as some sort of frivolous joke. Only about 90%. :)

That's why I had to ask. :lol:

Waaaait a second, if you were surprised I had long hair, I'm assuming you haven't seen Deadlands: The Rising yet, have you? And if you did, you didn't realize the long-haired hippie in the flick was me, eh? Shame on you, Aces. For shame! :lol: :p

Yeah, i've had long hair since 9th grade. Was a metal dude in the 80's and continue to be today...


17-Jan-2013, 09:59 PM
Not everything I type has a layered meaning or is meant as some sort of frivolous joke. Only about 90%. :)

Just like Freud said,


:lol: :nana: