View Full Version : Soundtrack of the Dead

08-Feb-2013, 08:12 PM
Incase you missed the news announcement - All you Day of the Dead fans need to check out this glorious audio homage to Day of the Dead.

Just have this playing in the background while you browse :)



13-Feb-2013, 09:33 AM
No comments? Wow!

I found this soundtrack a real grower!

23-Feb-2013, 04:34 PM
I enjoyed this as well. Great stuff. Glad to see other musicians working on atmospheric zombie symphonies, gets big props from me as I can totally relate. Don't get me wrong, this came out wayyy before I started my whole zombie concept album thing, but I only just found out about it through HPOTD about it, so many thanks for sharing, Neil. Good to see some music getting represented on HPOTD