View Full Version : Funny how you can get attached to things.

17-Jan-2013, 03:24 PM
I'm making my first post on this site with my new computer. my dearly loved Mac has finally given up the ghost after 7 years of hard labor. I guess using it as a tv for years on end and playing endless rounds of Rome: Total War finally took its toll on the screen. I held off getting a new one until the bitter frickin' end. it is rather sad in a way even though it is just a machine. I probably should've bought a new one about a year ago but just could bring myself to put the other one down. 7 years is like 125 in computer terms, I know. if this one is half as good as my old one, then i'll be a very happy camper. RIP Haakon the Mac.

17-Jan-2013, 06:15 PM
Hope you didn't lose too much data!

17-Jan-2013, 07:46 PM
Sorry for your loss. Maybe you can find a support group, or start one...

17-Jan-2013, 08:14 PM
Was the old one a G5?

18-Jan-2013, 06:51 PM
Hope you didn't lose too much data!

I didn't lose any data. it was the video card in the computer that was obviously on the point of bowing out. so, rather than spend the money to fix a 7 year old computer, I did the sensible thing and bought a newer one. the cpu in the other one is working fine. I just linked them together so they could talk to one another and transferred all of my stuff that wasn't already saved to data DVDs and flash drives.