View Full Version : How we bearing up today, Britain?

18-Jan-2013, 10:54 AM

It's only a bit of snow but we always seem to go to shit in these conditions.

Already had to shovel the front yard because it's on a slight slope. Don't want any curry deliverymen slipping over and breaking their necks. I've noticed quite a lot of police patrolling the neighbourhood too. But yeah, falling quite heavy now. A lot of people will have trouble coming home from work tonight.

18-Jan-2013, 11:25 AM
The snow is just beginning to ease off now, kind of a cake dusting amount of snow is coming down, but we've had several inches over night ... ooo-err missus ... so we're just hunkering down indoors all day today, hehe. I'm kind of surprised there's so many major roads closed - we knew full well this snow was coming, and yet the gritting hasn't come together all that properly ... hmmm.

Anyway, it looks rather nice outside so I'll just be window-gazing by the cosy radiator. :D

18-Jan-2013, 11:28 AM
Snowed in... Live at the top of a hill, so going down hill in the snow = bad!

18-Jan-2013, 11:51 AM
We've had a good load here in sunny gloucester.

Just been helping the ankle biter build a Znowman :D
Shame we dont get green snow!

Most places are shut, though it doesn;t seem as bad as it was about new year 3-4 years ago, when everything was open.
Just seems like everywheres gone into panic shutdown.

HAGO, Rich

Still, just enjoy while it lasts.

Anyone remember the snow storms of the late 70's ..... the sound of big slabs of snow sliding off the roof while i was tucked up in bed still stick with me now ...SPLAT!

18-Jan-2013, 02:22 PM
I've just traveled to Glasgow to Edinburgh, and I'm now on my way back, and I'm surprised to say that Scotland's central belt is almost totally snow- and ice-free. In fact, I'm looking out on glorious clear skies and soft golden-hour sunlight right the noo! Amazingly, there's even some warmth in the sun (although it's bloody nippy in the shade). Looks like a springtide eve!

My missus's mum was traveling down to Berwickshire, about forty miles south of Edinburgh, and apparently they're having a blizzard and the A1 is closed off apart from a single lane in places. What a difference forty miles can make, eh?

18-Jan-2013, 02:31 PM

Get on your Tauntauns and ride!!!
And keep your eyes peeled for Wampas.

I live in Arkansas, but am from Missouri. They get snow here, but it's nothing compared to what I grew up with. It's also dangerous as heck because there are a butt ton of people who have never seen snow until they get here, like Mexicans, Marshallese, and Laotians.
My favorite thing is when they all go outside and take thousands of pictures of their powdery funjinx. Wish it was like that for me. All I can think about is whether or not it's going to hinder me getting off at a decent time from work...
So far it has only snowed here once this year, and that was in October. It was thankfully gone by the next day. You guys can have it.

18-Jan-2013, 02:33 PM
Perhaps I speaketh too soon. Arriving in Glasgow now, and there's an immense cliff of roiling blue-white cloud looming on the southern horizon...

18-Jan-2013, 02:44 PM
Snowed in... Live at the top of a hill, so going down hill in the snow = bad!
Same here. Well, not quite. Opened the front door a minute ago and there were a fair few inches piled up at the door. :(

But yeah, hate this weather. My body doesn't react well to it at all.

18-Jan-2013, 06:57 PM

It's only a bit of snow but we always seem to go to shit in these conditions.

Already had to shovel the front yard because it's on a slight slope. Don't want any curry deliverymen slipping over and breaking their necks. I've noticed quite a lot of police patrolling the neighbourhood too. But yeah, falling quite heavy now. A lot of people will have trouble coming home from work tonight.

are the snow speeders acclimated to the conditions yet?

18-Jan-2013, 09:26 PM
are the snow speeders acclimated to the conditions yet?
Yes, the curry speeder made it to its destination without any "imperial entanglements." ;)

20-Jan-2013, 09:15 AM
Still coming down here in good old camden town. Think I might take the camera out and see what i can see

20-Jan-2013, 10:42 AM
There's another light sprinkling of snow dust coming down outside my window now. There's been a little bit of a thaw, but the bulk of the snow is still here. I'd say we had a good 6 or 7 inches of the white stuff.

20-Jan-2013, 10:56 AM
I'd say we had a good 6 or 7 inches of the white stuff.

Wrong kind of snow lol

20-Jan-2013, 11:48 AM
Wrong kind of snow lol

You're telling me!



20-Jan-2013, 12:08 PM
I am just going outside and may be some time

20-Jan-2013, 04:22 PM
I am just going outside and may be some time

Building a massive snow cock in the garden? Gotcha.



20-Jan-2013, 06:28 PM
I am just going outside and may be some time

a Lawrence Oates quote? I know it is snowing but it can hardly be that bad.:D

22-Jan-2013, 06:25 PM
I just had a look outside and after a couple of days of melting (some patches entirely clear, while untouched patches still have a few inches on them) and it's snowing again - and sticking - slightly irked by that as I spent twenty minutes clearing seven inches of snow off my car the other day. :rolleyes::p:lol:

Also, as an aside, a few days ago I noticed a Mercedes heading out onto the main road with six or seven inches of snow on the roof, the boot (trunk), and - most importantly - the entire rear window ... in other words, brandishing a bold amount of laziness, stupidity, and disregard for motoring law and common decency to other drivers. Sometimes I do wonder how certain people manage to navigate through life without falling into a vast chasm of their own idiocy. :rolleyes: